Chapter 14

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Daphne turned to Violet with tears in her eyes. Her heart was sunken. With everything in her she refused to marry Nigel Berbrooke, but even that strength was beginning to dwindle.

"Mama..." Her voice cracked slightly as she spoke. Violet shook her head with a firm look however, "You need not worry, dearest."

Delilah's eyes turned back to the door where Anthony stormed out. She put an arm around Daphne's shoulder and pulled her closer. "Once Lord Berbrooke witnesses the seriousness of the duke's intention, he will have no choice but to retreat." Delilah spoke, still looking at the door.

"Lord Berbrooke may not respect a woman's choice, but he will certainly respect a man." Delilah finished finally breaking contact with the door. Violet nodded her head in Delilah's direction.

Daphne looked over to her best friend, "Well, and if the duke is not...serious, I shall have others." She said with a tint of a smile. Violet chuckled softly at her daughter, "Daphne, I saw the way the two of you looked at each other last night. And this morning.". Violet walked over to the two girls, Delilah released her arm from around Daphne.

"There are no others. There is only the duke." Violet said.


Anthony storms into a building that looks either not fully complete, or has been abandoned for a while. A boxing ring sits in the middle, Simon stands in it going against another opponent. He's sweaty, his shirt removed, and is in a fighters stance.

"Might I have a word?" He asks, fully walking in. Simon pants and turns to Anthony, "Have as many as you like, Bridgerton.". Anthony glares at him for a moment, neither man moves. Anthony sighs in exasperation.

"You'll come down here, or must I come up there?" He begins, "My fists have taken enough pounding from your chin today, your Dukeship." Anthony finishes. Simon chuckles from his place in the ring.

Anthony stripes down to just his shirt and trousers. He walks up into the ring. Both men come into a fighting stance, Anthony swings first. His fist comes towards Simon, but he dodges getting a hit on Anthony. He groans, swinging his fist once more and landing a hit on Simon as well, he also groans.

"Well?" Simon begins dodging another punch, "What seems to be so urgent?" He asks. He swings towards Anthony who moves out of the way. The two men switch positions, still facing each other.

"I'd like to know-", Anthony swings once, "what was going through-," Anthony swings twice, "your head." He takes a step back breathing heavily. "Last night and this morning." He clarifies.

Simon takes this time to swing his own fist towards Anthony. "You are going to have to be more precise." Simon grunts, taking a hit from Anthony, "A great deal goes on in a mind as quick as mine." He finishes.

"Are you courting my sister?" Anthony asks, stepping back slightly. His eyes pin-pointing Simon. "Should I not be courting your sister?" He asks panting. Anthony locks eyes with him going to swing again, "No."

Simon makes a breathy laugh as he dodges Anthony. "And I can think of dozens of reasons why, starting with, 'She is my sister'," He swings a fist at Anthony. "And ending with, 'She is already engaged to be married," He dodges a punch but gets hit in the side. He turns back around and swings again hitting Anthony, "And then perhaps circling back to, 'She is my sister.'."

"And what about Delilah, rumor is you are supposedly courting her. I have as much right as you to be angry with you for courting her." Simon grunts as Anthony's fist connects to his side again. Rather harshly this time as well. The man that had previously been fighting with Simon lets out a laugh as he watches the fight.

"I was unaware of an engagement. Have the banns been read, then?" Simon asks. Anthony shakes his head, sweat dripping off flying to the side like a rag doll being thrown. "I assure you all the formal preparations are underway." Anthony pants.

"I arranged everything with Nigel Berbrooke, having given him my word." Anthony grunts as Simon blows a hard punch on him. "So you have struck something squarely." Simon says.

"Your problem is that Berbrooke is an unworthy suitor for Miss Bridgerton. But that's like saying you're an unworthy suitor for Miss. Silvester." Simon groans as Anthony's fist hits Simon harshly again. Anthony grunts.

"He is perfectly decent. And Delilah is very happy with me, as I am with her." Anthony says as he stands up straight, stopping the fight.

"He is never seen going in and out of brothels, at least. I even know where he's been the past few years, right here in London. As opposed to some gambling hell, or backwater slum, or wherever it is you chose to fuck about for God knows whatever reason why." Anthony looks up at Simon,

"Nigel Berbrooke is hardly a saint. You are and have long been a good friend. The best, really. But this is my sister. Think of all that we have shared as friends. It is furthest from my intentions to offend you, but surely you can understand that family must come before all else!"

Anthony finishes his rant and walks out of the ring. He gives one last glance to Simon before exiting the building completely.

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