Chapter 48

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The final ball of any season is distinguished by one of two things, anticipation or dread. For, while those who have been successful in the year's marriage market look forward to flaunting their perfect, joyous unions, others shudder at the thought of spending one last night before the discerning eyes of the ton.

As they know, indeed, just what the evening signifies, that their time is officially up.

And yet, to those who may still find themselves out of both choices and hope, fear not. For who knows when and where one's fortune might change?

Delilah sits with Anthony in the garden of Silvester estate. It was a beautiful garden, her mother had tended to it for years. Now, as she was sick however, the maids took to it. But Delilah gathered they liked the work because it was always the task they took the longest but quickest to do.

"I must send you off, dear. I should prepare for tonight's event. And you, well I believe there is a ball somewhere requiring your presence." Delilah mocked teasingly.

Anthony gave her a smirk. "Oh don't go fooling me. You know very well if my presence is required then I know you are not far behind."

He came around and settled in front of her leaning in to give her a kiss.

"The last ball of the season." Delilah mumbled, "Anthony what if the man still comes from y fathers letter because we are not married yet?" She whispered.

Anthony took her hands in his and his tone became stern, "Delilah listen to me. That man will do nothing. I love you, and because I love you I will not let him marry the girl I am planning to make viscountess. Do you hear me?"

"You're planning to make the viscountess?" Delilah mumbled with tears. It had been the first time they had discussed anything regarding marriage or the future of their courtship.

"Of course, I am courting you, am I not?" He asked.

"I love you, Anthony Bridgerton."

"And I love you, Delilah Silvester."


Delilah was sitting in the Silvester carriage alone, she looked over to the seat her mother would be sitting in. She felt a pit open in her stomach, her mother was not going to live much longer but Delilah was not prepared for that day.

She looked down at her dress. She had visited her mother before leaving and her mother had bestowed her with another one of her dresses. It was more special however, the dress that Delilah's mother had given to her tonight was a true silver dress. Made of silver studs and flowers and gemstones.

Delilah's hand reached up to her collarbone where her family heirloom sat, she was dressed fully like a Silvester. Her parents would be proud. She smiled. And when she looked out the window at the entrance to her best friends ball, it made everything more surreal.

Exiting her carriage she entered the ball with her head swishing from side to side to find her friend, and once she did she spotted Daphne smiling nervously at the guests around her.

Delilah made her way over.

"Delilah!" She heard Daphne greet. She smiled in return.

"You're nervous, I could tell from the entrance. Daphne, you must see this as rehearsal." She whispered, "Until you are officially out, you need not feel so strained tonight."

"As if I shall feel anything but the inability to breathe in this corset." Daphne mumbled.

Delilah chuckled, "Daphne for someone who hates ball gowns, you look exquisite in one."

"You do as well Delilah, but it does not change the fact that my ribs might as well burst from the confinement in which they rest." Daphne muttered.

Daphne gave her a smile before turning back to guests arriving. Daphne took her leave and spotted Eloise shuttered into a corner, this girl would never learn how to socialise.

"If you wish to go up to the library for the rest of the evening, I shall not say a word. Nor shall I blame you. Me, and Daphne, are merely glad you came." Delilah spoke coming up to Eloise.

"Delilah." Eloise breathed out upon seeing her, "I suppose I should thank you, and Daphne."

Delilah scoffed, "Whatever for?"

"For being so perfect, so I do not have to be." Eloise replied.

Delilah looked at her for a moment before drawing her into a hug. "Eloise you are perfect, do not compare yourself to Daphne or myself based upon our successes. You have your own story, do not tamper with it by comparison."

Eloise broke the hug and nodded at her. Her eyes drifted past her, "I suppose then the way my brother is looking at you is your exit from this conversation." Eloise chuckled slightly.

Delilah turned around and indeed Anthony was looking at her. Delilah smiled and made her way over.

"You look perfect." Anthony greeted closing the gap between the, "Absolutely perfect."

Delilah giggled, "Of course I do, and you look quite handsome."

Anthony smiled down at her, "Of course I do."

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