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Another day, more problems and more drama. If there was one thing that formed in Delilah's mind recently, it was the lack of weight on her ring finger.

Over the months she had come to realize that there was no one else she could imagine herself marrying besides Anthony. Last season it would have been impossible for her to ever grasp that dream, but fate was fate.

Today being her mother's birthday, she ventured out to the small grave where her father and mother rested next to each other in peaceful eternal bliss.

"Hello, mama. It has been a while. But, I would never forget to come to say happy birthday." Delilah smiled at the grave in front of her.

She could feel the wind swirl around her skirts. For once, and the first time in a while, Delilah was sporting her own dress and not one of her mother's. She only ever did it when visiting her mother, she wanted to be herself in front of her mother even if she wasn't physically there.

"Me and Anthony are perfect. Never a dull day with him, mama. He makes me so joyfully happy, you would have accepted him as your son just like father did." Delilah laughed.

She knelt down and littered flowers over the bed where the ground met the cool stone, "I would ask you how you and Father got engaged, but I suppose you wouldn't be able to tell me. I feel selfish, however - looking at everyone around me - everyone is getting engaged. I start wondering when it's my turn if it ever becomes my turn."

Delilah took a breath, "I want to marry him, mama. May the Lord above give me the blessing. Please, give me your blessing."

Then she heard soft steps coming behind her, and a warm body sit next to her. She leaned in on instinct to the smell of papers and scotch. Anthony Bridgerton, the love of her life, the one who completed her, the one who she desperately wanted to marry.

"I knew I find you here," Anthony whispered.

Delilah hummed softly, "You know me so well."

Anthony nodded with a smile. He was nervous, in simpler terms. He knew what he was going to do, what he had wanted to do for some time. However, there were always nerves. Lingering doubts in his mind prevented him from achieving what he truly came here for today.

"Is there something you need, darling?" Delilah asked.

Anthony nodded his head, it was now or never. He stood up and brung her up. Still, in front of her mother's grave under the pine tree in the farther reaches of the garden. They were the only two who knew how to get there directly.

"It seems yesterday, that I asked you to formerly court me. And, even though in untraditional circumstances, I don't regret any of it." Anthony began, "I have loved you more than I have ever loved anyone else and believe that there are some things worth holding onto."

Delilah took a breath, she didn't know where he was going with this.

"I wanted to hold on to these dear moments between us. Because, at the end of the day I know there is no one else I would rather come home to, no one else I would rather love, no one else I would rather welcome into my family for the latter half of my life," Anthony spoke.

Delilah felt tears spring in her eyes. Why was he doing this?

Anthony took a breath, "I do need help with something. I need help making a home. I need help raising children. I need help taking care of my family. I need help becoming a true man, a true enough man to come home to my wife. To love, cherish, and hold my wife."

Delilah felt her body shake as Anthony knelt down in front of her with a vintage leather box in an oval shape open to a beautiful Bridgerton blue ring with diamond increments on a silver band. Her hand came flying over her mouth.

"Delilah Mary Silvester, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Anthony asked.

"You are truly beautiful, Delilah," Anthony comments as they come together. "And you are quite extraordinary." She returns.

Anthony's eyes were focused on Delilah. She was shining just by herself under the reflection of the lights. The silver from her dress lightened up their box just slightly, creating a silver glow around her that made her look heavenly.

She leans in to kiss his cheek and exits the door. Anthony quickly breathes out and rushes back to the dining room. Both are breathing slightly faster.

"Delilah. You look absolutely beautiful." He said as he came face to face with her. Delilah's face flushed. "And you look handsome." She returned.

So what could he do in this situation? Possibly the most stupid, immature, rushed thing he could do. But it would have to work, it would have to follow through, or there was no other option. "Let me court you."

She had loved Anthony with everything for years, but this felt like falling all over again. Even if right now they were just courting.

Anthony walked close to her, his breath fanning her face, torso just barely pushed against her own. He brought his hand up to her cheek. "That I am courting you because I truly have feelings for you. Even if I don't quite know how to express them." He whispered.

"You seem to have an eye for this one." She turned around to face Anthony. He walked to her and placed an arm around her waist. "Yes, it is a beautiful piece." Anthony looked down at her, he smiled softly. "Yes. It is beautiful."

"Darling, you will be married soon as well," Anthony said, spinning Delilah in his arms. "I may not have proposed to you yet, but I am taking my time. Now that your deal is terminated and our love is truly real. I want to make the most of it."

"Promise me, Anthony Bridgerton. That you will be there when I need you. That I will be there when you need me, and that together we shall face our problems instead of alone." Delilah said. "Promise me."

"I promise," Anthony said.

Everything was flashing before Delilah's eyes. But, her heart knew the answer, she knew this was her fate. And with open arms, she welcomed it.

"Yes. Of course, I shall marry you, Anthony Bridgerton."

Her ring finger no longer felt too light. The weight that ghosted over her finger became real and suddenly Anthony and Delilah were no longer only courting, they were engaged.

Real love, harsh commitmentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant