Chapter 68

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"My apologies. I cannot do this." Williamson's voice stole Delilah away from her daydream.

Back into reality. Away from Anthony, he wasn't there. There was no proposal, Delilah wasn't getting married anytime soon and it mildly disappointed her. Her hand felt around the ring finger on her hand, no silver band.

But, Williamson drew her attention again, "I cannot claim these words as my own. They are someone else entirely. Truth be told, I'm not-" He took a breath to steady himself, "I'm not a man of poetry."

Delilah's eyes flickered over to Edwina who had sat up in interest. What was Williamson doing?

"Words of flattery are beautiful and sweet, but they are also hollow unless accompanied by action. Miss Edwina, I could stand here and pretend to be someone I am not. I could pretend to want the very same things you do, but I'd be lying." Williamson spoke.

Delilah stood straighter, she looked over to Kate. She kept her mouth quiet, but he should be saying these things to Kate. She felt like even though Williamson's eyes were on Edwina, he meant them for Kate. Delilah hoped at least that was the situation.

"I may not be able to...offer the display of passion that you truly deserve. But I assure you that when it comes to action and duty I shall never be found lacking. And I hope that is what will speak louder than any pretty words can."

Kate looked so jealous in Delilah's eyes, but her next words shocked her more than anything.

"Did you hear that, Bon? He cannot give you the love you deserve." Kate spoke out.

Delilah marched over taking Williamson by the elbow, "Does that make him a bad man or an honest one, Kate?"

Kate looked at her with a stern glare, but Delilah didn't care. She knew what Williamson said was true and from the heart, and no matter how Kate rejected it. She cared.

Delilah stood straighter, "It is the mark of a true gentleman, just as my mother used to say."

Kate let her head drop, and Delilah walked off into the room with Williamson before she let him go to parade around the sweets table while he talked to the ladies around the room.


Delilah looked up. Kate stood there with a look between pride and guilt.

Delilah nodded her head, "Lord Aevery certainly seems to have nettled you, yes Kate?"

"He can be exasperating." Kate reasoned, "He is incorrigible. He is not for my sister. I shall make sure she sees it, one way or another."

Delilah shook her head, "Kate, some advice. If you like Williamson you would do best to reveal that before he is too far down with your sister. You know he will chase and chase and chase. You can't continue to let yourself come after your sister."

"I'm aware I made a fool of myself, Delilah." Kate scoffed, "I do not need to hear it from you. In fact, I do not need to hear it from anyone. I do not care what a single person here thinks of me. Once Edwina is married, I shall return home alone, only too glad to never set foot in this city again."

Delilah shook her head as she took a baked pastry off the table. Kate would continue to deny it and insult and drive herself away until she found herself in the moment of depression.

"I, for one, find it terribly disheartening but also an offense against the truth, to hear you say you wish to be alone. At a mere six and twenty?" Delilah asked.

Kate stood tall, although Delilah could see her eyes crumbling with tears, "I will be content knowing my sister is taken care of."

"Content?" Delilah asked.

"I watch you and your viscount, Delilah. You are more than content yourself. So why can't I be?" Kate spat.

Delilah scoffed a laugh. She finished her pastry with two bites and then turned to Kate with a glare, "You think I am content. I began courting at the beginning of last year, my mother passed away and I am still yet to be married. But I am content, because I have lived a life. I am a friend, I am loved, I love, I have lost, I have just about earned the right to be content."


"Don't bother, Kate. I'll see you very soon."

There are two things that lurk within the shadowy places of our fair city. Vermin and secrets. I shall leave it to you, dear reader, as to which does the most harm.

One has to wonder what secrets the season's diamond is holding near and dear to her heart. And who shall she choose to share them with? Lord Aevery, perhaps?

At least the elder Sharma's opinion on such a matter is certainly no secret at all. Neither it seems is Miss Delilah Silvester, as she stands up for her ward against the outlast from Miss Kate Sharma.

To be fair, one might call this author the biggest secret-sharer of all. For who else could possibly keep all of you honest?

When even the most well-kept secrets must eventually come to light.

"Mother." Anthony walked into the dining room.

Violet looked up at her oldest son, "Yes, dear?"

"Do you have your ring?" He asked.

Violet smiled brightly, "Why yes, I was able to get it. Have you thought about proposal?"

"Of course I have, I was always going to marry Delilah." Anthony nodded.

He took the ring and inspected it. The beautiful silver band would look beautiful on Delilah and complement her silvery eyes. The blue on it would symbolize her commitment to Anthony as a new-found Bridgerton.

He stared at it and thought about the future, Delilah and his future. Children running in the halls, sweet kisses in the morning, late talks when the moon shined into the bedroom window.

He smiled softly, Delilah was his home.

 "Anthony-" Violet whispered, "I'm happy for you, my son. You have truly found your place."

Anthony looked at his mother and nodded awkwardly, "Delilah - It was Delilah, it always has been Delilah."

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