Chapter 60

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Formed under pressure, desired by many, yet possessed only by a fortunate few, there is nothing on earth quite so envied as a diamond.

Might our queen finally extinguish the fevered speculation and bestow the highest of honors to a most fortunate young lady tonight? With so many futures at risk, I do suspect this author is not the only one waiting with bated breath.

With the coming of a new season, meant the beginnings of new balls. With the coming of new balls, meant the tedious hours of getting dressed. With getting dressed, came the tedious hours of dancing.

All of which Delilah positively blossomed in.

 Tonight she was wearing a silver gown, customary to her family's colors. And adorning silver jewelry belonging to her mother.

This evening, Delilah knew the diamond of the season would be chosen, and she almost had to wonder if the queen would present a gilded feather. However, prospects of that happening were low.

Delilah glanced around the room from Anthony's arm. Many girls dressed and already doing as a woman does during these events, talk.

"I do wonder how you are able to talk for so long in one night." Anthony whispered.

Delilah laughed softly before looking around the room once more, "It is a habit we pick up from conversation with our mama's. Call it a gift."

Anthony smiled and placed a kiss to the side of her head, "How true my dear, a gift one day our daughter shall receive."

Delilah smiled brighter at that comment and felt her cheeks dust red. She always got so giddy when Anthony talked about they're future, especially considering Anthony hadn't yet proposed to her.

On the other side of the room, Williamson was having less luck in the prospect of marriage. And, when he heard a groan beside him, he had his first introduction to the Bridgerton women.

 "Anyone here you've rejected?" Eloise asked Williamson.

"Pardon me?"

"Rejected." Eloise repeated, "Turned down, shunned away, broke all hope of a dance. You are Lord Averey, are you not?"

Williamson looked at Eloise with confusion, "Yes, and you are?"

Eloise took in a breath before having a look of realization, "Oh, my manners, yes. I am Eloise Bridgerton, you are being hosted at my future sister-in-law's residence, Delilah."

Williamson nodded his head now realizing who the younger girl standing in front of him was, "Oh, Bridgerton, your eldest brother is the Viscount."

Eloise nodded, "Yes. Now, have you rejected anyone?"

Williamson smiled slightly, "Well you're the Bridgerton. Do you see anyone remotely interesting? We shall have our diamond tonight, and I shall have my wife."

"Lady Bridgerton. Lord Averey."

Williamson turned his head. His eyes widened as he came face to face with the Queen. He bowed slightly showing his respects and after receiving a nod he calmed slightly preparing himself for conversation.

The Queen smiled briefly at him before turning her eyes to Eloise, who after he had gotten a chance to look at, realized she was just as panicked as he was.

"Such a shame your presentation at court was so rudely interrupted." The Queen began looking at Eloise.

She nodded nervously, beginning to twiddle around with her thumbs, "Shame, indeed."

The Queen hummed, "I nearly forgot you were making your debut this season. After your eldest sister's triumph and you're soon to be sister-in-law's, perhaps good fortune will run in the family."

Eloise laughed nervously at the queen's comment. She paused in silence, how did you hold a conversation with a queen?

"A lovely ball, Your Majesty." Williamson interjected.

The Queen gave him a nod, "Thank you, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have word you are the desired male for this season."

Williamson smiled, "Well, as soon as the diamond is announced I shall make my advances."

Eloise chuckled, "Oh, yes, this ball, very diamond-y."

The Queen gave a laugh and then very quickly turned with a stoic expression watching Eloise closely. Eloise shook slightly, and even Williamson could feel the nervousness from where he was standing.

"I must admit, I am more of an emerald person myself." Eloise quickly muttered.

The Queen once again threw herself into a polite fit of laughter, "Oh, dear! My favorite necklace is one of emeralds. How thoughtful of you to know that."

Eloise nodded her head with a quaking smile, "Oh."

The Queen smiled at her, "It seems you have indeed come a long way since last year, Miss. Bridgerton."

Williamson watched as Eloise took her leave and then nodded his head to the queen in respect before taking his own.

Delilah slowly made her way over with Anthony.

"If Eloise becomes the diamond, will you marry her?" She asked.

Williamson looked at Anthony, took a breath, and quickly shook his head, "No. Eloise is a spirit that would not fit well for me."

Anthony gave him a glare, "What is that to mean, Averey?"


"No, Delilah, it is okay." Williamson took a breath, "What I mean to say is, I cannot marry her because I want a life with someone who is different. Eloise deserves better than me and she shall have that."

Anthony looked at him for a moment before nodding his head.

Delilah and Anthony pranced around for a little more together. Sometimes stealing kisses but mostly exchanging sweet whispers and dances. Delilah loved these events when she was in public with Anthony because it reminded her it was real.

 Anthony loved her, and she loved Anthony. Soon, hopefully, they would be married and create a family of their own.

"Your dress will be beautiful." Anthony whispered, "You will be so beautiful."

Delilah could feel the strings of her heart and soul tug with each sweet nothing he whispered. And she let it flow over body like leaves dancing to the song of the wind. Each word a leaf and together the string of autumn air filled with love.

When the music paused however, she came back to reality and looked up towards a platformed area where the queen stood ready to address the crowd.

Delilah swallowed a breath, she thought to Eloise. This would make or hide her season. Preferably for Eloise, it would hide it. For Violet, it would make it.

"Your presence is noted, and your queen is most appreciative." The queen began looking around the room pinpointing certain peoples eyes.

Delilah could feel the queen smile pridefully at Delilah encased in Anthony's arms. A reminder of her season's gilded feather from last.

 She took a breath and continued, "Allow it to be my honor to present to you the season's diamond. Miss. Edwina Sharma."

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