Chapter 37

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The next morning Delilah woke with her back facing the gliding drapes over the window. Sun was streaming in the room, pasting it in a soft yellow glow. Delilah turned to move, but a heavy arm was placed on her torso. 

Anthony. Delilah turned over to look at the sleeping mans features, he looked so innocent. However, last nights actions denied all trust in that statement. Delilah thought back to it all. His gentle words of praise, he fingers lightly brushing her cheek, and then him laying down next to her and placing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

It all seemed like nonsense, but now Delilah new the acts of the night. The pleasure that came with it. It all made sense now.

"Morning." A gruff voice came. 

Delilah eyes peered up, Anthony. His brown eyes peering down at her with a soft expression. His hand came up to brush a strand of hair out of her face.

"Morning." Delilah whispered.

Anthony took his time glancing around the look before he smiled. 

"What?" Delilah asked. 

He looked down at her before leaning down and kissing her. "I love you." He said. Delilah looked up at him, her silver eyes looking like gleaming diamonds. "I love you to."


Delilah and Anthony walked around the grounds of the Bridgerton garden. "What do you think Daphne is up to?" She asked staring around at little flowers growing along the paths.

"I don't know, I assume they have arrived at the Dukes estate by now. She is probably learning how to be a duchess." Anthony replied. Though his tone was bitter. Delilah looked over to him with a smirk.

"You are not happy with the idea of Simon and-"

"Delilah I suggest you stop."

He gave Delilah a glare, but his eyes were playful. "Or what?" She asked timidly.


He reached his hand around her waist and started to tickle her. Delilah shrieked and attempted to pull away but Anthony was too strong.

"What do you say?" Anthony asked.


Delilah shrieked again as Anthony reapplied pressure as he tickled her harder. "What?"

"Fine! I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Anthony nodded his head at her response and let his hold on her go. He watched as she re caught her breath before she looked back up at him. "I am sorry that Simon is with your sister."


But she ran off in a fit of giggles as Anthony chased after her. 


Very sorry for the long wait and short chapter. I just needed to bridge to the next chapter, so this small one is just for the end of the episode into the next one.

I'm very excited to progress the series however because its coming close! The plot twist. But, you will have to be patient for season two. Maybe.


Real love, harsh commitmentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ