Chapter 3

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Delilah scanned over the paper once more before turning back to Violet with a rather distasteful face.

"She loathes the fact that you have been named alphabetically, oldest to youngest.." Delilah reads. "Their father and I found it orderly." Violet responded.

"Lady Whistledown finds banality." Delilah continues.

"The papers were distributed across town today without charge-" Eloise comments. "Without charge? What kind of author..." Violet wanders off in thought. She reaches over and takes the paper from Delilah, "Well at least she has something right. She has named Daphne the seasons Incomparable and Delilah a gliding feather. She calls you both... the Diamonds of the First Waters. How lovely." Violet read looking at the two girls.

They smiled at each other walking closer and wrapping their arms around each other. Hyacinth looked at them with pure adoration, a little sister looking up to her older sisters. "I do believe if anyone can live up to such lofty titles, it is my eldest sister and Delilah." She complimented.

Delilah giggles at her comment. However, Eloise leans in again.

"Should any of those two hundred dagger-wielding ladies ever attempt something do know where to find me, yes?" She whispers. The girls all share a quiet smile. That is, until Violet bursts out with her own comment on Lady Whistledown.

"Oh! How dare this writer say such vile things about the Featheringtons. Even if they are true..those poor young lady's." Violet exclaims. Delilah giggles a little louder this time, covering her mouth with her hand to hide the noise.

A little later in the day now, we see the study of the Silvester Estate. Only, instead of Lord Silvester or a brother, there sits Delilah. Hunched over taxes and bank records. Her hair down, in a robe and rather unkempt. She wears eye bags and her frame is notably exhausted.

"Delilah, you must take a break." Her mother calls walking in. "We can get someone to help we must-" But she is cut off as a loud cough fills the room. Lady Silvester stumbles slightly as she comes in, grasping onto the wall for support.

Delilah rushes over taking her into her arms. Her hand waves in the hallway calling for assistance from a maid. "Mama, you must rest, do not worry. I will do what I must for our family. You need to watch for yourself, your health is not in good condition these days." She pleads.

Her mother nods, her face looking slightly paler. "I know, I know. Do not worry about me however, just take care of yourself, yes?" She asks. Delilah nods at her mother. Two maids come in and carefully take her away. "Goodnight, Delilah dear." Her mother calls. "Goodnight, mama." 

She turns back and slumps in the chair at her fathers old desk. Another knock sounds at the door this time, "Delilah?" Except it is a deeper voice, a more, manly voice.

Her head shoots up and she meets Anthony Bridgertons eyes. "Anthony!" She exclaims going to fix her hair and posture. But Anthony rushes in stopping her, placing his hand on her thigh.  Delilahs face heats up in a blush but she quickly composes herself.

"Calm down Delilah, I am here to help you. Daphne told me of your situation. You need help." He says calmly. Delilah sighs at this leaning back in her chair, her hand draping over Anthonys.

"It is not help-" But she is swiftly cut off. "You have eye bags from sleepless nights figuring out what I already know. Your mothers health gets worse and you are balancing the social season alone. You are not fine, you need help, and I am here, Delilah. Why can't you see that?" He asks softly.

Delilah looks at his eyes, a warm brown radiating off of them. "I-" But her voice cracks, tears make their way down her face. Anthony draws her into his chest. "I wish my father were here, it's so difficult seeing her lose her life. I will be alone then, no one here with me. I doubt I will marry by the end of the social season and with no brothers, I am truly alone." She sobs.

Anthony pulls back cupping her face.

"You are not alone. You have me, Daphne, my brothers and sisters. You have my mother, you have me. You need to let us step in and help you now. Let me help you now." He pleads. "I am going to help you Delilah, so let me step in. But, right now you need rest." He says softly, taking her by the hand and leading her through the empty hallways.

"Anthony I-" He puts his hand up stepping close to her, "I know it is hard. I lost my father too that day as well. But now I need to help you. So you are going to bed, and I will be by every morning and night to make sure you eat." He says adamantly. Delilah, too tired at this point nods and continues to let herself be led to her bed.

Anthony tucks her in kissing her forehead softly, "Sleep, little dove." He coo's using a nickname from their youth. And he watches her for a moment, her figure breathing softly in her bed. And that night, he felt something different than a friendship spark. But, he didn't know what it was. So he dismissed it, leaving to his own home to get some rest for himself.

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