Chapter 52

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A special issue dear readers, because I feel everyone has been impacted by the sorrowful and recent death of the late Viscountess Mary Silvester. However, none has been more impacted by the new air to the fortune, Miss. Delilah Silvester.

We have watched as Miss. Silvester has grown from a young budding sapling to a Lily. She has always been a dear part of ton and in the recent season a gliding feather that has taken the season by shock when she announced her courtship to Viscount Anthony Bridgerton.

But I believe the most shock was received, dutiful readers, at her wit and strength through the passing of her mother.

Delilah Silvester spent the first few months in silence, visiting only with the Bridgerton's. Her appearances outside were kept to a minimum and on the few accounts she has been seen, she is adorned in gowns and jewelry of her mothers. A touching memorial if I may be allowed a comment.

The funeral for her mother was beautiful. For instead of a brooding day, Delilah was laughing in tears at a memorial celebration for the viscountess. And in the summer season, it was an event that heavily reminded us to be humble.

The house was decorated in silver, and her mothers favorites were served and presented. Favorite songs, memories, conversations, and old jokes were brought up. Delilah fashioned one of her mothers traditional silver gowns and recreated a look most memorable from her mothers own debut.

It was certainly a joyous sorrow.

Miss. Silvester held herself with grace, and a glow. She still truly is a feather.

Anthony was never without her either. It was true to anyone that the two were in love. I believe this season, another exquisite wedding shall take place.

The couple could be seen exchanging sweet whispers, an arm on each other at all times and smiles that never failed to make an onlooker know Anthony Bridgerton and Delilah Silvester have irrevocably fallen for each other.

But that is not the point of today's issue. The point for today is that going into the new season, Delilah will receive support.

Even after the doors closed and an unexpected visitor arrived on the doorstep.

"Love, someone is at the door." Anthony called from the drawing room.

Delilah waved her hand in the door showing that she heard and stepped quietly over the door. Opening it her eyes looked up at a man with curly brown hair and hazel looking eyes. His jaw was defined and he had a handsome face.

Delilah arched her eyes up at the man and looked up in confusion.

"Are you a Miss Delilah Silvester?" He asked slowly.

"Yes, sir, may I ask who you are?" She responded looking up at him.

The man shuddered a breath and sighed shakily. He brought a hand up to ruffle his curls and looked around at whatever his eyes could lay on.

"Miss. Silvester. I'm Lord Williamson Averey. And with the most respect I can muster, I am absolutely sorry. But I am now your fiance." He introduced.

Delilah's eyes grew wide. "What?"

"I'm sorry miss, but I, by order of my father, must marry you." Lord Averey repeated.

Delilah stepped back from the door and felt her feet carry her to where Anthony sat patiently. She heard footsteps behind her and the close of a door.

"Anthony, Anthony!" Her voice shook.

She saw him come around the corner. "Delilah, wh-?" But his words were cut off as his eyes caught the new visitor.

"Who are you?" Anthony asked.

"Who are you?" Averey replied.

Anthony glared, "I am her lover, so I will once again ask, who are you?"

Lord Averey took in a sharp breath and his face came into his hand once more. "Oh, dear god." He scoffed.

Anthony raised his brow as his hand came around Delilah's waist pulling her shuddering form in. Delilah felt stable once more.

 "Lord Bridgerton, I am Lord Williamson Averey. And my father made a deal with the late Viscount Silvester, I am by arrangement engaged. To Miss. Silvester." He explained.

Anthony felt his eyes grow. "You?"

 Lord Averey nodded. "I do not wish to, however-"

"You will stay in the guest room." Delilah interrupted, her head was hung and her hands still shaking clung on to Anthony. "You will be permitted residence here until we sort this out." She breathed.

Her figure shook and she pulled Anthony towards the garden, "The servants will help you, my lord, please make yourself at home."

But her words only registered to the house staff as they began to move forward and make the new guest feel acquainted.

But Delilah was in peril.

The deal had not been cut off. Delilah was engaged to a man she did not love, and in a courtship with a man she did.

Oh, did the drama ever end.

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