Art of The Swoon - Chapter 21

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Dearest gentle reader, it is often said that those who marry in haste must repent at leisure, a sentiment that is clearly shared by Miss. Daphne Bridgerton, who has apparently rejected not one, not two, but three proposals this week.

Some believe she is showing admirable forethought in her deliberations, but I would venture a different conjuncture, that she, like this author, is still waiting on the only suitor of note.

As for our Miss. Delilah Silvester. Although previously I had stated, due to certain affairs, that she was not in her courtship with Lord Bridgerton for love. I have no doubt now, after a series of rather appropriate intimate affections that the two are in other words in love.

Will there be a marriage? That is the real question we seek to know the answer to now.

"Mama. He is wonderful now." Delilah said, spinning in the mirror of her mothers bedroom. She was dressed in a silver dress. Except this one was a bit different. It had lighter silver embellishments almost like white, and felt a bit more elegant than anything Delilah had worn before.

 "My dear, I knew you would find love. And Anthony is a perfect match, his gazes remind me of your father." Her mother chuckled. Delilah turned around quickly to her mother. "I am not in love. I only like him very much."

Delilah knew this was a lie, but she didn't want to rush it. She was happy with Anthony, her friends, where her life was. She didn't want to mess it up by admitting to something so pivotal for a courtship to turn into marriage.

"Of course not my dear, not love, not at all." Her mother looked at Delilah with motherly eyes. She could see your younger, healthier self within Delilah. She really was beautiful, and her mother couldn't have been happier seeing her daughter get her chance to find love.

Later at the ball though, Daphne was tailed by Simon. Delilah was smiling softly when Anthony came up to her. "Splendid evening, love. A new prince. Quite handsome to others, don't you think?" Delilah looked up at him with a ghost of a smile.

"Don't get jealous Anthony. I am courting you, not some random man who shows up halfway into the season." She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Anthony chuckled as he watched Delilah gaze over to one of the girls flirting, she pulled Anthony down and began to speak.

"Watch as Miss. Cowper lowers her eyes." Anthony looked over, "Mm." He nodded. Delilah stepped slightly closer, her breath fanning along his ear.

"Oh, so demure. Now she will look up at him, ever so quickly, and then sweep her fan across her bosom before casting her eyes back upon the ground, for one is much too timid to meet His Royal Highnesses piercing gaze, of course."

Anthony chuckled at Delilah's statement. He stood back up fully watching as Miss. Cowper had done exactly as Delilah predicted. But what did he expect, there was a time when Delilah may have been doing the same thing.

"Oh, now he will kiss her hand." Delilah giggled again. "Forever charmed by her submission." Anthony lightly laughed and looked down at Delilah's glowing eyes. "Precisely."

Anthony and Delilah both watched the scene for a second more when Anthony bent down just behind Delilah and began to whisper again. "I do believe he just told Miss Cowper the her dress is exquisite." Delilah looked to the back of the prince. "Do you think so?"

Anthony nodded behind Delilah's head, "He is here to tell every lady the same thing."

The couple made their way over to Daphne and Simon. "Dap!" Delilah spouted as she made her way over. "Lilah!" They both embraced in a hug. Just as the Prince came over as well, the two girls turned their attention to him.

"Prince Fredrich, these are the two ladies I was telling you about, the seasons diamond and gliding feather."

The two girls gave him a charming smile. "So lovely to meet you, Miss Bridgerton." His eyes turned to Delilah, "Miss. Silvester." Delilah nodded, but she noticed his gaze was drawn more to Daphne. She laughed quietly.

"Your gowns are exquisite." He complimented with a smile. Delilah turned and met eyes with Anthony. They both break out into a fit of laughter, Delilah letting out a little snort. Daphne and the prince give her a look.

"My apologies." The prince smiles, "No apologies necessary.". Delilah shakes her head, her hand covering her mouth. Anthony had turned his head away with a smile still planted on his face. "Perhaps a small one." The prince nods and turns to walk away.

Delilah and Anthony bid their goodbyes and begin to make rounds around the room. "This was entirely your fault." She says. Anthony only smiles, "How does one manage to make such an unbecoming sound while laughing?"

Delilah snorts again. They both break out into more giggles and laughs. "Now you are making it look easy." Anthony jokes. Delilah laughs a little harder, until Anthony clears his throat and offers out his hand. "Miss. Silvester, may I have this dance?" Delilah stands up straighter and fits her hand in his, "Why of course Lord Bridgerton."

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