Chapter 41

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Daphne was settling into her room at the Hastings house when Delilah ventured into Colin's room. She wanted to understand why Colin was so determined to marry Miss. Thompson. When she approached the door, she knocked and entered meeting Collins eyes.

"You really want to marry her?" Delilah asked.

"I did." Colin answered. His eyes wandered from hers and down to his hands.

Delilah smiled a bit, "Well then, perhaps we should count you lucky to not have married a stranger."

Colin looked up at her, "She was not a stranger."

"She was, Colin." Delilah sighed, "Whistledown knew her better than you."

Colin shook his head, "Whitsledown knows everyone's secrets."

Delilah frowned and took a seat next to him on the bed. "You're lucky to have learned Miss. Thompson now, instead of after your wedding day." She muttered, bringing a hand over his.

Colin took a breath.

"I know you must think me a fool, but my heart pays no heed to mere logic. When I think of her, I only want to be near her, to be with her. Despite all reasons otherwise." He explained.

Delilah knew in a way. For years she kept her feelings for Anthony quiet. And even though the situation was drastically different, the feelings were all the same. Longing. Delilah squeezed his hand and looked over at the boy.

"I know that madness well, but you cannot visit her." Delilah said.

"Leander swam Abydos to Sestos every single night in complete darkness just to see his love." Colin tried to reason.

"Leander also lost his way and drowned." Delilah countered. "So the story goes."

Colin looked up at her. Delilah could see the sadness in his eyes. She sighed again, pulling her hand away and standing up from the bed. Dusting off her dress she began to make her way back to his door.

"If you really must speak to Miss. Thompson, perhaps I can arrange a rendezvous. Chaperoned, obviously." Delilah suggested.

"I would appreciate that. You will see my passions are not in vain." Colin nodded.

Delilah gave him a small smile before exiting the room.

Delilah walked down to the study and peeked her head in to find Anthony sitting there. She whistled softly and drew his attention up to her. He smiled meeting her eyes. "Hello, love."

She smiled and walked in closing the door behind her. "What are you up to, dear?" She asked.

Anthony sighed, "Just bills and taxes, my own little hobby that I enjoy so much."

Delilah laughed and walked around looking down at all the documents. She took the quill out of his hand and corrected a bit of math he had done. Anthony watched her and even groaned when he realized his mistake.

"And what are you doing?" Anthony asked.

"Well, I agreed to chaperone a visit between Colin and Miss. Thompson." Delilah said calmly.

Anthony looked over at her with a stern look, "I thought we said-". But, Delilah raised her hand.

"I know what we said, but the boy needs to see her. I expect this to be the last visit between the children. It is in other words, an adieu between them." Delilah explained.

Anthony sat for a moment before nodding his head with a sigh. "Fine. But, this is the last time they will make any communication." He pointed a finger at Delilah.

Delilah smiled and skipped over around the desk placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Thank you, dear. You will not regret this, love you!" She bounded out of the office happily.

However, she accidentally hit the door. But she recovered and waved before shutting it closed behind her. Anthony watched with a smile and a soft laugh before turning back to his fathers desk atop which the bills sat waiting for him.


"Miss. Thompson." Delilah greeted with a smile. "Thank you for joining us."

Miss. Thompson just looked at her, "I did not realize I had a choice."

Delilah ignored her comment. Walking over and taking a seat on the couch of the Silvester's drawing room. She decided it would be best if the two gathered in her home as there would be no interruptions since her mother was upstairs resting.

"My fill for a brother wished for an audience. And I wish to avoid any further scandal to their family name. I will remain here as a chaperone." Delilah nodded to Colin. And he turned quickly to the real visitor at the Silvester estate.

"Marina.. You must tell me this Whistledown woman is mistaken. What she wrote, it cannot be true." Colin pleaded.

"But it is."

Colin looked taken aback, "You are with child?". Miss. Thompson nodded.

"I do not understand." He said. "We were to be wed. You, you said you loved me."

"Colin, I hold you in the greatest esteem." Miss. Thompson spoke clearly.


Colin laughed bitterly, "You are a cruel woman indeed to stand here and talk of friendly affection, as if you have not committed a sin against me."

"Speak not of sin, Mr. Bridgerton." Miss. Thompson fired, "I did not come here to be shaed by you, nor anyone else." Her eyes drifted over to Delilah's figure sitting.

"I did not know better." Colin whispered.

"You may think me a villain, but I did what I thought I must. No one ever truly helped me, or guided me in a different direction. I had no choice. I needed to be wed. And you, you were the only man who offered me even a glimpse of happiness." Miss. Thompson explained.

Colin scoffed, "So I should feel flattered then?" He laughed quietly to himself.

"Consider myself lucky that you chose me, lied to me, tried to trick me into a fraud of a marriage? I shall take my leave of you for the last time, Miss. Thompson." Colin smiled bitterly.

"You wish to know the cruelest part of your deception? If you had simply come to me and told me of your situation, I'd have married you without a second thought. That is how in love I believed myself to be."

Miss. Thompson's eyes turned glassy. Colin started to shake and his eyes were sprinting around the room, "But I see now that was all a lie."

Colin stormed out. And Delilah stood up from her spot. She was frowning at the door where Colin had disappeared through. He understood in a small sense, she was shocked at the revelation as well.

Her eyes turned to Miss. Thompson with a stern look though. But she received the same look back, only more full of hatred.

"I believe I would like to return home now. After all, we don't want another scandal attached to the Bridgerton family name." Miss. Thompson spat.

Delilah watched as she exited the room more calmly then Colin, but the door was still slammed.

Women. We are so dramatic. She thought.

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