Chapter 39

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Delilah was with Daphne at her new residence. She was staying through to the fair and then would head back home to London. She had just arrived that day when Daphne quickly snagged her off through to the grounds of the estate.

Delilah knew it all though, everything was so familiar. The smell, the hallways, even the old duke's office. Everything was from her childhood visits when the duchess was still alive. And when her mother was in better health.

"Well, our activities are quite...spirited. I admit. I didn't even know it was possible. I believed his physical inability to have children would preclude him from..causing such entanglements?" Daphne said with a laugh.

Delilah only giggled at her friend. She could see the love forming and growing between them. Is this how it was with her and Anthony? Oh, Anthony. He was very sad to see her go, but with one kiss and a promise to return soon, he forbade her a goodbye.

"Yes." Daphne sighed happily, "I am quite glad to say I was wrong."


That weekend at the fair Delilah was running through with the children. She was the unguarded spectacle of the fair. The duchesses best friend, but they didn't see her like that. She was the mysterious beauty who was kind and fair.

Delilah had known these people since she were young, they were happy to see her back in town. The duke was happy she visited. Watching her run with the children, just like when they were just children running in the halls of the Hastings estate.

"What is the prize for the winner?" Daphne asked. They were standing around a pig pen. Delilah was still off in the field running and playing with the children.

"Why, slaughter, of course." A man said. Daphne did not look happy with that as she looked back down at the pigs circling the pen in high screeches.

"Ahem..." Daphne started after a moment. "As the duke has granted me the honor of opening the village fair with this contest, it is after careful consideration that I have decided...that all three pigs have tied!"

Daphne did not realize it, but the people had begun to murmur in confusion. "I hereby decree every pig such a winner that none should be slaughtered."

The towns folk hesitantly clapped.

Later the duke and Daphne watched as Delilah was still running around with the children.

"She has so much energy, I don't know how she has yet to stop." Daphne said, watching as her friend tripped over her dress. But Delilah got up laughing as she began to be pulled by the children once more. Daphne could even hear the laughter of parents as they watched her.

"Delilah came frequently, The towns people watched her grow. To them, she is not a child anymore, she is a woman who they admire greatly. She is my sister." The duke explained.

"She came often?" Daphne asked.

"Oh yes, her mother and mine were close, so they made trips frequently and stayed for long periods of time." Simon said watching Delilah pick up a little girl and swing her playfully in the air.

Daphne watched as Delilah walked back over with joy evident in her face. "Oh Daphne!" She laughed as she approached. "They are so much fun."

"Of course, Lilah." Daphne giggled.


Delilah had left that afternoon. She wanted to make it back in time for dinner with the Bridgerton's and tell Anthony about the fair. With sad eyes however, she left the house where most of her childhood was spent.

The many weeks at a time her and her mother would spend there after the passing of Simon's mother. And with her own fathers death it was a place of refuge.

But she would be back, now that her best friend was living there as a duchess she could go and visit the many residents there who had watched Delilah grow from a child to woman. Infact, many of them had been there to see her off, just like when she was a child riding a carriage with her mother home.

Arriving back at the Bridgerton household she was immediately greeted by Anthony.

"Delilah!" He called. His face lit in a smile as he saw her. She was pulled into his arms with a strong hug.

"Hello, darling. How is everything?" Delilah asked.

"Well. Colin is still in his mindset that he will be marrying Mrs. Thompson." Anthony sighed. Delilah frowned, Anthony had felt that Colin was rushing into a marriage. And Delilah agreed, but at the same time Anthony was taking his anger out in the wrong way.

Delilah sighed, the season was far from over.

All is fair in love and war, but some battles leave no victor, only a trail of broken hearts that makes us wonder if the price we pay is ever worth the fight. The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars.

For what thing is more fragile than the human heart?

The bond between man and bride is private, sacred. But I must tell you, I have learned that a grave is a foot. What is it? As if the Featherington's did not have enough to be dealing with, Miss Marina Thompson is with child, and she has been from the very first day she arrived in our fair city.

Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but I would wager many will think her actions beyond the pale.

Perhaps she thought it her only option, or perhaps she knows no shame

But I ask you, can the ends ever justify such wretched means?

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