Chapter 27

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Though this author cannot dismiss the Duke of Hastings quite so soon. He may have let the diamond slip through his fingers for now, but I shall wager he is not man to ever hide from a fight.

Delilah was with Anthony and Daphne at the boxing ring. Delilah was in between the two with her arm situated in Anthony's. Daphne had been a bundle of nerves as she was to attend the match with the prince. Delilah with efforts had tried to keep her best friend from going and offered her a place with her and Anthony. But, she refused.

"If mama knew I was here, of all places..." Daphne whispered. Anthony shook his head glancing over at his sister, "Trust she would have more to say to me then you."

Delilah scanned over the crowd and quickly found the blond curls of the prince, she grimaced inwardly at the sight. She still was holding her anger in spite of Daphne for her decision to entertain the prince. "There's your prince now. With your fancy well in hand, we shall make ourselves scarce for the final blow."

Delilah took Anthony's arm and made her way to the other side of the stands surrounding the ring. "Do you not like the prince?" Anthony whispered.


Anthony stopped the two of them on the side of the walkway, "Do you not like the prince, every time he is brought up you quickly end the conversation with no more than two sentences." Delilah looked up at Anthony.

"I hold no ill will towards the man, but Daphne could do better." Delilah looked up at Anthony's eyes, he was looking for a lie. But he found none. So he nodded his head and led the two towards their own set of seats.

When the fight begins, everyone is off their seat. Delilah had never a fear of fighting, her father had secretly slithered her in as a little girl to experience the more exciting things of the ton. So Anthony was delighted when her eyes lit up at the sound of the first punch being thrown. They quickly became like the rest of the crowd.

"Go on, Mondrich!" Anthony yelled. Delilah could only stare in anticipation.


Later Delilah found herself within the Silvester study, but Anthony was not her visitor. Simon was, and when she looked up. Her eyes were saddened.

"I heard you are to leave town tonight." She whispered.

"You hear correctly."

Delilah heard a sigh and then the chair being pulled back. She assumed he had taken a seat at one of the two chairs around the other side of her fathers desk.

"I never misjudged you. Your intentions to Daphne were and still are honorable. Despite what Anthony may have thought. She has found herself a prince, and you are going on your way." Delilah looked down at the papers she had held in her hand. It was fee's of her mothers doctors, her health was declining again.

"Perhaps one day the two of us will be able to laugh at all this?" Simon said quietly.

"Perhaps." Delilah nodded.

She put the papers down and walked around to give Simon a hug. Even though she believed he was making a mistake, he was still one of her dearest friends. And she would still support him.

"Are you trying to tell me you're sorry you'll see me go, Lily."

"Sush, child. Do not make me throw you out of my house."


The next day Delilah sat in the drawing room of the Bridgerton house with Daphne and Violet. She sat next to Daphne on a couch as Violet sat adjacent to the two girls. Anthony walked in with an expression in his eyes. Delilah was immediately concerned, but she didn't think it was anything big.

"Mother. Daph. Lilah." He greeted.

Violet turned to her son quickly, Delilah knew she had figured out about Daphne's attendance to the fighting ring. And in simpler words she was not happy, "Did you truly take your sister and her best friend to a boxing match?"

Anthony gave a sigh and held up his hand, "Your admonishment will have to wait. I have news."

He turned his eyes to the two girls on the couch, "Prince Friedrich has asked for my permission to propose."

Delilah and Daphne's demeanor immediately changed. They sat up at the same time and moved to the edge of the couch, both having perplexed expressions. "So soon?" Delilah spluttered out. She was having a hard time believing such a thing.

"Well, what did you tell him?" Daphne asked.

"That I know better than to answer for my sister. I have no objections to the man. People speak well of him. Whatever you shall decide, Daph, you shall have my support."

Delilah sighed and leaned back into the couch. She was happy Anthony hadn't promised her away again. But when Daphne started to stutter over her words about an answer, she confirmed her theory that Daphne hadn't really wanted to marry the prince.

"You need not decide now. You haven't known him for long. Let me know when you have an answer, and I shall convey it." Anthony nodded his head one last time, leaving a lingering gaze to Delilah and exited the room.

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