Chapter 66

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Delilah in Anthony's eyes, was a sweet and loving girl. Her emotions were in control, she rarely ever got mad and had more patience then he could have ever hoped to muster. However, at this moment in time Anthony was sure this was the most mad that Anthony had ever seen Delilah and a small part of him was loving it.

"You play the fool of a good gentleman so you can gain the attention of Miss Sharma, knowing the vendetta Kate has set against you and yet you still act without care!" Delilah scolded.


"No, Williamson. You do not get to worm your way out of this. I expect better from you, you will deliver a gift. I do not care what you get, how you get it, or how much you spend. You will get Miss Sharma a gift and that is final."

Williamson glared before standing up and beginning to pace, "She is pompous and arrogant and quite sure she knows the best in every situation.".

Anthony sat down pulling Delilah to the arm rest, "She sounds like a nuisance."

 "Anthony Bridgerton!" Delilah gasped.


"Kate is a smart and very respectable woman. I'm surprised you are going after her sister." Delilah looked over at Williamson.

"Do you know why I win when my brothers and I participate in a fencing match?" Anthony asked Williamson.

"Because every time you lose, you claim your brothers cheated." Delilah mumbled under her breath.

Anthony gave her a side glance before looking back at Williamson, "Because I know my duties. What my purposes are and how to obtain them. Which is what I did when I decided Delilah was going to be my viscountess."

Williamson nodded his head, "Miss Edwina and I are well-suited. She is a lovely young lady. She wishes for children. She'll make a perfectly agreeable wife."

Delilah scoffed, "So what you mean to say, Williamson, is that you have already dismissed every other young lady in town."

Anthony tilted his head, "You take too much on yourself, Williamson. Perhaps your life might be easier if you pursued someone with a less disagreeable sister."

"Why should I be the one to admit defeat?" Williamson asked. "Regardless of which young lady I choose to pursue, There would've always been some obstinate father or meddlesome aunt in the picture. I shall certainly not let some sister, especially one younger than me, keep me from getting what it is I want."

"Whom you want, you mean?" Anthony asked.

"Doesn't matter. Now wish me luck as I make plans and secure my own win." Williamson nodded to both of them and then began to walk out of the room.

Delilah thought he was being stupid. It was clear he wanted Kate over Edwina, but he would not admit it to himself no matter how hard she pushed the matter.

"Men are stupid, love. He will come around. I see it as you do that he wants Kate Sharma." Anthony said softly.

"Of course men are stupid. But he is stupider than most which is why he is pursuing the wrong sister."


 "How much clearer must I be?" Kate Sharma asked as she opened the estate door to Williamson standing with a miniature horse.

"I brought a gift for Miss Edwina." Williamson said.

"Take your Trojan Horse elsewhere." Kate dismissed.

Williamson mumbled curses under his breath but persisted anyway, "I assure you this is a very real horse. I'd recommend not trying to climb inside."

Kate stared at him blankly and shook her head, "Truly, this is all a game to you."

"I'm not here to play games." Williamson frowned.

"The business Mr. Dorset was not so great a deceit you imply." Kate asked. "And, now you question my judgment."

"Only because you questioned mine."

Kate opened the door wider and let her body stand fully in the doorway of the estate. She glared over at Williamson, and Williamson returned it with just as much anger as Kate.

"I have never met a man as brazenly presumptuous-"

Williamson scoffed, "You do not even know me."

"I know you are polished. I know you are careful. I know you make promises without so much as uttering a word. I know you most likely give Delilah so much hardship over simple things. There is not much more I need to know." Kate listed.

"Is this about what you heard on the terrace again?" Williamson asked. "You act as if I'm some kind of villain when every other woman in London aspires for the kind of marriage I'm offering. You must know that. You have been exceptionally clear about what it is, you do and do not wish for, but has it ever occurred to you this might, in fact, be about what your sister wishes for instead."

"Lord Averey." A smaller voice came to the door. It was Edwina, and innocently standing there, Williamson took a breath and straightened himself back up.

"Miss Edwina. I have brought you a small token to remember our fine time at the races yesterday."

Edwina looked over at the horse with wide eyes, "This horse is for me?"

Williamson paused, "I thought you loved animals?"

"I do." She nodded. "But usually the kind that can curl up on my lap."

Williamson stands nervously as the Sharma sisters chuckle at his mistake in Edwina's wishes. "My apologies. You said something about Nectar reminding you of a horse back at-"

Kate smiled smugly at Williamson who stood confused, "That horse is from a novel. A novel of love, in fact. Something for which my sister is an enthusiast."

"I adore it, my lord." Edwina nodded her head. "The horse is gesture, indeed."

"Come, Edwina. We must return inside."


"Williamson, what are you talking about?" Delilah asked as Williamson stood in front of her.

Williamson huffed a breath of annoyance. "Do we have any invitations?"

Delilah stared blankly at him, "I was unaware there was a ball this evening..."

Williamson shook his head and began to pace the room. Delilah had never seen him so nervous, he almost seemed desperate for the invitation and Delilah was certainly concerned. But, he kept pacing across the room.

"It is a soiree, rather." Williamson commented.

Delilah tilted her head, "If it is a soiree and concerns your interest, have you not received the invitation from the Danbury footman?"

"The soiree is at the Danbury House." Williamson spat.

"Obviously it is at the Danbury House, she is hosting the Sharma sisters." Delilah replied.

Williamson collapsed in one of the chairs in the drawing room of the Silvester house. Delilah was more than amused, it wasn't everyday he acted like a child.

Williamson looked over at Delilah, "Miss Sharma likes to accuse me of playing games."

Delilah laughed to herself, "Can you blame her?"


Delilah looked over at Williamson with a tiny smile on her face as if he was the most oblivious person in the world, "She is looking out for her sister. She hopes to find a love match. And with you, apparently so forthright in your disdain for such a thing, perhaps Miss Edwina's other suitors plan on choosing words more wisely tonight."

"Some are reading poetry I hear."

Delilah looked up to Anthony walking into the room, she smiled and got up to welcome him with a kiss. "Hello, darling." She whispered.

"Hello, love." Anthony greeted, circling an arm around her waist and turning to look at Williamson, "There is a lesson for you somewhere, Williamson. I only hope that this time you will finally learn it."

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