Chapter 6

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The next morning Delilah stands in front of her mirror looking at herself. Her hair was twisted intricately along her silver dress. It wasn't as formal as the one she had worn at the ball last night, but it was a beautiful simple dress.

A knock sounds at the door and she is turned around to be met with her maid. "Hello Miss. Delilah. A letter has arrived for you." Delilah nods her head and takes it. "Oh, how is mama?" She asks before the door closes.

The maid lowers her head and softly shuts the door before walking back into the room. "Miss. Your mother is stable right now. But, but, the doctors don't think she'll still be alive to see the next social season." She whispers out.

Delilah nods her head stiffly. She knew her mother wouldn't live for much longer. But, not till next season? That was sooner than she had originally predicted. Delilah shook the many thoughts from her head before turning to the letter.

 Dearest Delilah,

I know in tradition it is common for potential suitors to visit the proper home of whom they seek. But, with everything going on at your home, and the circumstance of no proper chaperone. I would like to formally invite you to host your social season at the Bridgerton household. I believe it would be good for you to be around a comforting area without the tensions of your mother.

Please consider this wisely.

Yours truly,

Anthony Bridgerton

She was shocked to say the least. She was fully prepared to host her social season at her house. She knew that to be unchaperoned was improper, but she had nowhere else to go. Delilah also knew of her mothers joy to be there for her. But, she had no choice. Anthony was right, she was unchaperoned and that was enough for the newly discovered Lady Whistledown to start writing something that could lead to disaster.

 She called in the maid while finishing her own response. "Have a carriage ready, and please have this message sent before our arrival. The Bridgerton's have a guest waiting for them."

Dearest Anthony,

Thank you very much for the invitation, my lord. I thought about my options with very careful consideration. You are right, it is very improper for a lady to be hosting her social season alone. And Lady Whistledown would write to no end about that. I will be taking your offer to host my social season at your household. Do expect me this afternoon.

Yours truly,

Delilah Silvester

She walked through the halls and came to her mothers room. She knocked softly and opened the door. The first thing she hear, labored breathing. "Mama?" She asked softly. She walked in to her mother sitting upright on the bed. She turned her head and smiled widely when she saw her daughter.

"Delilah! Oh my dear, what brings you to my chambers?" She asked as Delilah approached her bed. Delilah smiled and took a seat by her bedside. "I'm going to the Bridgerton's. They have offered to host my social season there." She answered.

Her mother frowned just a bit, "Why? You are fully capable of hosting it here." Her mother reasoned. Delilah sighed, nodding her head. "Yes mama, but you are confined to this bed meaning no chaperone is available. So it will be improper." Her mother nodded.

"I'm sorry, Delilah. I wish it were different." Her mother said. Delilah felt tears form, why was her mother apologizing? She had every right to say no. But, she accepted for her mothers sake. People coming in and out of the house would have been too much.

"Mama-" But she was interrupted. Her mother put her hand up quickly to silence her, "Delilah, you want to be with Anthony. I know how you feel. And I am very happy for you, and most proud. So go, do not worry about me. I have the best doctors, and I have a few friends who have promised to visit."

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