Chapter 38

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Dearest gentle reader, I must send felicitations to the new Duke and Duchess of Hastings. Congratulations and stamina as they embark on the most exhilarating time in a young couple's life. I am, of course, talking about the honeymoon.

Is there a more romantic notion? To retreat from society together, finally leaving watchful eyes behind.

While this author along with the rest of the ton will certainly miss its most-remarked-upon couple back in London, perhaps we might find solace in the promise of the duke and duchess returning to us bearing a surprise.

Or perhaps, we can expect another engagement from the viscount? I do not fault them in taking their time, with Lady Silvester's health declining. But at least it gives, dear reader, a hope to look forwards to.

"I wonder what Daphne is doing at this very moment." Hyacinth spoke aloud in the drawing room. Since Daphne's absence in the house, Delilah had been spending more time with the leftover sisters in the house.

"I am sure she has as many new duties to attend to as duchess, things you should be learning for your debut." Delilah responded, but her head turned to Eloise.

The girl dreaded having to "put herself on display" as the girl sometimes referred to it as. She was no Daphne. She was a book smart woman. Not a wife entailed girl.

"Making simpering conversations, pretending to wince every time a man treads on my toes during a waltz?" Eloise rebutted, looking at the older girl. Yes Delilah was a second addition to her family, but she still would not hear of her having to marry.

"Eloise." Delilah reprimanded.

"I'm no good at such things. I'll only make a fool of myself." Eloise shook her head.

"If you devote part of the time you devote to your journal you might feel rather better. It's not as unpleasant as you think. Who doesn't like being pampered before a ball?" Delilah joked, glancing at the broodful girl.

"Besides that, you might even want to lower your skirts, you will have to wear longer dresses for the season." Delilah commented then. Her features looking towards Hyacinth, the two shared a smile.

Eloise groaned, slamming her book to the side as she sunk further into the settee, "I have no time to visit the modiste." She looked over to Delilah with a pout, "I am busy."

Delilah let out a quick laugh as she adjusted in her seat. "Eloise Bridgerton, busy?" She laughed again.

Eloise rose from her sunken statue on the couch and glared at Delilah. "Excuse you, Delilah. The queen herself has charged me with discovering Whistledown's identity. You would not have me cross Her Majesty, will you?" She asked.

Delilah looked at her with an amused smile. "I guess not."

 Later the Bridgerton family was attending a dinner ball. The family had sat together, but what was most interesting was the accompaniment of Marina Thompson by Colin. At least, in Delilah's mind that was.

Delilah was not familiar with Marina. She had not had much introduction except for when Lady Whistledown had brought her into view. She had seen her vaguely at balls, mostly dancing with Colin. But other than that, Marina Thompson was no more than a name.

Looking at her now, however, Marina was a beautiful girl.

"May I have everyone's attention?" Colin spoke up. He was clanging his glass softly with a spoon. He had stood up in front of the table. Delilah gave Anthony a confused look, but he only returned it with a worried look himself.

"I would like to make a small announcement. I have happy news to impart." Colin began. He looked nervously around the table, but when his eyes met that of Anthony, his mother, and Delilah, the worry seemed to grow.

"I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife, and she has accepted."

The whole family gasped in happiness, concern, and embarrassment. The rest of the guests gasped in excitement.

"Congratulations!" One woman spoke out, "Bravo, sir!" A man then added.

Delilah was standing with Anthony and Violet when Anthony had turned to his mother with a look of hard stone on his features. "Did you know about this?"

"People are looking, love." Delilah said softly, bringing a hand to his arm. He turned to Delilah for a moment, "Congratulate the happy couple."

But Delilah soon disappeared with Anthony and Colin into a room, where Colin was not too happy to be.

"You barely know the young lady. What were you thinking?" Anthony seethed out.

"I was thinking you'd respond like this and how little I would care to hear." Colin spat.

Delilah looked between the two brothers. Colin was immature, yes, but Anthony was angry. Antony didn't make the right decisions when he was angry. But, Colin was planning to marry a woman he knew little about.

"Do you think this is a joke? Poor mother was beside herself." Anthony said.

"Mother seemed perfectly happy to me. She congratulated me."

Delilah shook her head.

 "So, you compromised this young woman?" Anthony asked.

"Certainly not. I am a gentleman-" But Anthony cut him off, "Then why ever would you-".

"Why does anyone marry, brother?" Colin asked.

Anthony glanced back to Delilah for a moment, before focusing back on Colin. Colin had even given a little glance towards the female figure in the room.

"For love, of course." Anthony whispered. He pulled Delilah into his side as he leaned on a desk in the room they were in.

Colin signed himself looking between the two. "Look, I know you are still rather green, and that is my fault."

Anthony shook his head though. "I should've taken you to brothels when you returned from Eton."

"Anthony!" Delilah gasped. Anthony shook his head however, "If this is a matter of wetting your-"

"You're an ass. Do you know that?" Colin interrupted.

"This is what comes from not sowing your wild oats. Proposing to the first chit you set your cap at." Anthony argued.

"Enough!" Delilah stepped in. She turned to Anthony. "You insult him and his intended." She yelled. Delilah stepped away from Anthony's side to face him.

"You are still a girl, Delilah."

 "I am not much younger than Daphne." Delilah laughed bitterly, "You were happy to marry her off."

"It's not the same." Anthony said calmly. He knew Delilah was in stress. Hearing fights all the time, and her mother coming to the end of her life. She was handling too much.

"I know nothing of the sort." Colin then argued, stepping beside Delilah. "Then you betray your immaturity!" Anthony fired.

A silence took over the room.

"If I caused Mother discomfort today, I am sorry for it. I shall speak to her." Colin said. His head had been lowered in shame.

"The truth is I do not require your permission to marry Miss. Thompson, but I would much prefer to have your blessing." Colin pleaded. He looked up at Anthony but the answer was already there. He even looked to Delilah, but as much as she was mad at Anthony for insulting Miss. Thompson, his point was true.

Colin was not ready to marry, and Miss Marina Thompson was too unfamiliar.

"Then I am afraid I must disappoint you." Anthony responded.

"You have." Colin said, "Get out." Delilah interfered. "Do not tell him he has disappointed you when he is protecting you. Get out."

Colin left. Anthony cried. Delilah held. 

Real love, harsh commitmentUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum