Chapter 15

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Another ball. Another dress, another round of pampering, but, another round of dancing and laughing with Anthony. Delilah never thoroughly enjoyed balls until now. She loved the elegance, and the gracefulness she was able to bring with going to a ball, but she never really enjoyed it until she was able to enjoy it with Anthony.

She had always listened to the stories of her mother and father when they were her age attending these events. "Your father had little else he wanted to do then to keep me with him, overflowing with joy and entertained." Her mother had said. And even though she was bedridden, she still talked about her father and hers time at these events.

And Delilah loved it.

She was so happy when Anthony had asked her to court her even if her mind was also preoccupied with the problem that had come from the situation. But it seemed that it was no more, because she was in a courtship with Anthony, and experiencing balls more related to her mothers stories then before.

She was living the life she had dreamed of right now. And even though she was still trying to help Daphne rid herself of Lord Berbrooke. Her joy could not be stopped for anything at the moment.

So when she walked into this evening's ball in her signature Silver dress. Her hair in a gracious bun atop her head held together with pins and settling around a small tiara with two subtle pieces of hair framing her face. The silver eyes she adorned certainly stood out. And her eyes were immediately drawn to the man who held every ounce of love she could hold. Anthony.

Except when her eyes found Anthony, it was also that she found him with Daphne and Simon. Her feet moved and soon she was trotting through the room directly at the trio. Directly to Anthony, more specifically. She couldn't hear the conversation when she approached. But, she knew that tonight as many others before, would mainly be her and Anthony.

"Lord Bridgerton.." Her voice came through as she appeared around his side. His eyes traveled down to meet hers. A small smile broke out on his face, a blush arising around his cheeks. She turned to both Simon and Daphne nodding her head in respect, "Your Grace, Daphne." She giggled as she met Daphne's eyes.

She turned back to Anthony and offered her arm out, "Do me the honor?" She looked up to Anthonys eyes, he smiled back and took her arm, threading his own through it. "Of course, Miss. Silvester." As she led him away she turned around to give the two remaining a sly wink.

She took Anthony to the dance floor, they danced. They made their rounds, they chatted with others. And Delilah was keen on keeping Anthony's eyes on her, but it didn't feel that hard when she laughed and Anthony's eyes snapped over just to watch her eyes bubble with joy.

Anthony did keep his eyes on Delilah most of the night. How could he not? She was truly a gliding feather when it came to being graceful, and it seemed to amplify when she attended these balls. But, his mind kept wandering to the Duke and his sister.

So when he finally got a moment that Delilah was turned the other direction talking to people he didn't care to know, he turned to Benedict. "Go dance with your sister." He obliged. Benedict groaned in return, "Why?". Anthony sighed his grip unknowingly tightened around Delilah. And she as well, unknowingly, slipped further into his grip and rested closely to his side.

"Because I asked you to! And, I am with Delilah, so I cannot go." Benedict groans again. His gaze removing itself from Anthony. Anthony only furrowed his eyebrows and took a more demanding approach.

"Perhaps I was unclear." He looked directly into Benedict's eyes, "Is it your wish to insult your sister, Bridgerton?" He asked. Benedict shook his head giving Anthony a mock glare, "On the contrary. You wish your sister to marry a loathsome toad, then." Benedict replied.

However before Anthony could reply with his own argument, Nigel Berbrooke approached them. Benedict took this chance to scuttle away from the group.

"Lord Bridgerton."

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