Chapter 16

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 This is what caused Delilah to turn back to the group and see him. She glared, but Anthony's grip tight again warned her to keep quiet. So she did, but not without keeping her gaze stern on Berbrooke.

"Forgive the intrusion, but, if need be, I will happily restate my intentions with respect to your sister." His gaze quickly ran over Delilah's form, her own grip on Anthony tightening. "She is a prize I have long coveted for her beauty, for her grace-".

Delilah couldn't keep quiet anymore. "For her powerful right hook?" She knew Daphne hadn't been the one to punch Berbrooke, but with the reminder of what she had done Berbrooke tensed.

Anthony glanced down at her with a stern expression gripping her waist and slightly squeezing it. "I must know whether or not I can count on you to handle this misunderstanding, my lord?" Berbrooke asked. "I certainly wished to avoid any kind of embarrassment." He added.

Anthony's look at Berbrooke hardened, "Rather late for that." He muttered. Delilah heard it, and was beginning to think that maybe Anthony was finally seeing that Nigel Berbrooke was a horrible match for Daphne. But Berbrooke kept talking.

"Are you too friendly with the Duke or intimidated by his rank-" Again Delilah cut him off. She would take any insult, but insulting her friends was a step too far. "Easy, Berbrooke." Her voice came out stern. Anthony didn't say anything but his gaze further hardened at Berbrooke. Delilah assumed he agreed with her statement.

"I assure you I will resolve the matter, a matter which I shall remind the Duke is none of his concern." Anthony kept his voice firm. But Delilah was enraged. So she took matters into her own hands.

She turned and looked up to Anthony "Perhaps you're not the authority on what concerns him," She then turned back to Nigel, "nor on the matter of Lord Berbrooke's character." She sneered.

Anthony gave her a look, but NIgel ignored it like the comment had never been commented. "I shall do my best by your sister, Bridgerton. And perhaps even she might learn to return my affections over time." His glance turned over to Delilah. She scoffed, "Do come off it, Berbrooke."

"I presume he failed to mention how he got that purple eye." Delilah then pointed out. Anthony's gaze turned curious for a moment, then slightly more concerned at what she was hinting at. Nigel became less confident however, stuttering slightly.

"I was careless with a cabinet door." He quickly said. But Delilah was right there with him, "He was careless with his honor." She turned and looked Anthony in the eye, then glared over to Nigel.

"He attempted something last night that I shan't dignify with words when I planted a facer. Deservedly so." She paused. Anthony know under his eyes with fuming. He had tried to touch Delilah, and possibly to Daphne as well. Touching Daphne was one thing, but touching both Daphne and Delilah. That did not sit well with him.

"My lord, you must know-" Nigel was just spluttering and stuttering at this point. Anthony turned to Delilah, although he was enraged at the idea, why had Daphne not told him? "Daphne would have told me if this were true."

Delilah gave him an unconvinced look, "Would she?" She asked softly.

Anthony knew at that moment she was telling the truth. Delilah had no reason to lie, and especially when it came to her best friend's safety she had no reason. He turned to Berbrooke with a look of pure rage masked by a calm but stern face. Only Delilah had seen the true thought of that look.

"You will never speak to my sister again, Berbrooke."

Delilah felt relief and joy when Anthony had said that. She had loved Anthony with everything for years, but this felt like falling all over again. Even if right now they were just courting. He had finally used his sense, and the grip on her waist was secure, she was surrounded with his scent. She wished to never leave that moment, especially with the look on Berbrooke's face.

"But we are to be married." Berbrooke was now mad. But you couldn't tell the difference between a fish and a man. "You are to be buried if you so much as look in her direction." Anthony's voice rang through again. Delilah giggled as she looked to Berbrooke. 

"Be grateful you will not take another punch from me." She said with joy.

Nigel stormed away. Then Daphne came. Delilah had never been more happy to see her, she jumped from Anthony's arms and surrounded Daphne in a hug. Her energy was so radiant that even Daphne couldn't have helped but chuckle. "What has happened 'Lilah? Brother?".

Anthony's eyes had been stuck to Delilah's glowing form when she had burst out into a smile seeing Daphne. He had never been so happy with his decision to court her. His expression turned to Daphne however, his look becoming more reserved.

"Sister, it is done."

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