Chapter 19

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"I must issue my challenge straight away." Anthony declared. The Bridgertons and Delilah had moved back to the drawing room in the Bridgerton house. Delilah and Daphne were both sitting on a couch, Anthony was pacing and Violet stood off to the side.

"Anthony.." Delilah pleaded. But he dismissed it.

"I've been properly trained in the matter. I know the rules to follow..." Then Violet stood in stopping her pacing son. "You are not to duel Lord Berbrooke. Do you understand me?" She looked into Anthony's eyes.

Both Violet and Delilah were worried about the situation regarding the marriage license between Nigel and Daphne. But for Anthony to go off and challenge Berbrooke not knowing what he was capable of, that didn't sit right with Delilah.

"I do not care what kind of training you think you may have. It is illegal," Violet scolded. "Not to mention positively horrific." Delilah added. Violet nodded her head. Anthony gave a sigh, but calmed down and stopped pacing. He walked over and put a hand on Delilah's shoulder.

"Gentlemen are left with no other choice, Mother." Delilah sighed at Anthony's statement and placed her hand on his. He gave her a moment's glance then looked back up at Violet. "When a young woman, let alone one's sister, is rumored to be dishonored, the consequences shall be deadly!" Anthony explained.

"It is no solution." Violet argued. Delilah had enough though, she had just gotten her dream of being with Anthony and he wanted to throw it all away. Over some silly threat that a monster put forth to scare them all. She stood up and turned to face Anthony aggressively, however her body language came off saddened.

"Should Lord Berbrooke decide to make good on his threat before you shoot him, Anthony, what happens then? He may decide to open his tiny mouth at any moment, and then Daphne shall be we all will. I will lose you."

 "I must marry Nigel Berbrooke. It is the only choice." Daphne's small voice rang out.

Everyone turned to her with shock on their faces. Delilah couldn't believe it the most however. Since the beginning Daphne had been fighting it. The threat had diminished all hope that was ever there. And with Daphne's hope gone, what hope could Delilah have herself?

Violet walked over slowly and faced Daphne.

"I have taught you to believe that marriage is the best that life has to offer, and that remains true. But it is simply a partner that marriage provides. You will have to comfort, and a house to tend, and most importantly, children. You will throw yourself into raising a family, and you will find much joy. I am certain."

Daphne let out a quiet sob, Delilah's heart dismantled in her chest. Anthony put an arm around her and drew her close. But even his own emotions were frazzled.

"You and Papa..the two of you were so beautiful, Mama. That is all I wanted. That is all I hoped to one day find." Daphne said, "As did I." Violet responded with a soft chuckle.

Daphne was off in her room leaving Delilah and Anthony alone in the drawing room. Violet had left for tea with the queen. However, the tension wasn't calm, it was sorrowful. Delilah was worried. She was scared, she refused for Anthony to challenge Nigel, but she didn't know if she had the right to tell him that.

"I know you are scared, love. But it must be done." Anthony's voice cut the silence. Delilah looked up at him. She shook her head, Anthony felt his own heart breaking. "No..I refuse to let you go." She argued.

Tears were welling in her eyes, and Anthony removed the few stray ones that had coated her cheeks in a thin line of water. "I'm doing it for Daphne, for you...", "No.." Delilah still argued. Anthony gave a sigh and drew her in close. He put a soft kiss on her forehead.

Delilah let a sob escape her, she drew her arms around Anthony's waist. "Please..don't.." She pleaded with everything in her. But Anthony only leaned down and gave her a kiss. It wasn't rough, it was gentle. Every emotion that Anthony had formed was spoken through that kiss. Every ounce of touch and love was put forth, nothing spared.

"I will try to find another solution, but if it comes to it, I will challenge him." Delilah nodded her head as a few more tears started to stray down her face. "Okay.." She whispered.

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