Chapter 70

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Country air indeed clears the mind and invigorates the body. Might this be the final gust that pushes the Lord Averey over the precipice of a proposal?

Of course, the luckless souls remaining in town will have to find new diversions in the absence of their most precious of stones.

"Delilah!" Daphne called happily.

"Daphne! Oh, how happy I am to see you." Delilah cheered.

Everyone was gathered at Aubrey Hall. After a rather long journey of nerves between Anthony and Delilah, it soon turned to joy upon seeing the ancestral home. Even if it holds the darkest memories of the couple, it also holds some of the greatest.

Daphne smiled, "Well I would hope so, now let me this ring that my brother must have forced upon you. I never knew how he had the wits to charm a lady as you."

Delilah laughed and let Daphne gaze over her ring. A shining silver ring with a gem shining a blue that put a sparkle in her eyes.

"I'm so pleased you could make it." Delilah smiled. She then moved forward to the ever-growing baby on Daphne's side, "And, I get to see my nephew which makes everything better!"

Daphne laughed, "Of course, I can't let Augie miss out on watching his mother win this family tradition. Second year in a row, might I add."

Delilah looked at Daphne teasingly, "Charming words from a duchess."

"A duchess who is still a Bridgerton. Oh, come and see the baby, Eloise!"

Eloise looked over to her sister, "Why? Has he changed since I saw him last?"

Daphne frowned, "He's grown at least an inch, haven't you?"

Delilah watched in joy as Violet came over and took her grandson from Daphne. She followed Violet as they sat on the floor. Delilah rolled around with Augie outstretched in her arms.

"Quiet an improper position for a woman, Delilah." Anthony's voice rang.

Delilah looked over at her fiance with a smile, "Oh goodness, how terrible of me."

"Why ever would you be so concerned for a child when they cry over everything?" Eloise asks.

"Do not mind your Auntie Eloise." Delilah cooed at Augie, "She's too busy reading to notice anything, as usual."

Eloise groans, "Is it, not nap time?"

Delilah smiled, "Yes, perhaps Uncle Colin or Williamson can lull you to sleep with many tales of excursions."

"I seem to be missing the peace and solitude of the Greek Isles already, do you feel the same, Williamson?" Colin asked.

"Oh yes, it seems to be hitting me as a child cries to that of a whale." Williamson laughed.

Delilah frowned, "Someday you will have a whale in your house so do not insult my nephew."

Daphne smiled then looked over at Williamson, "Enjoying your brief respite from the ferocious packs of marriage-minded young ladies, Williamson?"

"Quite the opposite, Daphne." Williamson smirked, "I have invited one such young lady and her family to join us today."

"Williamson has invited a young lady to Aubrey Hall?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, she is quite lovely." Delilah nodded.

"And, you brother, do you plan to be wed at Aubrey Hall?" Daphne asked.

Anthony looked at his sister before smiling and letting his head drop, "I plan to marry my fiance in the church then bring her on honeymoon to Aubrey Hall."

"Well, my goodness, love has wrung its head here since my time." Daphne smiled.

Delilah laughed, "Oh yes, by next year Augie should have a cousin."

"Well, I would very much hope so."

"Now, the only reason to endure such a journey is to see my great-godson. Hello." Lady Danbury had come around the entrance into the ancestral home.

Daphne smiled, "Well, it is a joy to see you as well, Lady Danbury."

Following behind her was the Sharma family. Mary Sharma came forward to greet Daphne first, "Oh, Your Grace."

"Lady Mary." Daphne nodded, "So pleased to have you."

Mary smiled, "Thank you for having us, and Miss. Silvester."

Delilah stood up and greeted Mary with a smile, "Please, it's Delilah, thank you for coming. And Kate!"

Delilah walked over quickly and gave the oldest Sharma sister a hug. Kate gave a smile and hugged Delilah back in a friendly manner.

"Daphne, this is Kate Sharma and her younger sister Edwina, the lovely young lady Williamson has chosen to bring."

Williamson came over and gave his greetings to the sisters before turning to Kate who was smiling at the views.

"I see my plan to win you over is already working," Williamson noted.

Kate looked at him, "I am smiling at the view, which you are now blocking."

Williamson nodded for a moment before a bark sounded down below them. A dog. He nodded ever so slightly, "Oh, you brought your dog."

"Yes." Kate nodded, "Newton is an excellent judge of character."

The dog barked once more.

"Oh." Williamson frowned, "Mark my words, Miss Sharma. By the end of your stay, your opinion of me will be very much improved. As will his."

Kate watched firmly as Newton growled slightly at Williamson who was entrapped in a staring competition, she fought a smirk, "I do not think you such an optimist. Since your schemes to manipulate me are now out in the open, I suppose it would be an improvement, indeed."

Delilah came around with Daphne at that moment who smiled between the two, she had seen it at that point that this must be,

"And you must be Miss Edwina." Daphne smiled.

"No," Delilah shook her head, "This is her sister. Miss Kate Sharma."

"Ah." Daphne nodded, "Forgive me, Miss Sharma."

"Im entirely flattered, Your Grace." Kate responded with a small smile, she then brought to her side Edwina herself, "Allow me to introduce my sister, Miss Edwina."

Edwina nodded with a smile, "It is an honor, Your Grace."

Daphne chuckled softly and nodded her head, "Miss Edwina, I am pleased to introduce you to Aubrey Hall."

Edwina smiled up at Daphne, "It is a beautiful home. Thank you so much for inviting us. I very much look forward to spending time with you and Miss Silvester's family."

Delilah smiled tightly, but stood tall, "Well, now, you must be weary from your travels. Mrs. Wilson. Please show our guests to their rooms so they might get refreshed."

"And ready for battle," Eloise spoke.

"Indeed." Delilah smiled. "But, do not mind Eloise, she's always so spirited in the country."

Kate smiled, "Then we have that in common."

Williamson watched the group of women walk away and sighed. He wanted to marry Kate, but he would never agree with her horrid temper. So her sister would do, and he was quite firm in that decision. Even if it killed him to be as close to Kate and not be able to kiss her as if she was his wife.

But life was life, and he had a promise to his father.

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