Chapter 29

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As we all know, there is nothing this author loves more than a scandal, and tonight's soiree promises more than its fair share, courtesy of the recently widowed Lady Trowbridge. Some may call her celebrations too provocative, and I would caution any young lady from getting caught up in the sensual nature of her fetes.

For one scandalous move between an unwed couple, a wayward touch, or heaven forbid, a kiss, would banish any young lady from society in a trail of ruin.

When Delilah entered the ball tonight she was wearing as per usual a silver gown. Her hair was drawn back, but stayed down. And her makeup was light again letting her eyes shine. She hadn't expected the more intimate nature of the decorations and entertainment. But, knew she would be safe as she was expecting to be with Anthony.

Delilah had been walking around with Daphne for the first minutes, she had not seen Anthony but hadn't complained when Daphne pulled her by the arm and began to walk with her. And it was all pleasant and full of giggles, until Cressida Cowper appeared.

"Daphne! You look beautiful as always, and you as well Delilah." Cressida complimented. She was a fair skinned blonde with light blue eyes. She was a beautiful girl, if not for her treacherous personality the Delilah did not come to like.

"Thank you, Cressida." Daphne acknowledged. When she began to walk around Cressida, she stepped back in front of Daphne. Her tone suddenly changed.

"You could have chosen anyone. You have gentlemen lined up to pay you tribute. Yet, you did not hesitate to steal my chance for happiness away, did you?" Delilah was certainly confused now at what Cressida was hinting at.

"I knew the marriage market would make rivals of us, but I never thought you capable of being my enemy." Cressida finished.

Delilah was about to say something when Daphne spoke up. She had kept her head high, and her eyes did not waver when she spoke directly to Cressida.

"The man has made his choice, Cressida. What did you expect me to do?"

Cressida looked like she was about to say something else when the prince came over to Daphne's side. "Miss Bridgerton, you look absolutely exquisite, as always."

Daphne turned her head to the prince and nodded, "Thank you, Your Highness."

The prince nodded in return, "I hope there's room on your dance card for the two of us."

"I believe there is."


When Delilah had finally found Anthony she was grateful. She couldn't stand to be around Cressida anymore and Daphne's ignorance of her own feelings was starting to frustrate her. So when her and Anthony were being dragged to meet people within the ton, she couldn't have been more thankful.

"Anthony! Delilah!" Violet brought them over to a beautiful young lady. "This is Miss Addington, the Earl of Lindsay's niece."

Miss Addington nodded at the couple, Anthony wasn't interested though. His thumb was rubbing circles around Delilah's waist as she became the public face for the two. "Pleasure." Miss Addington greeted. "Of course." Delilah nodded.

The night went on, Delilah and Anthony were introduced to more people within the ton. Delilah was starting to get bored, and the couple had resorted to taking turns when speaking. When it was his turn he would wrap his arm around her waist and observe the room. When it was her turn she would tuck herself into his side and glance at the dance floor.

It was currently Anthony's turn talking when Delilah noticed the prince and Daphne. Her eyes had dragged over there multiple times. But when she saw the sweat beads form above Daphne's eyes and her breathing slightly picked up. She began to worry.

However she couldn't do anything, because she and Anthony were being dragged to another couple and it was now her turn to speak.

Then Daphne fled. And Anthony noticed too. They quickly shared a look, Delilah excused them and the two hurried through the crowd. That's when they noticed Simon following swiftly behind Daphne. Delilah cursed under her breath, she picked up her skirts and was now running slightly through the ballroom. Anthony quickly by her side.

They turned into the garden, and there was the sight Delilah had never wanted to see. Simon on Daphne, hands rustled in her skirt, her dress dragging up, their lips locked. Daphne shamelessly moaning. Delilah was shock stricken, but Anthony was furious.

"Bastard!" Anthony yelled.

Simon and Daphne quickly separated at the sight of the two. "Anthony." Simon said calmly. "Delilah!" Daphne gasped. Anthony was still furious, but it was passed aside as he began to look around the gardens quickly. Delilah ran over to Daphne looking over her face.

"You will marry her." Anthony said breathlessly. Simon looked over to him, "What?"

"Immediately." Anthony growled. Delilah began holding Daphne in a strong hug away from the men, but her eyes watched them closely.

"We can only hope no one saw you take such liberties, and my sister is saved from further mortification. You will marry her!"

"Brother!" Daphne cried. Delilah looked down with wide eyes still and then looked back up to Anthony. Simon panted and looked between the three, his eyes drawn to Daphne's figure the most however. 

"I cannot marry her." He whispered.

This is what made Anthony furious. It made Delilah mad, he kissed her. Ravaged at her skirts like a predator when it had captured its prey and then refused to secure her reputation in the event that someone had caught them doing unseemly, despicable, wild acts.

"You have defiled her innocence, and now you refuse her hand? I knew you a rake, Hastings never thought a villain." Anthony spat out at Simon. Delilah was still in shock, and her wide eyes grew wider. Her grip around Daphne tightened.

"I cannot marry her." Simon repeated.

Anthony paused for a moment glancing into Delilah's eyes. She couldn't read his eyes clearly, but it looked almost like a plea for forgiveness.

"Then you leave me no choice. I must demand satisfaction." Delilah understood now. And her shock turned into fear.

"A duel? Anthony, you cannot-" But she was cut off by Anthony, "He dishonored Daphne, Delilah. He dishonors her and me and the very Bridgerton name. He even dishonored you." Anthony took a breath.

"I have misjudged you, indeed. You have duped all of us, but I shall not see my sister pay for my own misdeeds. We will settle this as gentlemen."

Simon nodded his head at Anthony, "I understand." Anthony nodded curtly. "I shall see you at dawn."

Daphne shook her head, "I do not understand. You would rather die than marry me?" Simon turned to Daphne with sorrow on his face. Even Delilah was shocked he would not marry her. Why would he give up a perfect marriage?

"I am truly sorry." Simon apologized. But Anthony would have none of it, so he walked over to the girls, placed his hand gently on Delilah's back and began ushering them forwards.

"We need to go Delilah, Daph, before anyone should see us."

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