Chapter 23

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Three Bridgertons and Delilah sit in the drawing room. Daphne sits at the piano, playing a repetitive tune. Eloise sits reading on the couch. And Benedict sits next to Delilah reading over her shoulder.

At this point, Delilah could pinpoint exactly where she was playing and do it the same for another fifty times. It seemed as if Benedict had read her mind however when he gave quite an attention drawing sigh.

"Oh! Enough! I beg of you." Eloise groans. She throws her book into her lap and looks up at Daphne who had quickly turned around at the interruption. "Perhaps you should join me. You will need to be proficient on the pianoforte soon enough."

Delilah and Benedict share a look. "How much do you wanna bet they argue." Benedict whispers to Delilah. "I don't need a bet to predict the outcome, Benny.". The two quietly giggle to each other before turning back to the sisters.

"You could use the practice I'm sure." Daphne gives Eloise a pointed look. She waves her hand though turning her attention back to her book. "On second thought, continue. You will frighten away the duke, the prince, and any other eligible suitor clear across the North Sea."

Daphne scoffs, her eyes widening just a bit, "And you would wish that upon me, would you, sister?"

Delilah lets her jaw drop open dramatically looking back for Eloise's response. Benedict chuckles at her actions.

"If it kept Mama's attention focused on you instead of me, I might." Eloise remarks. "You can take your reading outside." Daphne suggests. Eloise looks up with an offended expression, Delilah sits up a little straighter.

"You say that as if it were such a bad thing." Eloise says. "I meant no such thing." Daphne dismisses. Delilah looks at Daphne, she couldn't tell if she was lying or not, but she assumed she meant no harm.

"But it wont gain me a husband? That's what you meant?" The rooms tension paused for a moment. Delilah looked over to Eloise, Daphne clearly stunned by the comment. "Eloise.." Delilah whispered.

"You wish to follow your heart. I wish to nurture my mind. Let us leave it there." Eloise picked her book back up. Daphne turned around on the piano bench, "Can you at least try to understand?" Daphne asked.

Eloise shook her head, "You never see things from my perspective."

"You are not the only one with troubles, Eloise." Daphne argued.

Eloise turned abruptly to Daphne, "You have no idea what it-" She paused however taking a breath. "It does not matter."

They sat in silence for a moment. Delilah turned her head between both of them. Eloise looked at her book, then closed it softly. Daphne turned back to the piano. "Is it an original?" Eloise voice picked back up.

"What?" Daphne asked.

"That song, did you compose it yourself?" Daphne nodded her head, "In a manner of speaking." Eloise nodded her head, then turned back to daphne. "What is the name of it?". Daphne looked down at the keys, "It does not have a name."

"Every song has a name." Eloise interjected. "It is just a song, Eloise." Daphne replied harshly.

Eloise nodded her head. She picked her book back up. "If you need to practice, then do so. Just..come up with a name for it, at least." Daphne nods her head. She picks up her hands and places them on the keys and repeats the same set of notes again.

Delilah looked over to Eloise with a small frown, she knew Eloise cherised her education. Delilah had been one of the only ones to encourage her reading, but Eloise took it father. She fought for women to be equal to men, for them to be ale to attend university and travel and marry who they please. 

Delilah then looked over to Daphne. Daphne cherished her love life. She wanted to find a husband, be a good wife, set up a good start for her sisters when they were eventually debuted into the ton. She wanted to have a marriage equal to that of her parents. And Delilah couldn't blame her, she wanted the same.

Both sisters were unique and different, special in their own way. They had two extremely different minds and always spoke opinions. Even though Eloise was just a bit more vocal then Daphne. Delilah sighed, sister fights were not fun to watch. But deep down, Delilah wished for a sister of her own. A Silvester, not a Bridgerton.

But she knew life always had different plans.

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