Chapter 24

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Delilah was in the Silvester homes dining room, Anthony sitting next to her at the table. She had invited him over so the two could work in the study together, or else Delilah might find herself making a bed out of her fathers chair again.

But, her mind was elsewhere. In a new category that not even her mother had discussed with her, and her mother discussed everything with her. So she thought, if her mother could not give her the answers. Anthony would.

"My mother told me something curious the other day." Delilah started, Anthony spared her a glance then looked back to his food. "Hm."

"That one should marry one's dearest friend." Anthony looked up at Delilah, he had never broached the subject of marriage with her. Surely she wasn't trying to rush anything. He wasn't ready to be married quite yet although he was sure he would marry her.

"Are you suggesting I marry the duke."Delilah laughed under her breath. "No." She shook her head.

"But I do wonder, is that truly what marriage is all about, then?" Anthony gave her a confused look. "Friendship?" He asked. He was beginning to think that she wasn't specifically asking about marriage, but rather a more intimate subject young ladies are not told about until their own wedding.

"Well, I imagine it is a good start." Delilah nodded her head. "Though, most marriages are like battlefields. Even if it is a battlefield, there must be other things that hold the troop together."

Anthony shook his head, "My word! I might have thought you were trying to organize a militia." Delilah let out a small laugh. Anthony looked up at her with a small smile.

Delilah shook her head, calming herself down. She was going to get information out of this, even if it is not much. "What I mean is..there are other things..physical..or perhaps intangible..that bring a couple together."

Anthony had to keep himself from smirking. Of course Delilah didn't know the inner workings of the more private side of a marriage. Especially that of what happens behind closed doors. But at this moment, he had never seen someone appear so innocent, but maybe that was because Anthony was already corrupted.

"Well, yes, of course there's more to a marriage, physical and intangible." Delilah looked up at Anthony shocked, "Both?". He nodded his head, "Both." Delilah shook her head in thought, Anthony just looked at her with amusement.

"But how can something be both physical and intangible when they are quite the opposite?"

Anthony broke out into laughter, "You are beastly!". Delilah shook her head looking farther down. "Nevermind."

Anthony shook his head and calmed himself, placing one of his hands over Delilahs, "No. I am not laughing at you. I am laughing at the absurdity of how little mothers tell their daughters."

Delilah nodded, leaning back into her chair, "They tell us nothing." Anthony chuckled again, placing a kiss on her hand. "Well, I certainly cannot tell you."

Delilah looked up at him quickly, confusion flooding her silver eyes. "Why?". Anthony sighed. "Because it is not my place." Delilah looked down.

"In any courtship, it would be scandalous for her suitor to discuss such things with a lady." His grip on Delilah's hand tightened. She looked up at him with doe eyes, "But you're not just any suitor are you? And besides, no one else will tell me anything. So how am I to be a good wife if I don't even know what I am expecting."

Anthony's breath quickened, her innocence was doing more than it should have. "I cannot tell you." Delilah leaned forward. "I thought we were friends."


"Anthony." She looked at him with pleading eyes, "Tell me."

Anthony didn't say anything. "Tell me!" She asked again. And Anthony cracked. "All right! All right!" Delilah smiled and moved closer to Anthony. He looked down at her and shook his head with a smile.

"What happens between a husband and wife. Well, it is a natural continuation of what happens at night." Delilah looked up at him with curious eyes, "At night? What happens at night?"

Anthony moved a hand up her cheek and twisted a strand of hair around his finger, "When you are alone. When you touch yourself." Delilah took a breath and looked Anthony in the eye, "You do touch yourself?"

Anthony shook his head, "When you are alone, you can touch yourself anywhere on your body, anywhere that gives you pleasure, but especially..." Anthony's eyes trailed her body, but he quickly returned his focus to her eyes. "Between your legs."

"And when you find a feeling you particularly enjoy you can carry on with that, until that feeling grows, and eventually you reach a pinnacle, a release. And that should help you."

He leaned in to give her a deeper kiss than what she usually experienced. And a new feeling swollen under her skin. But as quickly as it was there, it was gone. She leaned back in her chair, Anthony's smug eyes watching her reaction. He was the only one who had ever made her feel that new feeling. And oh, did he enjoy it.


Hey everyone! 

So sorry for the late update, I was busy this past weekend. But, I wanted to thank everyone for 4k. I seriously cannot believe how much success this book has rendered. I didn't expect it to get very many reads since there are a lot of Bridgerton stories out there, but thank you so much.

On a another note. I think its time to begin prepping another fan fiction. Let me know if you guys have any suggestions. I have a few ideas, but if you guys have any you would specifically like to see I would love suggestions.

Have a great day otherwise everyone, thank you all again.


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