Chapter 30

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Anthony, Delilah and Daphne rushed into the building to Violet. Delilah still had a strong arm around Daphne while her mind was trying to process everything. She was confused at what was truly happening. They had been kissing, was that what Anthony meant about night activities?

But why was Daphne there, she was just fine only minutes before she ran. And Anthony was once again facing a duel, she was terrified. But Anthony had followed through on his original promise, it truly seemed like there was no other option now that Simon had refused to marry Daphne.

"Champagne! It sounds like 'Sham' and 'Pain'." Violet said, chuckling. On lighter terms Delilah would have laughed, but her emotions were put on hold at the moment. "It's quite amusing really."

Anthony came around the girls and stopped by his mother, his arm still connected to Delilah. "Our sister has a headache. I am taking her and Delilah home." He turned to Daphne. "See to Mother, will you?"

"Daphne, you look unwell. Did you catch a chill in the garden?" Violet asked.


When the trio arrived home and into the drawing room Delilah was still close to Daphne's side. She didn't fully know what to do, she had never seen that. Was she hurt? Did something else happen? She was truly scared.

Anthony was pacing. His own mind was running a million miles an hour. How dare Simon touch his sister. How dare he refuse to marry her. Now he had to duel one of his best friends. And Daphne, she had no idea what she truly had done and Delilah. Oh, Delilah, she didn't know at all. He stopped however and turned to his sister.

"I want you to know I am not angry with you. I do not blame you for what transpired." He stated quickly. Daphne looked up at him,

"Stop treating me like a child." She replied. Anthony didn't comprehend her words however, "I did this. He took advantage of you."

Daphne shook her head, "No less then you took liberties with him."

"You do not understand." Anthony argued. "I should have protected you better. I knew his true nature from the start."

Daphne stood, Delilah watched her with worried eyes, "You think that just because I am a woman, I am incapable of making my own choices? Is that it, brother? Do you even care that Simon has dishonored me, as you say, or is it your own male pride that you seek to satisfy?"

"Daphne!" Delilah cried, she didn't know how Daphne could have come up with that. This was exactly the situation that their mamas had tried to prevent from happening. Why was she fighting for Simon?

"You are to go on up to bed." Anthony dismissed.

"You cannot duel him. It is illegal, to name but one reason. You could both be arrested, let alone killed. There must be another way." Daphne argued.

"What would you have me do?" Anthony asked. Delilah was now looking over at him, it was true. Dueling was illegal and having to stomach the risk that Anthony could possibly come back as nothing but a pale, ghostly dead body did not sit right in her mind.

"I do not take this decision lightly, but this is the way things are handled amongst gentlemen. If this were to become known-" Anthony was cut off by Daphne,

"I could live with that." Anthony looked up at her in shock. But she shook her head, "What I could not live with is the duke's death on my hands. Nor yours, however tempting that may be at this very moment. It is more than just your honor at stake. It is your sisters', too, the entire family name."

Anthony shook his head. "It has been decided."

"Oh, this is madness!" Delilah cried again. Then Benedict walked in. Anthony's eyes had been on Delilah's crying figure when he walked in. His gaze hardened immediately. "What is it?" Benedict asked.

"You and I need to talk." Anthony said. "Delilah, Daphne, bed."

Daphne and Delilah walked out, the door slammed behind them. Delilah jumped slightly. She looked over to Daphne who pulled her into a hug. "It's okay Lilah, it's okay."

Daphne helped her to a carriage and she was taken home. But as soon as she went through the door, it was knocked upon. When she opened it, Anthony stood there.

"Anthony?" She asked. He sighed heavily. "I duel at dawn, if I don't make it run with me. We can go to the country. We can be free from society, I don't care, I need you with me."

Delilah shook her head and brought her lips forwards to his. 

"Just come back to me, alive."

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