Chapter 10

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When Delilah arrived home she ran up to her mothers room. "Mama, it was beautiful. The lights, the music. It felt like a dream." She said as she came in and sat down in the chair beside her mother.

Her mother chuckled softly, sitting up and reaching over to caress Delilah's hair. "I remember going to see the opera with your father." She said,

"He told me I was the real gem of the season. And that watching the opera with me would have been the best gift god had ever let him receive." She laughed softly. "Although I don't really think he was watching the opera. I believe he was watching me."

Delilah giggled. She remembered vague images of her father. But she always looked at the portrait in the study to really know what he looked like. "I'm sure he was mama." She said looking down at her mother. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

Her mother smiled, "Much better. Maybe strong enough to go around in a wheelchair if we can get one. But, better nonetheless" Delilah smiled at this.

"Now go rest, child. You have had a long day." Her mother playfully scolded. Delilah laughed but exited her room with a quiet, "Good night, Mama."

She walked to her bedroom and began undressing. It really was a wonderful night. It really was.

Be it shame or slander. Seduction or smear.

Anthony walks into a room where Siena, the opera singer, lays on a four poster bed in a rather nice apartment.

There is one thing that continues to humble even the most highly regarded members of our dear ton: A scandal.

He looks at Siena. No feelings, no lust, no love, nothing. Just a woman in front of him. " I cannot see you anymore." Siena looks at Anthony. Confusion. "I do not understand." She says.

He loves her, he wants her. He still did, right? What changed? "It is not for you to understand that what I must do is necessary." He says. He still cared for her, but in the way she wanted him to. He saw her as a friend, nothing more. She could no longer compare to Delilah.

"You said you would always protect me. You promised to care for me, my lord. And now... what shall I do now?" Her tone contained confusion and anger. Anthony holds her pleading and angry stare. But nothing came out of him. "You shall leave." He said firmly.

Tonight, a privileged selection of only the most fashionable guests will descend  upon the most scandal prone grounds in all of London: Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. Its shaded garden walls, such as those of the Dark Walk, have covered for some of the most notorious of trysts. This author wonders which persons of quality shall be discovered there tonight. Or better yet, how many?

Delilah enters through the boating entrance. Her eyes gazed around. She wears a beautiful light green dress with dark flowers and studs closing together around the bottom of the dress.

As she gets out of the boat she looks around at the beautiful garden. It truly was beautiful. Her eyes lock on Anthony. He was handsome. She was everything she had ever dreamed of for so long, and when he started to approach her. Everything was even more perfect.

"Delilah. You look absolutely beautiful." He said as he came face to face with her. Delilah's face flushed. "And you look handsome." She returned. Anthony takes her arm in his and leads her over to Daphne.

All of the sudden lights come up around their heads. Lights! Not fire lit candles, bulbs of light. Daphne and Delilah look up, it makes the room look beautiful. "Is it not the most bizarre..look, brother." She says. Delilah still gazes over the room as Anthony speaks.

"Lord Berbrook's barony is over two-hundred years old. His lineage is legitimate. He has had an excellent education. Posses no debts. Never hurt an animal or a woman and he is even a decent shot. To speak strictly, there is nothing wrong with him." Now Delilah listens in. What does this information have to do with her best friend.

"Why should any of this-" Daphne starts to speak. But what Anthony says next has even her reeling. "You are to marry him."

"Nigel." Delilah hisses out. Anthony ignores however, keeping eye contact with his sister. "I had to find you a husband sister. Now be grateful it is done. It should be just as easy for you to fall in love with Lord Berbrooke as with anyone else-" Now Delilah cuts him off.

"I will not hear of this." She pulls Daphne away leaving a shock-struck Anthony behind.

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