Chapter 47

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Delilah was now at the Hastings London house to help Daphne prepare for her own ball. It was a weird thing to think about for her, instead of attending a ball with Daphne, she would be attending a ball for Daphne.

She had arrived with Lady Danbury and Violet. But she left to go find her best friend. And when she stumbled upon her in the old duke's study. Delilah knew she was curious about something Delilah had known about for a while.

"Your Grace." Delilah greeted moving into the study.

"Oh, Delilah." Daphne smiled seeing her.

"Did you forget we were to come and help with preparations for your ball?" She asked with a teasing smile, "Violet and Lady Danbury are waiting in the parlor."

"I shall be there momentarily." Daphne nodded.

Delilah smiled but stood for a moment longer, and that is when Daphne turned her head again.

"Delilah? Did you know about these letters, the ones the duke seems to have written to his father as a boy?" She asked timidly.

Delilah nodded, "I did. And now, apparently, so do you."

"I had no idea," Daphne began, "that Simon had such trouble speaking as a child."

"How could you have done? He worked so very hard to eliminate the difficulty. He was proud. It's why he wrote the letters in the first place. He wanted to keep the old duke informed." She explained.

Daphne nodded, "Mm."

"The late duke never even deigned to read them." She added.

Daphne looked up at that, "How could - what kind of father -" She was stumbling over her words.

"One that demanded perfection out of Simon. And, when that was not achieved, well, I shall leave it for you to figure out. He is very emotional when it comes to his father, and those letters." She frowned.

"Simon could not be any more different from a man such as that." Daphne stated puting the letters back.

"Of course," Delilah nodded, "We know that to be true, Daph."

Daphne looked up at her best friend, "You helped him overcome his impediment."

"It was a mixed effort of Lady Danbury, my mother, and me. We were the only ones he saw really as a child. His father was very strict. But, we merely showed him what he was capable of. At the end of the day the duke's triumph is his and his alone." Daphne smiled.

Daphne smiled as well and walked over, threading her arm through Delilah's, "Let's plan a ball!"

Delilah giggled, "Let's plan a ball."


The next day Delilah was back at the Bridgerton estate waiting for the arrival of Francesca. Anthony had come in a few moments prior and greeted her with a kiss to the head and sat down next to her, his arm draping along the back of the loveseat.

"How was your day, dear?" Delilah asked.

Anthony smiled and leaned down to give her a brief kiss, "Perfect now that I am with you."

Delilah giggled and leaned into his side. He was comforting and warm, Delilah loved it.

"Sister!" Hyacinth gasped running up to hug Francesca as she entered.

Delilah looked up at the girl with a smile. Her hair matched Daphne's but her eyes matched with Eloise. She was a beauty in the mix of her older two sisters.

"Francesca." Delilah greeted as she stood from Anthony's side to give the girl a hug, "Welcome home."

Francesca smiled up at her returning her hug, "Delilah! It's so good to see you."

She then turned to her real sister and gave her a hug as well. Her eyes turned to Simon next, "I thought returning to four brothers enough, but returning to five is quite nice." She smiled.

Hyacinth ran up behind her with a big smile on her face. "Simon! When will I able to visit Clyvedon?" She asked.

Delilah shook her head with a laugh, "Allow the duke to find a seat before you trouble him."

But, Simone merely smiled back at Hyacinth, "You are welcome to visit at any time."

Delilah smiled, taking her seat next to Anthony again. Violet had asked Francesca to show her how her pianoforte had been coming along. And with the smile of Francesca's face she could tell how proud the girl was.

Daphne had noticed it as well and smiled over at the younger Bridgerton, "Sister, your pianoforte is quite impressive."

Francesca smiled back then turned to Colin. "Join me, Brother."

"Yes, Colin, why not a song?" Violet encouraged.

Colin sighed standing to move over to the piano, "If I must."

"Now we are met, let mirth abound and let the catch and toast go round, and then the catch, and then the catch."

Gregory stood bringing Hyacinth with him. "Spin!". The two exploded into fits of laughter. Delilah smiled widely.

She stood up dragging Daphne up and began to dance with her, "Spin!" She laughed. The room around them laughed as well, memories of a younger Daphne and Delilah flooding back through the doors.

"And let the catch and toast go round. Now we are met, let the mirth around, and let the catch and the toast go round."

Delilah smiled over at Anthony before she turned with a teasing smirk to Daphne. "Move!" She exclaimed. "I want to dance with the Viscount."

Daphne laughed and moved over while Anthony stood and took Delilah into his arms. He spun and swayed with her. The two formed their own little bubble in the joyous drawing room of the Bridgerton estate. It was a bubble of joy. Anthony's loving gaze on Delilah. Delilah's laugh flowing through the air.

"And then the catch, and then the catch. And let the catch and toast go round."

Colin finished along with Francesca and the room burst into applause. The siblings making over dramatic bows and taking mock thanks from empty stands in their minds.

Anthony bowed down before Delilah as she curtsied and even the couple got a few claps and whistles from their family and friends around them. Delilah smiled at Anthony as they took a seat. He pressed a kiss into her temple and sighed sitting next to her.

Happiness. That is what surrounded the room at that moment, happiness.

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