Chapter 53

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It was silent. Delilah didn't know how to speak at the moment, and Anthony didn't know if he would be able to reply. But the conversation couldn't be pushed back. The deal was on, and Delilah was in denial.

"I don't want to marry him." Delilah whispered.

Anthony took in a breath before clasping his hand over hers, "I know."

"What are we going to do Anthony?" Delilah asked.

"We are going to fight it."

Delilah nodded her head. She leaned against his shoulder, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.

"Miss. Silvester." A soft voice peaked out. She opened her eyes, her head still perched on Anthony's shoulder and looked up at one of the house staff.

"Yes?" She asked.

"It's the Viscountess Lady Bridgerton, she is requesting you and Lord Bridgertons presence. She says Eloise is panicking about her debut."

Delilah looked up to Anthony before they both scrambled up and began to walk to where a carriage was waiting. "Dear lord, I forgot she was having her debut this season."

"It's okay dear, we shall be there just in time." Anthony said, shutting the door behind her. "We'll be fine."

A short ride later and the couple was running through the door of the Bridgerton estate. Gathered at the stairs of the home, the Bridgerton family.

"Oh goodness has she come out yet?" Delilah asked, coming around.

"No, you haven't missed much." Daphne chuckled, turning around. Delilah's eyes widened before she drew her best friend into a hug. It had been a long while since she had seen her.

"Oh there. Here. Allow me."

Delilah turned to see Violet guide Eloise down the stairs. However, it was rather pale and nervous Eloise.

"And your curtsy my dearest." Violet smiled. She then turned to the two girls still wrapped in a side hug, "Delilah, Daphne, tell your sister how you two managed such balance."

Daphne gave a smile, "Simply locate a stationary object and keep your eyes set."

"I used a painting nearby." Delilah chuckled, "I had to practice though, of course."

Eloise took in a whimper and Delilah brought a hand to her shoulder looking concerned, "Several times." She smiled pitifully.

"You have natural gifts-" Daphne tried to compliment.

"Do not patronize me." Eloise glared.


"The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton and Miss Eloise Bridgerton." The announcer called. Delilah turned her head from Anthony's side.

Delilah watched as Eloise made her way clumsily down the aisle. She did look beautiful, Eloise was a beautiful girl. But she did not want to be in the position and Delilah understood that. And it seemed she got her wish when a small paper was rushed to the queen as Eloise had finally made her way down to the end.

"Anthony?" Delilah whispered. But it seemed he could not answer either.

"I've seen enough." The queen dismissed.

"But Your Majesty, there are still -"

"I have seen enough!" The queen repeated.

Eloise smiled, "Does this mean I can go?", But the girl was already walking away, "Truly, I cannot say I will long for any of this. Oh, Delilah do not laugh, it is most improper."

Dearest gentle reader. Did you miss me?

As the members of our esteemed ton lazily sojourned in their rustic retreats, this author was doing but one thing.

Honoring my skill.

Or, should I say, hatching my plans?

No, even better. I was sharpening my knives for all of you.

Questions abound to this author's identity and means. Seeking those answers shall prove fruitless, indeed. There is, of course, another unknown identity at present. Though this one you will be able to unearth.

I speak of the season's diamond, wherever she may be.

"I don't think she is very good." Delilah whispered playfully to Benedict.

"I believe she can hear you." Benedict chuckled.

"I can hear you." Eloise sighed, "Might we be done?"

Eloise was dancing with Anthony. Of course, Delilah had forced him to help his sister learn against his will. And Eloise had most likely bruised his foot. But it was quite fun to watch.

"If you are to catch the queen's eye after that interruption, you must be perfection." Violet said.

Eloise scoffed, "I believe it was the interruption that was perfection."

Violet ignored this however, her gaze turned to Delilah. "Shocking that Eloise Bridgerton was not named the season diamond, was it not?"

"Was anyone aware that dear Colin has decided to add Albania or some place to his itinerary as he gads about the world?" Anthony asked, coming around behind Delilah.

"No. But how happy for him that he can simply decide to do that." Eloise mumbled.

Delilah looked up at Anthony, "Joining us for tea, dear?"

Anthony smiled down. "Yes I just need to ask my mother a question." Walking over he whispered something into Violet's ear.

Delilah didn't have a clue as to what he said, but when Violets eyes grew wide Delilah quickly became confused.

"However, the fields by Ferryhallow. I was thinking we might hold off on leasing them due to the hard frost." Anthony redirected.

"I beg your pardon?" Violet stuttered.

Anthony ignored this, "The frost hardens the soil, saps it of nutrients."

 "That is very well. But you just requested my-"

"Thank you, Mama." Anthony interrupted.

Delilah sat with a confused look on her face. Had she missed something?

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