Chapter 5

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"Too late. I already noted you." She begins. The boys simultaneously greet her. Delilah chuckles softly. Miss Bridgerton, and Miss Silvester. You both look rather lovely this evening." She compliments. The two girls nod smiling.

She glances down to both Delilah and Daphne's wrists. Their dance cards, both empty. Is there a reason I have yet to see you two on the dance floor?" She asks. Daphne goes to speak, but Anthony beats her to it.

"All in due time, Lady Danbury. We have only just arrived." He reasons. Lady Danbury eyes him. She smirks and leans to Daphne. "You poor thing." She whispers. She then looks up to see Delilah eyeing the floor, her eyes sparkling.

"Now Mister Lord Bridgerton. If you are escorting such a fine young lady, then I would like to see you at least dance with her." Lady Danbury pushes. Anthony looks over at Delilah and notices her gaze on the dance floor. He looks back at Lady Danbury, she only nods.

"Miss Silvester, a dance?" He speaks up. Delilah turns to him. "What?" She asks, confused. "A dance, you are staring in awe at the floor, so, will you join me?" He asks again. She looks at him with a new sparkle. Their faces both turn redder than natural. "Of course."

Anthony smiles and leads her away. The three siblings only watch as they begin. They are elegant, in step with each other. Delilah spins gracefully. She is the spectacle on the floor, truly a gliding feather. Her family's signature silver dress and perfectly curled hair. Anthony can only stare in awe.

 Whispers pass them as they dance over the floor. And, many gentlemen staring. Deilah's silvery blue eyes however remain in contact with Anthony.

"You are truly beautiful, Delilah." Anthony comments as they come together. "And you are quite extraordinary." She returns. He watches as she turns again. Her own silvery blue eyes stood out. His gaze shifts though, when he sees a man with Daphne.

Delilah follows his gaze, "Anthony?" She asks. She turns to see him walk swiftly around her, she follows quickly.

"Basset?" He begins. The man turns to look at him, "Bridgerton!" The two smile at each other. "Come here, old friend!" Anthony speaks.

Delilah looks at Daphne confused, she returns the look. Anthony pulls back, bringing Delilah to his side. "I heard news of your father. Deuce take it, you are no longer Basset!"

Basset gives Anthony a grimace, "I will always be-" But he's cut off. "Hastings! The Duke of Hastings, now known forever more." Anthony smiles. Delilah turns to the Duke with curious eyes. A handsome man the age of Anthony.

"The Duke of Hastings is it?" She asks softly. His eyes meet her now. Anthony glances down to her, but her gaze remains on the Duke. He then glances over to Daphne, her gaze also on the Duke. "Right. Hastings, this is my sister. And Miss Delilah Silvester." He introduces.

The Duke glances between the girls. First his eyes scanned over Daphne. "Your sister?" He asks in shock. Anthony nods. Hastings then looks over at Delilah, "Miss Silvester, a pleasure to meet you as well." Delilah nods her head, "The pleasure is mine, your grace." She curtsies a bit.

"Daphne. Delilah, Hastings and I know each other from our days at Oxford. Days we shall not soon forget." He jokes.

Daphne nods her head rather tensely. She walks to the other side of Delilah and takes her arm. "Yes. I am well aware of the company you keep, brother, I am most certain your days with His Grace were most... civilized, indeed." Delilah looks at her a little shocked, but it quickly comes out as a laugh. Hastings glancing between the two girls amusedly

Anthony lets out a quick cough and Delilah quickly composes herself. "Hastings, we shall need to get together properly. I expect to see you at our club then?" Anthony asks. Hastings nods his head, "Indeed. Evening Bridgerton. Ladies."

Daphne and Delilah curtsy and walk off with Anthony. Daphne turns back for a moment to find him busy with the Featheringtons. "Interesting man." Delilah whispers. "Certainly not." Daphne quickly says. Delilah only chuckles and walks slowly ahead with Anthony.

As they walk forward, Violet approaches Daphne. "I believe Lord Wetherby is looking for you to dance." She whispers. "Is he-" Daphne begins, but Anthony cuts her short. "If only it were not time for us to retire." He motions to Delilah.

"Oh. Well Daphne is anything but weary, I will stay with her." She pushes. Daphne smiles at her mother, "That would be lovely.

"Daphne. There is nary a gentleman here who would not take your hand. You must think about this." He argues. "The most perfect thing for you to do now is not to dance. But to leave them all wanting more. If anyone here knows how this works, it is your eldest brother."

Delilah takes her moment to scope out the room, and it was true, many young men were looking at Daphne whispering to each other. She threw glares at a few men, but most of them were most likely wondering if the diamond of the season was going to dance, "Daph, maybe-". But it was too late, Anthony's argument won.

"Perhaps he is right. Let us go." 

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