Chapter 46 - After the Rain

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The fastest courtship ever recorded occurred during the markedly wet season of 1804, when Miss Mary Leopold secured a betrothal over a plate of sugared almonds and licorice in just four and a half minutes.

Of course, Miss Leopold and her new husband would leave mere hours after their wedding. Reason unknown.

Of all that I have imparted to you, dear reader, there is but one bit of wisdom you must heed most. One can never know the truth of a marriage hiding behind closed doors. Beware indeed, blushing newlyweds.

You know not the future that awaits.

Will there be hardship, or indignity? Or will one's future see the rarest accomplishment of all, a true love match?

As for which of these fates await the eager matches of the season of 1813, only two things will tell. Time, and as always, this author.

Delilah sat in the drawing room with Eloise and Benedict. And the conversation striking the room had her very amused and curious. It seemed as though Benedict had taken a liken to a certain Modiste in the town. Delilah could not have had any more fun with the conversation, especially since Eloise was right next to her.

"Then where did you meet her?" Delilah asked.

"About town."

"At her shop?"

Benedict groaned, "Should you not be off with my brother somewhere? And Eloise, you should be getting ready to attend your first ball."

Delilah smirked, leaning forwards onto her knees, "And what other places might Madam Delacrioux frequent besides her shop?"

"Many places, Delilah, for her many interests." Benedict replied.

"You mean her many secrets." Eloise corrected.

Delilah ignored her statement however, "You should be careful, Benedict. Madame Delacroix may not be who you think she is. And, consorting with her, well, there may be consequences."

Benedict frowned at her, "I would have expected this from anyone but you two."

"You think just because Madame Delacroix has a paid occupation, or because she does not reside in Grosvenor Square, she's different. Is that it?" Eloise asked.

"That she is somehow deserving of my attention because she is not whom polite society deems appropriate?" Benedict rebutted.

"That is not what we are saying at all." Delilah frowned.

"Then what are you saying?"

"Eloise, Benedict is right, you should prepare for your sister's ball." Delilah turned to the girl next to her.

"Perhaps I should." Eloise nodded.

She began to walk into the door when Violet came into the door in a rush of skirts and excitement. Delilah looked up at her with curious eyes when she felt Anthony come around behind her. She leaned back into his touch.

"Aunt Winnie has sent word. Francesca will be arriving home tomorrow." Violet exclaimed.

Delilah smiled. Her and Francesca would read together. She wasn't as close to her as Eloise or Daphne, but on the occasion they would catch each other by the fire they would cozy up together and read in a comfortable silence.

Delilah looked up at Violet, "How exciting!"

 "Perhaps she can tell us of time spent far from London!" Hyacinth squealed as she sat down. "Fran has missed so much."

"Mm. Indeed." Violet nodded. "It certainly has been an eventful season, what with Daphne and the Duke, and then Anthony courting Delilah."

Delilah felt Anthony squeeze her shoulder, she smiled softly, but genuinely. Everything was okay. Delilah liked it that way.


Delilah had retreated to her home that afternoon and Daphne had stopped by. She looked in a somber mood however and her gaze was unfocused. It had Delilah mildly worried. Sitting down in the silvery escapade of the Silvester drawing room Delilah had tea brought out for the girls. Sitting on one of the love seats together, silence took over for a moment.

"I have made my decision. The duke and I are going our separate ways." Daphne announced.

Delilah gave her a look of concern, "Why, what has Simon-"

"It is for the best, truly Delilah." Daphne nodded. But she seemed to be trying to convince herself of that.

"I know your mother does not always say the right things. And the things she does say, well.. They are not always what you wish to hear. She is only able to offer you what she knows, and Daphne, you love the duke." Delilah pointed out, "What happened?"

"This is not up to me, Delilah." Daphne said. "The duke is choosing to nurture some grudge against his father-"

"Instead of allowing himself any kind of happiness, yes Daphne, I am well aware." Delilah interrupted.

Daphne nodded her head with glassy eyes, "However am I supposed to forgive that?" She asked in a shaky voice. "However are we supposed to move forward from here?"

"I don't know, Daph. I honestly do not know." Delilah sighed.

She reached over and brought her friend into a hug. Simon was making this more difficult than it needed to be, and now his marriage was dissipating. 

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