Chapter 49

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Delilah later came back around to Daphne's side. And was more curious at the fact the married couple was not together, but rather on opposite sides of the room.

"Pride, Daphne. It will cost you everything and will leave you with nothing. You must not allow it to happen to you too." Delilah said.

"It is different for them, men, to know whether they are in love?" Daphne asked.

Delilah smiled as her eyes caught Anthony, "Everything else seems different to them." She replied.

"We agreed to one dance tonight, a waltz." Daphne remarked.

"I miss dancing with my father. The very last time I danced with him was at a ball. There were peacocks present. Real ones, I believe." Delilah chuckled.

She turned her head to Daphne and the two erupted into a fit of quiet laughter.

"I suppose I miss everything about him, and mama really." Delilah confessed.

Daphne nodded her head, "The two of them loved each other so very much. It is a rarity I have come to realize."

 "That is not to say they were without trials. I assume they faced many difficulties indeed, but they overcame them. Mama told me they had made a decision early on to do so."

"Delilah, I do not think-"

"They chose to love each other every single day. It is a choice, Daphne, one that is never too late to make. My mama may not be able to see my father again. But, knowing that the two of them made the choice to love and to do all that they could, she could not tell me how much peace that brought to her." Delilah said.

Daphne sighed. "I wish there was something, Delilah. I wish I could do this."

"You are a Bridgerton, Daphne. There is nothing you cannot do."


The third Waltz of the evening had played. And Anthony pulled Delilah to the dance floor after watching her eyes flutter to it throughout the night.

Coincidentally it happened to be the waltz that Daphne and Simon had chosen to dance to as well. So of course, the dance floor was deserted. Because the eyes of everyone were on the two couples of the season.

The diamond of the season, and the gliding feather together with their matches dancing. It was the first and most likely last time it would ever happen.

"It has certainly been a season, love." Anthony said as they spun around the floor.

"Whatever do you mean?" Delilah asked.

"Well, within this I have certainly found real love. But, I have also found harsh commitment." He commented.


"Real love because you are the best thing that has happened to a man like me. And harsh commitment because unlike easy relationships we have both suffered losses and trials but everyday I find myself learning new things about you that remind me why I love you." Anthony explained.

Delilah blushed, "Real love, harsh commitment. How peculiar." She smiled.

"Peculiar indeed." Anthony nodded.

And that's when Delilah heard the rumble of thunder, and then the immediate downpour of rain. It came quickly and strongly. Suddenly the two couples on the floor were soaked. But it was a beautiful moment.

 Delilah laughed. Anthony looked over at her, and that's when he saw the meaning of true beauty.

Delilah was laughing in the rain, her hair was a mess of wet curls against the top of her head, but the tiara and pieces of jewelry were shining. Her dress was slowly flattening against her curves but because the dress was made up of silver incresants, it was glowing. And her eyes, they were always bright. But they shined a flawless silver in that aspect of the moment.

Delilah looked at Daphne. And she smiled hearing the conversation.

"It is better." Daphne said. "I know why you made that vow to your father. I found the letters you wrote to him as a child, and I read them." She explained.


"Just because something is not perfect, does not make it any less worthy of love. Your father made you believe otherwise. He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved, but he was wrong. Should you need any proof in the matter, then, just look here." Daphne took a breath motioning to herself.

"I cannot continue acting as if I, as if I do not love you. Because I do. I love all of you. Even the parts that you believe are too dark and shameful. Every scar. Every flaw. Every imperfection. I love you. You may think you are too damaged and too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy, but you can choose differently, Simon. You can choose to love me as much as I love you,"

"That should not be up to anyone else. That cannot be up to anyone else. That can only be up to you." Daphne finished.

Delilah smiled, she felt Anthony come up next to her as they watched with the others of attendance at that ball the rediscovery of the Hastings love.

Simon looked down at Daphne, "I do not want to be alone. I know that now. But what I do not know is how to be the man you want me to be. The man you truly deserve. I do not know how to do this."

Daphne shook her head, "Yes, you do."


"I know you do." Daphne spoke, "You stay, you stay and we get through this together. If you do this, if we do this, then-"

"Nothing else will matter." Simon finished. Daphne nodded her head.

Delilah looked at Anthony in the pouring rain. "The one thing they promised just now is to love each other. Did you understand?" She asked.

Anthony nodded his head, but a look of confusion took over his face.

"Promise me, Anthony Bridgerton. That you will be there when I need you. That I will be there when you need me, and that together we shall face our problems instead of alone." Delilah said. "Promise me."

"I promise." Anthony said.

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