Chapter 2

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Metty imagined shapes in the clouds floating past the classroom window as Professor Sparrow droned on. He was an oft-published journalist, favored the good-looking girls to the irritation of the rest of the class, and put students to sleep with his monotonous voice. He was otherwise a respected teacher. He helped many students get published and start writing careers. Metty wished she'd taken another French class. Maybe one day she'd get to Paris and find out if she remembered any of it.

"Marletta. Marletta!"

She blinked. Sparrow called my name. Why? What did he ask? She looked at the blackboard which offered no clue. Lists of names in pairs? No help. why didn't you pay attention. Why, oh, why did you take this class? she asked herself. Because Angie told you it was easy?

"Metty, isn't it? The blond with the bicycle sat in front of her, smiling gently. "Professor Sparrow wants you to pick a partner for the assignment." He brushed long wavy bangs off his forehead.

He has such blue eyes. Partner for what?  She blinked, trying to remember.

"Sorry. What partner?"

"For the magazine assignment," he whispered, smiling again. "Names on the left board are your choices."

His brunette friend/brother nodded at her, amused. I'm available, he mouthed, winking. 

Metty saw three names on the board besides hers: Madison Portnoy, the cheerleader who came in second in the vote for most beautiful girl in the school. No way. Madgirl only hung out with the most desirable people. Madison treated Metty like something stuck on her shoe, when she bothered to notice her at all.

Metty looked at the names on the board. Marco de Almurias. Oh, no. The prince Angie wants to see. These two English boys are the only guys I don't know. Oh, dear, which one is the prince. She looked from one to the other. Which one is the cousin? Who is the least worst choice?"

She spluttered, "Uhh, ummmm."

Madison raised a shapely arm, gold bracelets chiming on her wrist. A faint whiff of expensive perfume reached Metty.

"Yes, Madison." Professor Sparrow smiled warmly at her. Her blond hair sparkled as she turned her head. She glanced back at Metty scornfully, eyes narrowing, then turned her blue eyes on Sparrow, who grinned smugly.

"Since Metty can't seem to make up her mind, may I choose?" she asked in her sultry voice.

"Of course." Sparrow purred.

"Marco, if he's OK with that." Madison twisted to face the dark-haired man sitting across from the blond.

Metty almost laughed with relief. The blond was the cousin, not the prince. The least worst choice. If he would work with her, that was.

Marco nodded to Madison, his blue eyes gazing into hers. "I'll work with Madison," he said, provocatively. Madison met his eyes and licked her lips.

Sparrow grunted and wrote Almurias after Madison's name. "That means you've got Marletta Griffin, Alexei," he said, giving the blond man a pitying look.

"Excellent, professor," said Alexei. "I look forward to an interesting assignment."

Alexei looked steadily at Sparrow till he turned and wrote Moreno next to Metty's name. Sparrow gave out instructions for the assignment and dismissed the class.

Most of the students hurried out of the room, leaving Madison, Marco, Alexei and Metty. She put her MacBook in her backpack and looked for Alexei.


"Alex-eye. We don't use the Spanish pronunciation."

"Alexei, ok, then. I go by Metty, not Marletta."

You're the cousin. "When can we get together? Or would you rather go through email. I eat lunch now 'cause I have a class in an hour."

"I can join you for lunch, if you'd like to talk now." Metty nodded. Alexei turned to Marco, who was watching them, to Madison's annoyance. "I'll see you at home, sì?" Marco nodded.

"Claro, Alexei." Marco was handsome, a bit more handsome than Madison was beautiful. He smiled at Madison, who flushed slightly and smiled back, giving him her most successful look. He grinned, amused. "When are you free, Miss Portnoy?"

"Please call me Madison. I can meet with you now, Your Highness," she said. "Or," she lowered her eyelids, then raised them, "whenever is good for you."

"Marco, please," he said.

"I'm Madison."

"Will you join me for lunch?" he asked, standing as he gathered his belongings.

Madison nodded as she stood up gracefully, picked up her belongings and walked out. Her hips swayed gently. Marco watched her, then followed, his hips swaying in imitation of hers. As he went through the door, he turned and winked at Alexei, who shook his head, grinning.

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