Fall 2021 - Chapter 8

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 September flew by, hot and humid. Marco and Alexei double-dated with Madison and Jessica. Jessica accepted Alexei's company while showing a preference for Marco. Marco flirted with Jessica to make Madison jealous.

Alexei got tired being the odd man out and dated other girls besides Jessica. He found they, too, were fascinated by Marco, and thought Alexei was no more than a friend, not realizing he was another grandson of Prince Sebastian and the heir of a very wealthy nobleman. He didn't clear up the misunderstanding.

The last night of September, Marco and Alexei sat at their desks studying. Marco pushed his laptop back and stretched. His cell dinged. He read the text.

"It's from Jessica."

Alexei stopped typing, and looked up, attentive. "What does she want?"

"Inviting me to a mixer at ETA." Marco looked ruefully at Alexei. "Madison is away that weekend. Jessica thought I might like to come."

"Are you going?"

"I'll tell her we can both come."

"I wish she would give you up."

"And take you on?"


"She is more than spoiled." Marco shook his head. He recognized Jessica was a sociopath the day Alexei introduced them. "She must be aware that I would never have her as a girlfriend, but she desires my title."

"I'm not a prince."

"No. But if there is a new Parliament this December, the reforms to change to inheritance by birth order, regardless of gender, will almost certainly go through next year. This will include the throne."

"Long shot."

"Not if Christina Algarve forms a coalition to head the Cortés. She favors the reforms. Then tío Juan will not be second in line. Your mother will be. You, third. Popi will almost certainly give you and your brothers the title of Prince of Almurias and Dalmurias. You will also inherit your father's title of Count de Moreno in any case. And his money. A lot of money."

"Jessica ought to like that."

"She's a fool to think she could do better than you. You are one of the finest people I know. Popi believes so, too. I am sorry if it hurts you, but I would only rejoice if you lost interest in her. I pray you do. She is more than evil; she is diabolic. You are my best friend, hermano."

"And you, despite your shenanigans, are mine."

After a moment's silence, Marco spoke, "What do you see in Jessica? She's arrogant, vain, ambitious. She treats me like her equal! As though she does me a favor. Heir to Almurias is my birthright, by God's grace, and my duty. She thinks most people are her inferiors." He said softly, "Including you, mi hermano."

Alexei stared at Marco. His face fell as he realized the truth of Marco's words. He nodded.

"Let's face it, Alexei, most of our friends are like us, born to money and position, but we do not disrespect those who work to support their families."

"You must be exaggerating."

Marco was silent as he searched for the right words. "You defend her. Oh, brother, escape from her spell. I assure you it is a curse. How often have I been wrong about people's motives? Not often, verdad?"

Alexei nodded ruefully, for Marco had an uncanny ability to see through people.

"I am considered reckless and fun-loving by many, I know. I was born a prince, destined to rule Almurias. I know my duties to my country and my people." He met his cousin's eyes. "All of them. From the Prince to the street cleaner. Meanwhile, I enjoy my youth." He chuckled. "Of course, my life is dedicated to my birthright. Jessica is incapable of empathy or compassion."

The two were silent for a moment until Marco's cell dinged. "Jessica again. I'll tell her we'll both come, OK?"

Alexei nodded slowly, but he was disturbed. He admitted to himself the truth of Marco's words. Marco texted a confirmation to Jessica.

Alexei returned to his studies. He thought about Jessica instead, and what Marco had said about her. He remembered her rudeness to Metty—and so many others. Marco's right. Jessica believes nearly everyone is beneath her and in her soul has contempt for them, and me. She is so beautiful and can be so charming, most people just want to be near her, like a flower must have the sun. Are you no more than a flower, Alexei, hungering for the sun? I will...date other girls for a while. "Marco, my brother, I will give serious consideration to what you have said."

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