Chapter 39

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The swing rocked slowly as Alexei pushed against the floor. He put his arm around Metty's shoulders and pulled a blanket over them. She rested her head against him. The warmth of her body was soothing.

Metty turned her head to look up at him. "You sleepy?"

He shook his head and kissed her. He pulled back and looked into her eyes. She pulled him to her and kissed him back. She laid her head on his shoulder and dozed off.


Metty woke with a start, wondering where she was. She looked around, puzzled. A porch? The night sky was lightening as dawn neared.

The sofa was swinging under her? No, the Reynolds' porch swing. She felt Alexei's arm shift as she moved.

She straightened up. "I dozed off."

"So did I," he said softly. "It's been a wonderful night. Now, it ends." He sighed, then smiled. "That means there can be more nights like this.

She smiled. "I've got your coat somehow. Aren't you cold?"

"No, I'm warm enough with the blanket."

She held the coat as he put it on. "What time is it?" she asked.

"Six-thirty-seven. Dawn soon. Would you like to walk to the waterfront before I take you home? I'd like a walk."

She nodded and they walked down the steps. He reached for her hand and found hers searching for his.

They strolled along Waterfront Park, deserted but for them. They stopped by the Pineapple Fountain, kissing briefly, then walked along the pier to the Splash Fountain. It was lit this early morning. A ship moved slowly down the harbor to the Atlantic. Alexei put his arm around Metty's waist and she moved closer to him. The eastern sky flung out pink and red streamers as the sun neared the horizon.

"I'm beginning to fall in love with you, Marletta Griffin," Alexei said.

She looked at him, her heart pounding with surprise, and a touch of fear. "I like you, Alexei. More than I thought I would. You're wonderful. A good man. You have qualities I'd want in a boyfriend, and more. But."

"But." He waited for her answer, looking down at her, her eyes shining in the early light.

"Your life is very different from mine. Your future is going to be unlike any future I could have imagined, or, or, worked for, except in fairy tales. I want more nights like this, even if it's only for a while. Until you leave my home and return to yours."

He thought, nodded. "I want to see you again. See where this relationship goes. I return to Almurias next week. I'll be back in January. Let's keep in touch. Facebook, Facetime. So on." He waited for her answer. She nodded. "Can I see you in January?"

She took a deep breath and made her decision. She said, "I'd like to see you again." And again.

He picked her up, whirled her around, making her laugh. They danced around the fountain. Metty slipped on the damp paving.

"Whoops!" Metty laughed. He lifted her up and carried her out of the fountain.

He set her down gently and kissed her. He rested his forehead against hers for a moment. "I'm hungry. Let's get breakfast."

Nights Like ThisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant