Chapter 58

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Marco jogged along the road with the other cadets in the Almurian Navy. One more week of Boot Camp, then training as an officer. Three months on a ship, then assigned to the Almurian Embassy, London, indefinitely. He scowled. I won't be able to get away to see Madison till April. Damn. I was supposed to go to Washington, where I could have seen her every week. It's like Popi knew what I was thinking and changed it to London. Of course he knew. Damn.

The trainees jogged back to the barracks and the instructor released them to get ready for dinner. In the shower, Marco washed, thinking of Madison. He grew hard, and his hand dropped to his penis. They had never done it in the shower. He heard a couple of snorts, and whispers, "toro." He changed the water to cold, then stepped out to dry off. If only he could contact Madison on the Internet. Internet sex with her was better than nothing.


It was two more weeks before Marco found an opportunity, alone in his room at the Naval Officers Academy. It was midnight in Almurias. He entered Madison's address on his private internet account and sent. A moment later her face filled the screen. She smiled at him. Her blonde hair curled over her bare shoulders. He knew she was naked.

"It's been too long, Marco, mi amor. I burn for you."

"I'm here. In April we will be together in Charleston  and can enjoy in reality what we now only imitate."

"What did you have in mind?" He wanted her more than ever.

"I want to pull you into the shower at my home on Isla de Flores and caress your wet body as you caress mine."

Her face flushed. "You're turning me on, lover. I'll hold you to that. But tonight, what about tonight?"

"Are you naked?"

She nodded.

"Show me." She turned the camera so her naked body, stretched on the golden sheets, filled the screen. She wore only the red star ring.

He focused on her body and ignored the ring. I really have to give her another color ring, maybe yellow, before she finds out what that red star means.

"Now you show me," she said. Marco adjusted the screen.

Madison held up a vibrator. "This is a poor substitute for you, mi amor, but it will have to do."


Later, sated, they chatted about their future.

"You will have your own apartment in London in the Fall. Don't worry, I have leased a luxurious one bedroom in the building behind my apartment. Concierge service, maid, car at your disposal. Everything."

Madison smiled. Reality would be better than her dreams. "Will you visit me there? Or shall I come to you? Won't it be...indiscreet?"

Marcos shook his head. "I can go from my garage to the back private entrance at your building and up the service elevator to you."

Madison smiled wistfully at Marco. "Do you think your family will ever accept me?"

"They will have to, because I do. One day I will be head of the family."

"Speaking of family, do you know Alexei is dating Metty? That girl with no family, money, or looks."

"Yes, I do," Marco said sharply, but Madison didn't notice. "He is quite fond of her, he tells me."

"Jessica is about to burst. He turns down every invitation to spend time with Metty."

"He knows his heart."

Madison smirked. "Alexei is leaving in May. Jessica is going to Almurias this fall with her father when he becomes ambassador there. They'll see a lot of each other."

"Alexei will work in Charleston this summer. He'll move to London in August to study at LSE."

Madison's face lit up when she realized how Jessica would react to that news. "Jessica will have to wait another few months. She'll live. And be livid." Madison laughed. "I'm going to enjoy watching her burn when Alexei takes Metty to the Valentine's dance."

Marco frowned. He didn't want to discuss Alexei and Metty. Alexei had confided in him that their relationship was becoming everything he had hoped for. He changed the subject.

"It's a pity I can't take you to the Valentine's dance." He leered at her. "We could dance close, so close, only sex is closer. Later, we could finish what we started at the dance."

"Yeah." Madison stretched and smiled, her eyes lighting up. "We'll have to go to another dance."

"Are you going? I don't want you to be lonely, in your room. Just remember, I'm waiting for you."

"I've been asked a couple of times." Madison held out her hand, looking at the red star ring. Marco winced. "One of the guys is a nerdy type, but a good dancer. I'll go with him. Best date he'll ever have."

"Give him a kiss goodnight, but no more."

"Sounds like you want me to have a boyfriend."

"Not a boyfriend. A beard."

She laughed. "Where'd you hear that? A beard? A pretend lover?" She paused, her pink tongue tip touching her upper lip. "So people won't know your real, true love?"

"People hide their lovers here, too," he grinned, without answering her question. "Lead double lives. Remember, we're together. We just have to wait for the perfect moment to reveal ourselves."

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