Chapter 51

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The days between Christmas and New Year's Day passed quickly for Metty. She was over her cold. She worked every day at PizzaFeast, spending nights at her grandmother's. She made good tips. She got a thank you note from Alexei for her gifts. They Facetimed when their schedules and time zones meshed. She found herself waiting for his calls, to see him and hear the sound of his voice.

On New Year's Eve Metty went out with Darius, Angie and other friends, celebrating at a sports bar. Stuffed with chicken wings, she got to Sylvia's about 2:00 AM. When she walked in, Sylvia was dozing on the sofa.

"Mom? Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year," Sylvia said groggily.

"Did Bryan and Bryany come home? I didn't see his car."

Sylvia looked at her watch. "Wha time izit?"

"Just after two," Metty said.

"Let's have a drink an' celebrate New Year's," Sylvia said, getting off the sofa and staggering into the kitchen.

Sylvia returned with two juice glasses and a bottle of champagne with a plastic stopper. She popped the stopper out, bonking it into the ceiling, and filled the glasses. She gave Metty one and lifted the other in a toast.

"Here's to a happy New Year 2022 for the Griffin women." She drained the glass and burped.

Metty sipped hers. Sylvia refilled hers and offered Metty more. Metty held up her mostly full glass and shook her head.

"A happy and prosperous New Year, Momma, for us all." She sipped again while Sylvia gulped the second glass.

"I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning." Metty poured the last of her champagne into the sink. She heard her mother change the channel as she closed her bedroom door.


Metty walked into the kitchen just after ten A.M. Sylvia was chopping collards for dinner. Hoppin' John cooked on the stove, and a pork loin roasted in the oven.

"Morning, Mom," she said. "Happy New Year. How's it going?"

"Bryan's not back yet." Sylvia peered at her out of bloodshot eyes.

"I saw his car wasn't here."

"He doesn't answer the phone or return calls. I got a text saying he was on the road and would get in touch later."

Something's up. Even Mom realizes that. She got cereal and coffee. "I'll help you as soon as I eat. What time are Cathy and Grandma getting here?"

"One. Ben's coming too, with Becky and the baby."

"Good, I haven't seen them in a while." Metty mumbled through a mouthful of cereal.


At 1:30 Sylvia carried the pork roast to the table, where Ben sliced it. There were two empty seats. Bryan had not come home or called. Ben said grace; they passed serving dishes, heaped their plates, and began to eat. No one mentioned the empty seats at first.

"Where'd you say Bryan went?" Ben asked.

Metty willed him to talk about anything else.

"He takes advantage of you. He lives off you because you two have a daughter."

"Not at the table. We're eating New Year's dinner," said Sylvia. After a moment's silence, she continued, "Besides, I got a text from him. He's on Hilton Head. A friend invited him and Bryany down for the weekend. He'll be home Sunday night."

"He went off with Bryany?" Cathy asked. "On New Year's? Without you? Mom!"

"I don't want to talk about it," said Sylvia. "Of course, I couldn't go because we had dinner here."

"And the friend didn't invite you," said Ben.

"Ben!" Cathy yelled at him. "Bryan's a stinker. You don't have to upset Mom too."

"Sorry, Mom," said Ben. He changed the subject to the new baby he and Becky expected that summer.

By five, everyone had left. Metty cleaned the kitchen, then went in the living room and sat by Sylvia, who was watching TV.

"I'm off tomorrow. I'm going back to Grandma's cause I'm working at PizzaFeast Monday. That's the holiday since January 1 is on Sunday." She wondered if her mother was listening.

"She has school Tuesday," Sylvia said. "Bryan's got to have her back by Monday night."

"Who? Oh, Bryany? Yeah, I guess so. You're right."

Metty traced the shaped of the pendant under her blouse. "This is football. You don't watch sports. What else is on?"

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