Chapter 36

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Alexei knocked on Mrs. Magyari's door a few minutes before seven. He felt tense, unusual for him. Metty got up from the couch where she had been waiting in her new finery, willing herself not to sweat from nervousness.

"I'll get it, Grandma," she called and opened the door for Alexei. He looked handsome and dashing in a black tuxedo. She smiled brightly. His dark blond hair was brushed off his forehead, and gold cufflinks glinted on his sleeves. Her heart beat faster. She stepped aside to let him in.

"Come in, Alexei," she said. "I'm ready."

He walked in. "You look lovely, Metty. Hello, Mrs. Magyari. Good to see you again." He went over and shook her hand, after the custom in Almurias.

"You're very handsome, Alexei," Mrs. Magyari said. She had been a beautiful flirt in her youth, and still seemed able to attract men at 75. Alexei smiled charmingly.

"The dance is over at one. We might go for a late supper with my cousin. Don't worry if Metty is home late. I'll take good care of her. Hasta luego."

As they talked Metty put on the black jacket she'd borrowed from June, draped the shawl over her shoulders, and picked up her purse.

He had suggested a few places for dinner. Metty had left it up to him, but mentioned she liked a water view. He had a reservation for Harbor Lights.

Their table for two looked over the harbor. In the dark, the lights of the ships sailing in and out sparkled in the night. The clouds cleared and the moon shone in the sky and across the water.

"It's nice here," Metty said. "Lovely view. I could look at it all night."

"Sí," Alexei said, looking at her. "Lovely. I could look at the view all night."

She blushed and lowered her eyes. She looked up at him and smiled. "I hope you enjoy tonight. At the dance. I told you I wasn't a good dancer, but I'm excited about tonight."

"We'll do fine," he said.

The waiter came with their drinks. He took their dinner orders. Metty and Alexei talked all through dinner.

"The dance begins in 15 minutes. We should go. Unless you'd like to stay here and look at the view," said Alexei.

She smiled as she shook her head. "Let's dance."


Alexei led Metty around the ballroom at the hotel, looking for Marco. Marco stood up at a table in the corner away from the band. They walked over, slipping between tables. Marco was with Agatha. Dolores sat next to Agatha, then, Chris. Next, two vacant seats. A man Metty didn't know sat next to Madison, who had the last seat, next to Marco. She wore a clinging red strapless gown, slit high, that looked like it would slither off her if she breathed wrong. Or right.

Madison's date looked Metty over briefly, decided she was no match for Madison, and turned away. Madison smirked.

"Hello, Metty," said Marco. "You look lovely tonight."

Madison scowled. Marco had not complimented her. "Marco, please pass me a napkin," she said.

He handed one to her while still looking at Metty. Madison's scowl deepened. She patted her full, red lips. The red star ring glinted on her index finger as she held her hand in front of her mouth.

Alexei examined the ring before looking at Marco. Marco ignored him.

"Adrian, let's dance," Madison said to her date. Obediently, he got up and they moved to the dance floor.

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