Chapter 23

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Just before seven the next Monday night, Metty walked through the open door into Wardrobe for her first fitting for 'Pride and Prejudice.' A young man and two women she recognized from classes were happily examining Regency gowns and accessories, holding them up and checking them over for repairs. She knocked on the door.

The young man, tape measure around his neck, said, "Charlotte? Come on in. You're right on time."

"No, it's Met—." She realized he gave her character name and walked over to the them. "Hi, I'm Metty. Or Charlotte Lucas, if you prefer."

"Come in. Be Charlotte. I'm Memo. These ladies are Tonya and Martha, my assistants. We're doing wardrobe." The sound of the cast rehearsing on the stage grew louder, and Memo walked over and shut the door.

Tonya held up a blue dress in the fashion of 1810. "Not your color," she said. "Warm colors." She held up a moss green day dress, empire waisted, with seven rows of ruffles around the hem, trimmed around the high neck and wrists with a lighter colored braid.

Martha motioned Metty to the three-way mirror, stepping aside so Metty could stand directly in front of it. Tonya held the dress up before Metty.

The color flattered her complexion and hair, bringing out warm gold and red highlights. Her hazel eyes glowed.

"Great on you," said Martha. Tonya nodded.

Memo frowned. "Not for Miss Charlotte Lucas. Charlotte is from a socially acceptable family but her family is large and not rich. Plainer, worn clothes, out of fashion. That dress is ideal for the finale where she is Mrs. Charles Collins." Tonya nodded. "Where's the bonnet?"

Martha handed him a matching green bonnet, beautifully shaped, with lighter green ribbons that matched the braid trim.

Memo nodded. "We'll retrim it. Light green lace, to show off Metty's coloring. Maybe a bit of gold jewelry.

"Ooooooh," said Tonya. "You think Wilson will approve it?"

"I hope so," said Memo. "I always felt sorry for Charlotte, in the movies. Reading the book. The plain old maid, large family just making ends meet. Never attracting a suitor by money or looks or family. When she marries, she gains a good home and income and her husband has what the Victorians called 'expectations'. Clever word. I'd like to dress her up to show how her situation changed."

"Now before that, her clothes will be a little worn, less fashionable than the rich ladies. Yes, I think so," Memo tilted his head to one side. "A short pelisse, not fur lined, either. Lady de Burgh would think fur was above Charlotte's station. But a plain pelisse, yes."

Martha took Metty's measurements, calling them out to Tonya. "We'll alter the green," Martha said. "We've got two other gowns we can alter to fit you for the other acts. Tonya is our accessories specialist."

"I love hats, gloves, scarves. I'll get shawls. They were essential back then. A gold locket for you." Tonya sighed.

Soon they were finished. Memo and Martha put the dresses away. Memo picked out some chemises and petticoats.

"Chemises only before the marriage, but a petticoat also afterwards." He held up something that looked like a crop top bra. "You'll need an underwire bra. Low cut. Unless you want to wear this stay."

"I'll get a bra."

"Regency women showed a lot of bosom at night." Memo looked her over. "Shapewear would be helpful, too."


"Yeah, high rise panty girdle or those onesie looking things. Lots of stuff in the stores. You have nice legs, but they won't show in these long dresses. The gowns will drape better."

"OK," Metty said, bemused, as someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Tonya said.

Alexei opened the door and looked through.

"Hi. I'm here for my fitting."

"Come in," said Memo. "We've just finished with Metty. Charlotte Lucas to be. You're Charles Collins, right?" Alexei nodded and walked in the room.

"Can you come in Friday for a fitting?" Martha asked.

"I'm free from about ten till four."

"See you here at ten, then," said Martha, writing it on a calendar.

"Ok, said Metty. She entered the information in her phone calendar and walked out as Alexei shut the door behind her.


Metty walked into Wardrobe just before 10 that Friday morning. Jessica was posing in front of the three-way mirror, turning from side to side. She wore a long-sleeved dress, off white with a pattern of yellow flowers in vertical stripes, which set off her bright dark hair, which was up in a bun. She was stunningly beautiful and looked very much the part of a young Regency woman with a wealthy father.

"How beautiful that dress is on you, Jessica," Metty said. Jessica nodded once. Memo preened.

Martha looked around, and seeing Metty, said, "Come in. We're ready for you."

Jessica said, "I'll change and go. This dress will do."

"We'll have your ball gown ready for tomorrow, Jessica," said Tonya. Jessica nodded and went behind the screen to change.

Tonya held up a plain gray dress. "This is your day dress. Your ball gown is ready. The green dress will be ready next week."

Metty nodded. Jessica came out from behind the screen.

"Why does she need a ball gown?"

"She's listed as a guest at the balls," said Memo. "We'll see you tomorrow night at rehearsal."

Jessica walked out, leaving the door open. Martha shut it. "You can change behind the screen," she said. "Did you get the undergarments we recommended?"

"Yeah," said Metty. She held up a tote.

"Great. Let's start. We have a lot of costumes to do."

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