Chapter 17

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Metty walked into June's living room and set her bookbag down. June, immobilized on the couch, watched a morning talk show buzzing on TV. She didn't look up as Metty entered.

"Grandma, I got new tires for the car."

June put the TV on mute. "Too much money."

"I paid it. Thanks for letting me use your car.

"My eyesight is so bad. If only I could still drive, I'd drive myself."

"Then I'd be on the bus. You'd have to pick me up from work."

"I'm not driving you around."

"I know. Then I might have to live downtown. I couldn't help with rent. Maybe you'll sell me the car when I graduate."

"I'm not selling my car."

"Whatever. I've got to get to class. Call me if you need anything." She turned to leave.

June reached for the remote. Metty turned back. "Oh, I won't be home for dinner tonight. I'm trying out for a part in the school play this fall."

"Acting?" said June. "Actresses are thin and pretty."

Metty took a deep breath, and said, "They got parts for all age and size women. It's a costume drama." Metty walked out the back door. The talk show buzzed on. Mittens, the cat, jumped into June's lap and she caressed it. Mittens purred.

Metty sat with other students in the auditorium, waiting to audition. Jessica was on stage, reading for the part of Elizabeth. Her hair sparkled under the lights, and she had an elegance as she read the lines where Elizabeth Bennet told Mr. Darcy she would not have him.

Next, Agatha read for the part of Lydia. She had a girlish forwardness that worked well. Other students read. Alexei read for the part of Mr. Bennet. Marco read for Mr. Darcy. Then, Arthur Wilson, the director, called Metty's name.

She walked onstage, smiling nervously. She stood under the lights and faced the audience.

"What part do you want to read?" Mr. Wilson asked.

"One of the sisters. I can't play the piano. So maybe Catherine Bennet."

"OK. Whenever you're ready."

Metty held the script under the light. She gripped it hard to stop her hands from shaking. She began to read. She was a little stiff, but her voice gained strength and smoothness; the words flowed.

When she finished she looked up. Mr. Wilson nodded. "Very good, Marletta."

"Call me Metty, please."

"Metty. Thank you. Neil Carter, you're next."

Metty walked off the stage as Neil walked on. She walked down the aisle. Alexei motioned her to the seat next to him. She sat and took a deep breath.

Alexei leaned over and whispered, "He liked you."

"You think so?"

"You're the only one he said did very well."

"So far," said Madison.

"Yes. So far," said Metty. "Maybe I'll get the part. Jessica, you were great as Elizabeth."

"I played the part in high school. Agatha, you really nailed Lydia. I didn't know you were such a temptress."

"I like the part," said Agatha. "Marco, you stole the show as Darcy."

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