Chapter 40

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Monday was the last day of classes before exams. Alexei went to PizzaFeast after class where he found Marco, eyes bloodshot, drinking a soda.

"Still hung over from the dance Saturday?" Alexei asked, shaking his head. "You didn't come home till Sunday afternoon."

Marco yawned, his hand covering his mouth. "We all slept late Sunday. Jessica fixed brunch, but most of the guests were too hungover for anything but coffee and orange juice. Madison and I were drunk on sex. Never have I had such a night. I'm still sleeping it off. I took Agatha and Madison home."

Alexei raised his eyebrows. "Both? I thought you cooled it with Madison."

"Yeah, we did. I only took Agatha to the dance. Madison needed a ride home. Her date left sometime during the night."

Metty walked in and joined them.

"Thursday is Metty's birthday," Alexei said. "She invited me to her mother's for dinner. You're invited too."

"Gracias," said Marco. He yawned again. "That's after exams. I should be recovered from this weekend. Saturday, we leave for Almurias."

"It's just family," said Metty.

"I look forward to seeing your mother and grandmother again," said Marco, warmly. He looked at his watch. "I've got class soon. The exam is tomorrow." He got up and pushed his chair under the table. He waved to Angie and walked out, followed by Herberto.

Alexei watched him go. "I'll be glad to get home," he said. "We have a lot to catch up on there."

"You've been away so long," Metty said. "Do you miss it much?"

He looked at her thoughtfully and considered his answer. "I do, very much, but I'm not homesick. I love the coastline, with its rocky shore, and the waves pounding on the sand. The winds blowing." His gaze softened, as he looked at memories. "The hills with brown cows grazing. Horses. Farms. Towns and cities with whitewashed houses. People going about their business, school, and work, and walking about. On Isla Royal, the largest island, they raise goats. Our local cheeses, fish. Christmas. Sailing. Nochebuena, that's Christmas Eve. Doce Dias, the twelve days of Christmas. The big family Christmas dinner and New Year's Eve parties. At midnight on New Year's Eve all the church bells ring 12 times. The army fires cannon. There are fireworks. Fiesta de los Sabios is January 5th and 6th. You'd enjoy Christmas in Almurias."

"It sounds wonderful. I'll put it on my bucket list."

He grinned. "Bucket list? All those experiences you want to see and do and touch and feel, and have in fond memory? Am I on your list? You are on mine."

Metty said, "You've already checked off some items on my list."

"Are there more? For me?" He smiled at her.

"A few."

"A few? Perhaps we can check them off your list when I come back to Charleston."

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