Chapter 66

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The staff cleaned up the dessert plates and offered coffee. Metty was glad for a cup. It was not the special blend, Café Oro, that Prince Sebastian favored, but it was excellent. Sylvia's eyes were shining from wine with every course and flirting with the elderly diplomat. She laughed a little too often and a little too loud. She talked too much. Metty looked hard at her, but Sylvia whispered to the diplomat, who smiled indulgently.

After coffee, Sebastian led his family and the Presidential party away, and the guests were escorted out. When Metty and Sylvia reached the entrance hall, an equerry approached her.

"Srta. Griffin, Don Sebastian invites you to the library."

Metty looked at Sylvia.

"Sra. Griffin is also requested."

Metty nodded and took her mother's arm. Sylvia stared at her dizzily. Metty whispered to her.

Sylvia stared at her. She asked, "Where's the library?" too loudly. The room went silent as people turned to look at them, then turned away and resumed their conversations.

"Mom, talk quietly. This gentleman will show us." She took Sylvia's arm and coaxed her along.

The library was a large rectangular room overlooking the river with French doors leading to a balcony. Books lined shelves on one long wall, separated by pictures of Almurian royalty. Low shelves along one short side held more books, DVDs, and CDs. A large desk stood by one end of the library. A flat screen TV hung on the wall. The other short wall had a fireplace, which, on this cool spring night, had a small fire burning. Framed photographs of Sebastian's family were on the mantelpiece. The center photograph was from his wedding to Alma. An oil painting of a much younger Sebastian and Alma had the place of honor over the photos.

Sebastian and Sancha sat with Trump and Winston on chairs by the desk. Alma sat on the sofa. A footman served coffee while another prepared tea. Alexei, talking with Marco and Jessica by the balcony doors, turned when the Griffins entered and walked over to them. He noticed that Sylvia was woozy, and led her to a chair by the fire. Sylvia stretched out and yawned.

He led Metty over to Sebastian, who stood and shook her hand. Sebastian turned to the Admiral, "Hiram, you remember Srta. Griffin, a friend of Marco and Alexei, from school here."

Winston stood and offered his hand. As she reached for it, he brushed her fingers and turned back to the Prince. "Yes, Don Sebastian, my Jessica attends the College with them. In fact, she had a lead role in 'Pride and Prejudice'. She got offers from agents and managers, but she chose to get her degree. She will assist me in Almurias while my wife cares for her mother."

"Jessica is very young to take on such responsibility," said Sebastian. "It will require all her attention."

"Jessica is very capable. She's a great organizer, a genius at computers, speaks three languages fluently, and can read two more."

Winston turned to Metty with a slight sneer. He said, "Do you speak Spanish, Ms. Griffin? Any other language."

She shook her head. "I studied French, but don't speak it well."

"Oh, really."

Sebastian nodded to Alexei. "Perhaps Metty would like a coffee."

A footman served Metty coffee in in a delicate China cup with the Almurian symbol, a shield with the Almurian cross and the Star of the Sea on it. She sipped. It was the ambrosial brew she had had only a few times. Delighted, she inhaled the aroma, and took another sip.

A faint burring noise came from the chair near the fireplace. Horrifed, Metty looked over. Sylvia had fallen asleep, her mouth hanging open, snoring.

Jessica looked at her, shaking her head. "Mrs. Griffin must be very tired after such a long night." She smirked at Marco, and Metty flushed.

"Let's go on the balcony," Alexei said. "We can talk." He whispered something to Marco, who nodded. Alexei opened one of the French doors and they walked out. He guided her to the railing with a hand on the small of her back. They stood looking over the grounds to the Ashley River as she finished her coffee.

The river sparkled under the moon, and shadows flowed through trees and Spanish moss. The quiet was broken only by the rumbling of cars leaving which soon faded away, leaving quiet in their wake.

"Maybe I should take Mom home. She's had a long night."

"Don't leave just yet. Popi hasn't left; it would be improper. Besides, I want to spend a little time with you. In our own little world, made for the two of us." His arm tightened around her waist and she leaned against him, relaxing. The night was clear and filled with stars and the waning moon.

"You're tense. Is it Mrs. Griffin?"

Metty hesitated, then nodded. "Mom had quite a bit to drink. Tonight is exciting for her. Since Bryan left, she's been drinking occasionally." She hung her head. "More than occasionally."

Alexei shrugged. "She's not in our private world." He kissed her hair. "I'll help you take her to the car."

She looked at him, and smiled happily. "Thank you. What did you say to Marco?"

"I asked him to look after your mother." He smiled at Metty. "Marco likes her." He placed Metty's empty cup on a table.

"Will you ride with me tomorrow? It will be the last time I can ride for a while. Can you be here at nine?"

"Oh, yes. It's 11:30. I'd better go soon, so I can get enough sleep. And Mom should go."

"President Biden and his party will come here tomorrow before returning to Washington at noon. Popi and Mamita leave late the day after. Mamita wants you to join us for lunch that day."

"Sounds like a plan." She kissed him.

He opened the door.

She reached for the cup, but he said, "The footman will get it."


"It's his job, cara. Let him do it."

She walked through the door. Marco and Jessica sat with Sylvia, who smiled tipsily at Marco. He was coaxing her to drink a cup of coffee. Jessica looked bored.

Sebastian stood up. "President Biden, I am pleased our countries have signed the treaty. Your car is ready. I will escort you." The Bidens, and the Winstons stood up and prepared to leave.

Alexei went to Sebastian.

"Popi, excuse us. I will escort the Griffins to their car."

Sebastian nodded. "It is time to end the night. Hasta mañana, mijo.

Alexei shook hands with Winston, then turned to Biden. "Mr. President, good night."

Biden shook his hand. "Good night, Don Alexei." He nodded to the women and resumed talking to Don Sebastian.

Alexei helped Sylvia to her feet, and leaning on his arm, they left the room, followed by Metty and the equerry.

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