Chapter 70

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The next day Metty joined Sancha for lunch. She filled her plate from the buffet. She sat between Alexei and Marco, with Sancha opposite her. The thin Sancha began to eat, picking at her food, and the others followed. Metty ate a bite of pollo almuriano, grilled chicken with wine sauce and roast vegetables. It was delicious. She took another bite. She had to admit, Almurian food was another one of the plusses of dating Alexei. I may have to learn to cook this. She drank water.

"What are your plans for the summer? School? Work?" Sancha picked at her skimpy plate. She finished her wine, and Marco poured her another glass.

"I'm going to work at PizzaFeast. I might get some work translating sign language, and I would like to volunteer at the hospital. My faculty advisor wants to recommend me for a teaching job here in the fall, when Alexei goes to London."

Sancha nodded, drinking wine. She nibbled a small bite of chicken. "I'm glad your career is progressing. Alexei says you want to attend graduate school in Boston. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Doña Sancha. One of these days. When my mother is settled. We are still getting organized since we moved."

"Does the College of Charleston have a degree program you could take here?" Sancha looked at her curiously, nibbling another tiny bite.

"Yes, a good one. My instructor said she would recommend me for a grant, but I want to go to Boston."

Sancha nodded. "You know what is good for you, of course. Why wait so long if one can do it properly now? Years will pass and one is older and no further ahead."

Metty nodded, realizing Sancha made a good point.

"Tell me what you would like to see this winter in Almurias? We hope you will come for Three Kings' Day."

"Alexei and I have planned for it. I am looking forward to seeing you all again, and seeing Almurias so much."

Sancha smiled, finishing her wine. Marco offered her another glass, but she refused.

They chatted during lunch, finishing with a light fruit dessert. Sancha and Metty walked out to the patio and sat at a table, while Marco and Alexei stayed behind.

"I'm glad we have a few minutes alone," said Sancha. "I want to ask you something in confidence. Please don't tell anyone what I ask you."

"I'll answer if I can," said Metty.

"You went to dinner with Marco and Madison last night. Please tell me what you think of her. Of them."

Metty thought hard for a minute.

"I don't know Madison. We never talked or hung out—"

Sancha looked puzzled.

"I mean, we were never friends, or did anything together except the play. I wasn't a part of her world, and she didn't notice me. I don't think she's, that is, I think she's used to being the queen bee." Metty looked at Sancha, who nodded to show she understood. "We didn't get better acquainted at dinner. If she continues to see Marco and I continue to see Alexei, I expect we'll know each other better, but we aren't compatible enough to become friends.

Sancha nodded. "Thank you. Tell me what you think of her and Marco? Are they close?"

"Marco is intensely attracted to her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. She glows in his attention. I don't know if it is infatuation, or more, but they have been involved for a while now." She looked at Sancha, who nodded.

"Madison wore a huge red ring, a star ruby, Madison called it, that Marco gave her. He told her not to flash it around. It seemed to disturb him, but she wouldn't take it off."

Sancha looked uneasy. The conversation was cut off when the men joined them. They talked of other matters until Metty left.

Alexei walked her to her car. "Does it run well?"

"Yeah. Ben helps keep it running. You will be able to attend my graduation, won't you?"

"Of course. What do you want for a graduation present?"

She considered. "I'd like riding boots."

"Boots? Not a new car?"

She shook her head. "People will talk if you give me a car. I don't want notoriety."

"Let's give them something to talk about."

She smiled and patted his chest. "It's, that's the wrong kind of talk. People would say I want you for your money, and, and the rich life.

"Don't you like the rich life?" He teased her. "Or am I enough for you?"

Trying to find the right words, she nodded. "I like being with you. Your life is not a life I'm familiar with, but if, say, Marco, had asked me out, invited me to the Winter Dance and I were fool enough to accept, I'd have enjoyed it, probably, I think, but wouldn't have been comfortable. I like Marco, but I care more, so much more, for you."

He moved closer to her, till she felt his warmth, his breath ruffling her hair. She rested against him. They stood together, comfortable, for a moment.

"And I want to be. Have something I've done for myself. Made of myself. You know?"

"I know." He smiled. "I know. Exams next week. I'll see you in school tomorrow." They kissed and kissed again. She got in her car and drove off, watching in the rearview mirror as he waved.

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