Chapter 55

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Alexei and Metty went to dinner that Saturday at a restaurant near Hutchinson Square in Summerville. At his invitation, Sylvia joined them.

Alexei ordered veal parmesan. "Delicious." He cut another piece. "I'm glad you recommended this restaurant, Sylvia."

"It's a good one. We've been here before, remember, Metty? For your graduation."

"My high school graduation dinner," Metty said, but there was a different restaurant here then. Ben announced his wife's first pregnancy that night." Overshadowing her graduation completely, but she didn't mention that.

"You haven't met my son, Ben, have you," asked Sylvia?

Alexei shook his head, his mouth full. He swallowed. "I look forward to meeting him and his family. Metty says they live on James Island and have a daughter."

"Yes, Julia's four. His wife, Becky," said Sylvia "is a beauty. She was Miss Summerville Planet, you know, and Miss South Carolina-Planet. Third runner up for the US title. She used her scholarship money to become a nurse."

"That Metty didn't tell me."

After dinner, they walked around the square and the streets nearby until late. They went to a bar, and Sylvia ordered wine. Metty drank a glass with her. Alexei begged off as he was driving.

The evening over, Alexei took them home. Sylvia went in the house, flicking on the porch light. Metty turned to Alexei.

"Want to come in for coffee?" she asked.

He took her hands. "Not tonight, I have work to do at home. The President's visit with Popi here in April. School. I'll see you Tuesday."

"See you Tuesday," she said, lifting her face to his. He leaned down and they kissed. After a while he broke away.

"I must go. He kissed her quickly. As he got in his car, he turned to wave. Metty stood in the open door, backlighted by the room lights, with the soft porch light on her face. She blew him a kiss. He caught it, smiled, and drove away.


Friday evening Metty and Alexei sat at a window table at Harbor Lights. The night sky was clear and star filled. A few wispy clouds floated before a half moon. Boats moved through the harbor, going or coming from the Atlantic. They finished dinner and were sharing dessert. Alexei offered her the last mouthful. She shook her head. He ate it slowly. She sipped coffee with cream. Alexei finished his sweet tea.

"More coffee," he asked?

She shook her head. "I'll be jittery all night if I have a third cup. The dinner was delicious." She smiled at him. He smiled back. He was watching her intently, and she realized he wanted to say something. Her stomach knotted slightly. He likes me. Maybe more than like. I feel more real with him than with my other two boyfriends. Or even my family. He might want to end it after this summer. OK. OK. Remember these nights and days. His family. Princes. With their own country. Fabulously wealthy. Mine isn't. They may think we go together like ants and a picnic. Her lips twitched and she took a deep breath, willing herself to stay calm.

"Marletta," he said softly. "Metty. We need to discuss our relationship."

She nodded, watching him with what she hoped was a neutral expression.

"I care for you. More than I have really cared for any other woman I've known. I've had crushes. Infatuations. Some seemed serious. They've passed. Now you're here. I don't know where this relationship will go, but I want to see you, and only you, while I am here. When I go to London, I'd hope to continue our relationship, although it will be long distance. I know long distance didn't work out for you before."

He was silent, looking at her. He took her hand. "Please tell me if you feel the same, or if you think our relationship may end when I leave."

Her part pounded with joy. "I haven't thought much of the future. I assumed you'd leave when you finished school and that would end it."

He shook his head, rubbing his thumb over her fingers. Waiting for more.

Metty continued, "I care for you. I haven't thought in terms of years." She stopped, considering his words. "I want to see you more and more the longer I know you. You. Complete something in me I didn't realize was empty. I, too, want to see where our relationship may go."

They looked at each other silently for a moment eternal and fleeting.

He smiled at her. "My family likes you. You are good for me, and they appreciate that. When Don Sebastian and Doña Alma come for the President's visit, you will meet them again, but briefly. They look forward to seeing you then."

Metty relaxed.

"Shall we go? We can walk around the Battery, if you like."

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