Chapter 6

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Marco and Alexei returned home about noon on Saturday, after meeting with Fr. Menuzo. The housekeeper admitted them. "Mrs. Reynolds is in the sitting room. She would like to talk with you."

When they entered the sitting room, Ava turned off the TV. "Sit down, guys. How did the meeting go?" She poured each of them a cup of coffee.

"Fr. Menuzo favors Biden. Fr. Barba thinks he can jump in the lake."

Ava's eyes widened, then she scowled. "That's not funny, Marco. The meeting between Tìo Sebastian and the President is important to Almurias and the US."

"I know, I know. I look forward to meeting whoever wins the election. I will say only diplomatic things about whoever wins. Outside the family."

"You need to," said Ava. "Tìo expects me to report regularly on your behavior and academic results."

Marco looked at her sadly, but his lips twitched. "I did wrong. Charleston is my punishment." His usually successful pity face did not move her.

Ava frowned and shook her head. "Alexei is here with you. Tío asked him to come so you would have a true friend. He did nothing to deserve 'punishment'." She waited for Marco's response.

Marco stopped smirking, looked at Alexei and apologized. "I hope you do not find Charleston as boring and backwater as I do, Alejito," he said. "If so, perhaps Popi will call you home to Almurias."

Alexei smiled calmly. "I've always liked Charleston. Surfing at Folly. Sailing. The food."

Marco laughed. "Small, dull town."

Alexei shrugged. "Used to be. Quiet. The college will do me for a year of study." He paused, reflecting. "I want a peaceful year, after the accident."

Marco patted Alexei's shoulder, looking at him carefully. When Alexei smiled, Marco turned to Ava. "Father Menuzo has the itinerary for Popi's visit. He'll take care of his end. That staff at Dalmurias will handle the dinner.

Ava nodded.

"The dinner is Saturday, April 2," said Alexei.

"The weather is usually good then. More coffee?" asked Ava.

"No, thanks. We want to leave for Folly Beach as soon as we can. The weekend is short," said Marco.

"Sure," said Ava. "John and Delores are there already, and I'll be there for dinner."


Marco stretched luxuriously and sprawled across his bed while Alexei sat on his bed at the beach and read emails. Marco opened his laptop and checked a website he had set up under a false identity. Alexei looked over and saw what he was doing.

"Careful, Marco. If you're identified on that website, Almurias will be embarrassed."

"I'm using a false ID. I had our geek, Sergio, put in a firewall and safeguards. This laptop is used only for my secret online identity." He grinned. "Look at the tits on this girl." Alexei looked. He shook his head.

"Sergio might be the best white hat in Almurias, but if you're doxed." Marco shrugged and scrolled through his website. He stopped to look at one picture.  Alexei said, "I've got to finish my assignments. So do you. What are you and Madison doing for your article?"

"Clubs. We're going to as many as we can and select a few for the article."

Alexei groaned.

"Do you want to come along? Bring Jessica. You've always crushed on her."

"It's not mutual. She likes you."

"She likes the idea of being the next Princesa. Not the next Baronesa de Moreno. When she finally understands I will marry Drusila, she may decide you'll do, after all." He closed his laptop. He rolled over and examined his cousin. "She should thank her lucky stars for a man like you. But I would pity you, hermano."

Alexei guffawed and returned to his laptop, but he didn't see the messages. His mind wandered back to the day he met Jessica Winston.

Rear Adm. Hiram Winston, newly appointed commander of the US Naval Base at Newport on Isla Manta, introduced his children to Prince Sebastian and his family at a small garden party at Mondragon, Sebastian's official residence. His wife and elder son talked with Princess Alma, Sebastian's wife, but 18-year-old Alexei was struck as though by a thunderbolt at his first sight of Jessica Winston. At 17, she was a tall beauty with dark hair and blue eyes. Men and boys kept looking at her, a few openly, most surreptitiously. She looked at Alexei, fluttering long dark lashes and smiling beautifully. He straightened up.

"Do you travel much?" she asked.

"I'm still at school. Eton," he said. "I do travel with my parents during the summers and holidays."

"Prince Sebastian and Princess Alma visit so many places," she said. She seemed as fascinated by him as he was by her.

"They're my grandparents," Alexei said, already besotted with the beauty. "My parents are Princess Sancha and Baron de Moreno."

Her face cooled somehow. "You're Prince Marco's cousin."

"Yes, I am Alexei de Moreno.

"Did I hear my name?" asked Marco, walking up. He saw Jessica. He looked her over admiringly. She preened and smiled at him flirtatiously, Alexei forgotten. Marco waited.

"Marco, may I present Jessica Winston, Adm. Winston's daughter? Jessica, this is His Serene Highness Marco de Almurias." Jessica took a step closer to Marco, looking up at him.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Winston."

"Please call me Jessica, Don Marco."

"Jessica. May I get you a punch? And show you the lilac garden?"

"I'd like that." They walked off together. Jessica linked her arm through Marco's, and he bowed his head to say something to her. Her musical laughter trilled.

"Alexei! Alexei! Will you bring Jessica this Saturday? Third time I'm asking."

Alexei blinked, coming out of his reverie. "Lo siento. I was thinking of something. Yeah, you know I will."

"We'll have a good time. You'll see. What were you thinking about?" Marco eyed Alexei curiously.

"Checking email. I invited Metty to tour Dalmurias Plantation next Saturday. We'll have lunch at the restaurant so we can finish our article.'s her answer." Alexei read the email. "She can make it."

"How's the article going?" Marco pulled a second laptop, used for personal and school purposes, from his backpack and opened, and with a sigh, opened it.

"Good, I think. How's your research on clubbing going?" Alexei's lips twitched, for Marco was well known in Almurias for enjoying the club life.

"I think it will be tiring. Madison has more energy than anyone I've ever met. She's a cheerleader, or will be during basketball season. Working out, gymnastics, yoga. Great body. Blond hair." Marco looked at something only he could see. "I wonder if she's as energetic in bed."

Alexei laughed "Take it easy. She's a gold digger, according to Dolores. Takes after her mother. According to Ava, Madison's father has a few million split among eight children by five wives. Madison's mother only got a small divorce settlement. Madison gets a decent allowance, but it doesn't pay for a lot of the luxuries she thinks she deserves."

Marco eyed Alexei and smirked. "I've got money. Madison is worth a semester of my company."

"Don't let Popi or Ava hear you say that." Alexei returned to his computer.

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