Chapter 59

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Madison sat with Dusty Rhoades at the Valentine Dance, already bored with him. He fawned over her, trying to satisfy her every wish. Still, it was better than sitting at home. Of course, Marco not only allowed her to date other men; he insisted on it. Beards. She could have some fun with that.

She longed for Marco, who spoiled her but kept her under his thumb. She knew how the balance of power shifted in their relationship, and she now knew her power over him was more than sexual. He was the catch she and her mother had never dared to dream possible, and she meant to make their relationship permanent over Sebastian's objections. She felt a thrill of excitement, flushing her cheeks, and smiled at Dusty, who thought it was for him.

"Let's dance," he said. She let his damp hand hold hers as they walked on the dance floor. He tried to hold her too close and she twisted away, twirling gracefully.

Other ETAs and their dates arrived, including Jessica and her date, the same young man who accompanied her to the Winter Dance. She looked unhappy.

Dusty helped Madison into her seat and sat between her and Jessica.

"I could use a martini," said Madison. "Dirty."

"Me, too," said Jessica. "Justin, get me a vodka martini. A special."

Justin's eyebrows rose, but he got up and went with Dusty.

Madison and Jessica were watching the dancers when Alexei and Metty walked across the dance floor. Metty wore a retro style brown dress with lace trim and a full skirt that floated around her. Her new haircut curled around her face. She wore diamond studs and a gold chain necklace with a diamond heart pendant. The gold bracelet Alexei gave her for Christmas flashed on her wrist. A few heads turned to watch her walk by.

Jessica froze. She glared at Metty. Nobody that fat should look that good. Alexei, walking beside her, holding her hand, seemed almost desirable to her. He was second to Marco, but when the new laws for the Princely Succession were passed in Almurias Sebastian was certain to make him a prince.

Alexei and Metty stopped at a nearby table where Dolores, Chris, and another couple sat. Alexei seated Metty and sat next to her, his arm on the back of her chair. She leaned back against him. Jessica scowled.

Madison looked from Metty to Jessica. She studied Jessica for a moment, relishing her jealousy. "Metty and Alexei make a handsome couple. Who'd have thought she'd get a rich baron."

"There's a movement to change the laws so women can succeed to the throne," said Jessica.

"So what?" said Madison. That law wouldn't affect Marco so it didn't interest her.

Jessica wondered once again how Madison could be so smart about some things and so stupid about others. She said, slowly, one word at a time, "Princess Sancha would be second in line after Marco and her sons would probably be made princes."

"A wealthy prince from a family that rules its own country. That color suits her. No wonder he noticed her."

Jessica glared at Madison. She looked at Alexei and Metty. Alexei leaned over Metty, gazing into her eyes. She looked back at him. An intimate, lovers' look. So they'd had sex.

Alexei smiled and she smiled back. They're in their own world. He never looked at me that way. Just the adoring, sick calf look. So annoying.

Jessica looked up as Justin placed a martini before her. It was a special, an extra-large martini. She picked it up and gulped a third of it. The strong drink warmed her and she relaxed.

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