Chapter 28

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Friday after Thanksgiving crowds of people Christmas shopping were filling downtown Charleston's shopping district. Metty walked down Calhoun Street, carrying a large bunch of white carnations. She reached PizzaFeast just before 8 AM. Darius and Angie were hurrying around inside. They had placed napkin holders and condiments on the two tables, and along the counter seats.

Metty knocked on the door, and Angie looked up and waved. She came out from behind the counter and unlocked the door. Metty walked in.

"You're right on time. People have already been looking at the sign and sniffing the cooking smells."

"Great. I'll put up my coat and help you. Mmmmm. Something smells good."

"Darius's pizza sauce."

Metty inhaled deeply and released a sigh. "Dough rising, sauce simmering. Coffee! I brought flowers for the vases." She handed Angie the bouquet.

"Lovely," said Angie. "Vases are in the kitchen."

At 11, Darius unlocked the door and blocked it open. "The smells might bring in hungry people," he said. "It's not too cold today to leave the door open for a while."

Almost immediately, a middle-aged couple with three children ordered a large pepperoni at the counter. They sat at the larger table to eat.

"Glad we saw this place. Kids think shellfish is like eating insects," the husband said.

"They get pizza for lunch; we get seafood for dinner." The wife said.

Metty put paper plates on the table. In a few minutes Darius set down a pizza. Angie came over with her camera.

"You're our first customers. Is it alright with yall if I take your picture and place it on the wall? And on our website?"

"Go right ahead," said the husband. The camera flashed.

By one o'clock the place was full. People got slices and pizzas to carry out. Metty filled the soda cooler twice. After lunch, business slowed down, but a steady trickle of customers came in. At last the restaurant was empty.

Metty was sweeping the floor when Angie nudged her. She looked up to see Alexei and Marco enter with Dolores and Chris. She straightened, pushing her hair back under her kerchief. She recognized Herberto, one of the bodyguards who trailed Marco.

"Hello, yall," she said. "Welcome to PizzaFeast."

"Hello, Metty," said Alexei, coming over to her. "We came to try the pizza here." He stood close and smiled at her.

"It's very good. Angie will take your order. Are you eating here?

"No, we'll take it to go. We didn't want sandwiches so we came here." He looked around the room, examining the photos on the walls, the two tables, the red, white and green color arrangement. He nodded. "The place has that bistro feeling, neighborly and welcoming," he said.

"I like the pictures," Marco said.

"Angie took them," said Metty. She handed Alexei a menu.

Chatting in Spanish, the Almurians and Chris reached an agreement. They ordered a large pepperoni and a large anchovy and onion.

"Not too many people order anchovy," said Darius.

"It's an acquired taste," said Marco. "We eat it back home."

"Let's get sodas, too," said Dolores. Metty packed their drinks and handed them to Marco.

Darius came out of the kitchen carrying two boxed pizzas. He lifted the lids to reveal the pizzas for their approval. When Marco nodded, he closed the boxes and handed them to him. "Enjoy your pizza feast from PizzaFeast.

Marco and Dolores laughed. "That's where you got the name," Dolores said.

"Thanks," Marco said. "The pizzas are making me hungry."

"I'll see you in school Monday, Metty," Alexei said. "Remember, you're coming to the Reynolds for tea at four. My parents look forward to meeting you."

"I won't forget," she said. "Enjoy the pizza." Metty watched them leave, then picked up the broom and went back to sweeping the floor.

Angie came over. "Alexei really likes you."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. The way he looked at you. Staying near you. Did he really ask you to the Winter Dance?"

"Yep. I was his third choice. Told him he got lucky when he asked me." They giggled.

Angie started wiping the tables. More customers walked in and she went to the counter to take their orders.

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