Chapter 74

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Metty walked across the grass at the Cistern at Commencement late Friday afternoon. When her name was called, she walked up and accepted her degree. She was aware of cameras and cell phones being used, but followed Alexei's advice and concentrated on what she was there to do: accept the honors degree she had earned. She returned to her place, joyous. I've done it. I've graduated. I'm an adult. I hope.

Alexei took her, Sylvia, June, Cathy, and Cathy's sons, Richard and George, to a graduation dinner at the best restaurant at the Belair. Metty was shocked by the prices, shocked even more when Alexei insisted on ordering caviar and expensive champagne. She estimated the dinner cost over $2000. Plus tip.

Richard and George were on their best behavior, thrilled to be at such an adult event. Metty invited Bryany, but Bryan refused to let her come. Richard was bound to rub it in when he saw his young aunt. Another thing to make the girl unhappy.

Alexei learned Bryan had refused to let Bryany come, and had bought the girl a small present, a pair of pearl earrings. Metty said she'd recommend Bryany keep them at Sylvia's and safe from Bryan.

Metty, her family, and Alexei talked of many things, until Jessica and her parents walked past on the way to their table.

"Congratulations, Metty," said Jessica. "Alexei, good to see you again."

Adm. Winston nodded once. "Congratulations, Ms. Griffin," then forgot about her to focus on Alexei. "Don Alexei, good to see you. We'll be in Almurias next week. We are thrilled."

Alexei stood up and shook hands with Winston.

"We'll see you later. Our table is waiting." Winston nodded again and led the women away.

Alexei sat down. "Cathy, you were telling me about your new car?"


At the beach house, Alexei handed Metty a large box. She opened it to find new riding boots. She smiled, delighted. She slipped her heels off and slid the boots on. She strutted around the living room in the boots and her white graduation dress.

Alexei laughed. "You look good."

She smiled and sat down, holding one foot out. He pulled the boot off. She held out her other foot and he removed that boot.

"I have another present. I hope you'll like."

"Another? What is it?"

"Something that may give you confidence." He gave her another shoe box.

She opened it and took out dancing shoes. "Oooh." She saw an envelope in the box and opened it. It was a voucher for 20 dance lessons. She smiled. It was perfect. Dance lessons. She wouldn't feel so self-conscious when she danced. She smiled happily at Alexei.

"It's a good present. I can finally learn to dance a bit. Of course, it will save your feet."

He laughed. "I have an early day tomorrow. I have to go to the Consul's office and work on a trade agreement with the US. I don't know how late I'll be, but I'll call. He handed her the boots and she put them in the box.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow?

"I'm going to walk on the beach."

"Day after tomorrow is my last free day before we move. Then I start work as a pedicab driver."

"What will you do?"

"Surf in the morning. Lunch with you."

"Sounds like a plan." She took the boots into the bedroom and put them on her suitcase.

She turned and he unzipped her dress. She stepped out of it and hung it in the closet. She looked at him. "How tired are you? Want to go to sleep right away? Or make love?"

"Mmmmmm." Finger on cheek, he pretended to think it over.

Laughing, she hit him with a pillow. He snatched it away and pulled her close. She put her arms around him and kissed him.

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