Chapter 7

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Metty drove her grandmother's elderly Ford onto Dalmurias Plantation along a road that wound past old live oaks and a field with horses grazing. Past the field, the road forked. One fork led to the Ashley River and outbuildings for the farm. Metty took the other road which led to a large, brick plantation house. She drove to a parking lot marked "Private—Family", where Alexei had told her to park. The lot was nearly empty but for a Cadillac and a BMW convertible parked there. She parked her Ford away from the luxurious cars. She got out and looked at the house. It was a long rectangular building of two stories with a balcony over the front entrance. Camellias and azaleas grew along the house. It looked lived in. Well cared for. She liked the look of it.

She checked for her notebook and pens. She walked past a few of the Fall visitors and around the house on a path with a sign reading, "Private. No visitors." She saw Alexei on a patio, sitting with a man in black robes and priest's collar. She waved. He waved back and motioned her over. The men stood up as she reached them.

"Father, this is Metty Griffin, my partner on the assignment for Journalism. Metty, this is Fr. Menuzo. He is assigned to San Gabriel Almuriano here in Charleston."

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Griffin," said Father Menuzo, shaking hands. "The plantation is fine this time of year. I hope you enjoy your visit."

After a few minutes of conversation, Alexei invited Metty into the house. He led her to a sitting room with comfortable furniture and a fireplace. He began to explain the history of the plantation and the Almurians in South Carolina. Then they walked to the Gazebo reportedly haunted by the Union ghosts. The took several pictures of the gazebo. They walked around and ended up eating lunch at the small restaurant open for Fall visitors. They selected a recipe for orange punch for their article.

Afterwards, Alexei walked Metty to her car and they made arrangements to finish the assignment. Metty drove off, watching as Alexei waved goodbye.


The next week passed quickly for Metty. She spoke to Alexei in class and they met once at the library to finish the Library Ghosts section. When they agreed on the final article, she went to her shift at a discount dollar store. She was clocking out when Angie came in.

"Hi, Metty, I gotta talk to you. Good news."

"Is it the restaurant?"

"Yeah. Let's go to Starbucks and talk."

At Starbucks, Metty ordered a Café Americano and Angie a macchiato. "I'll cut to the chase," Angie said. "Darius has everything ready to open our pizza restaurant."

"Marvelous. When?"

"Friday after Thanksgiving. The location is on Calhoun below St. Philip Street. We should get the college crowd. Tourists, too."

"Yeah," said Metty.

"It'll be our own independent store, not a chain. Opening on Black Friday should get us a good start with shoppers and the next day with Local Saturday shoppers. Especially if the weather's nice." Angie sipped her macchiato. "This is too hot." She lifted the lid and blew on the hot liquid.

"Sounds like you and your brother have got it together."

"Yep. Like we talked, we want you to help us set up for opening. You know you have an eye for design."

Metty said, "Growing up, I wanted to be an interior decorator. Not a sure thing for a career choice." She shrugged. "I chose teaching. I'd like to have a try at your pizza parlor."

"I'll email the details." Angie tested her coffee and put the lid back on. "The restaurant is going to be called PizzaFeast. Darius has some ideas to talk over with you. Darius and I will have our own restaurant!" She grinned happily.

"Restaurants are a lot of work."

"We grew up in the restaurant business. It's in our blood." Angie tossed her head back, brown eyes sparkling.

They talked of the restaurant, school, Angie's wedding, and many other things until it started getting dark. Metty left and walked to her car, thinking her future was brightening a bit.


Alexei walked into Journalism class a few minutes early on Tuesday. He sat by Metty.

"How was your weekend, Metty?" he asked.

"Great. We had a cookout Sunday. How was yours?"

"My cousins own a house on Folly. It's nice to spend time there before it gets too cold to swim. Marco and I spent the weekend surfing and swimming." He sighed happily. "Adam likes to barbecue." He didn't mention that Dolores had invited some ETAs, including Jessica and Madison. Marco played one girl off against the other, amusing himself but no one else.

"Nice. I've got the Library Ghost ready. I've looked over your Gazebo Ghost story and I like it. Only a few edits. Then we've got to finish the Dalmurias Restaurant portion. The assignment is due Thursday."

"I've got the last part of that," Alexei said. "I'll email it now." He tapped briefly on his computer. The email popped up on Metty's laptop.

"Let's begin, class," Professor Sparrow warmed up his drone. "Open your books to the assignment on..."


Two days later Alexei sat in Journalism class reading the final version of the assignment. He scrolled to the end.

"I like it. The pictures are good. The one of you in the gazebo is lovely."

"Thanks," Metty said.

"I'll post it to the drop box."

Alexei typed on his laptop. "It's in."

"Assignments are due before start of class," Sparrow was in full drone. "Five minutes. Then we'll take a look at..."

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