Chapter 16

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Metty and Alexei walked out of Journalism class followed by Marco and Madison. They walked to the ground floor and stopped by the bulletin board. Marco read the new postings.

"The article is accepted. We'll be published in January," Metty said.

"I'm looking forward to it. Don Sebastian asked for copies of the magazine. He and Doña Alma want to meet you when they visit in December."

Metty said, "I'd be honored."

Madison glared at Marco. "You didn't say anything about Prince Sebastian visiting."

"It is private, a family visit. Alexei and I will go home for the holidays."

"Will I get to meet him?"

"Perhaps. This is a family visit."

Madison smiled tightly, but was silent, jealous that that nobody, Metty, would meet Marco's family and she likely wouldn't. She bottled up her anger, knowing it was not the time to push her luck.

"My parents are coming with him," Alexei said to Metty. "You'll meet them, too."

Madison dropped back and tugged Marco's arm. She began to whisper, lips close to his ear. Marco shook his head.

"Are you coming to lunch, Marco?" Alexei asked.

Marco caught Alexei's eye and winced. "I've got to talk to Madison. Wait a minute, and we'll all go."

Jessica rushed in from outside. She went straight to Marco. "Did you see the notice for auditions for the play? She pointed to a pink paper on the board. "Dr. Wilson has written a play based on 'Pride and Prejudice'. I'm trying out for Elizabeth Bennet. Why don't you try out for Darcy? You'd look so good in those Regency clothes." She looked Marco over admiringly, as though she already saw him in tight Regency pants and a slim jacket. Madison pouted as Marco ignored her.

"I think I will," said Marco. It was time to cool Madison off, and Jessica was good for that, and nothing else. The play was a reason to be away from her. Happily, Alexei seemed less obsessed with Jessica.

"I'll audition, too," said Madison. "Elizabeth sounds like a good part."

"There's lots of good parts," Marco said, nodding to Alexei, hoping he'd catch the hint. "Why don't we all audition?"

"Sure," said Alexei. "Metty, what about you? We might be Elizabeth and Darcy." He grinned broadly, winking at Marco.

"I haven't got 'star quality'. Lucky to be one of the lesser sisters." She was silent for a minute, stepping forward as she read the notice. "I think I will. Acting and theater can be good for students with disabilities, so I'll check it out. It'll be fun in any case."

"Good. Monday night at seven at the theater," Marco said, reading from the notice. "Let's get lunch. Jessica, join us?"

She took his arm and they led the others out, Madison trailing behind.


The Almurian Orthodox Church of San Gabriel de Almurias, Mártir, on Greco Street, survived the flood without structural damage. Receding flood waters left mud, debris and trash in the small churchyard and in the church itself. Most of the mess had been cleaned up by a professional damage company.

Father Menuzo organized volunteers on Saturday to clean the church and yard, remove the last of the trash, trim damaged plants, and clear the tiny graveyard. Marco and Alexei volunteered, attracting some of the curious. Many young church members and some students at the College showed up. Marco led the crew inside the church while Alexei handled the lawn and graveyard.

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