Chapter 54

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Metty went to the library at the College to meet Alexei on the first day of classes. She looked for him at their usual table, but Madison and Jessica were sitting there with other ETAs. She walked to the checkout desk, starting to text him, when she saw him waving from the stacks, a wide, happy grin on his face.

He was dressed casually for the cold January weather in an expensive leather jacket and blue cashmere turtleneck that brought out his blue eyes. He walked over to meet her, taking her hand. "I've missed you," he said, kissing her.

"I've missed you more," she said simply, resting against him, relaxing in his warmth. She trembled with relief and wanted to cry. She hadn't realized how worn out she was by Bryan's marriage and her mother's collapse. She straightened up and looked at him. Her hand rested in his.

"I'd like to talk to you. I told you a little when we talked on the phone, but I want to fill you in." Unsure of his reaction, she continued shyly. "On what's happened with my family. If you have time."

"I have time, cara, for you. Let's find a table and talk. Then I will take you to lunch."

At a table by a window, Alexei pulled a chair out for Metty. As she sat down, Jessica came up.

"Alexei, hola." She slid her arms around his shoulders, and kissed his cheek. "Prospero año nuevo." He smiled slightly, and drew back. Jessica pretended not to notice. "I haven't seen you since the Baile des Jóvenes." She turned to Metty and smiled thinly, eyes bright and shining with malice as she stared directly in Metty's eyes.

"It was such a wonderful night." She exhaled, eyes glowing with malice. "Beautiful women in lovely ball gowns, men in tuxedos, dancing in the grand ballroom at the Palace. The orchestra playing, the decorations, the banquet." Jessica's eyes sparkled. "It was like something you'd only see in a movie." She looked Metty over, lingering on the worn jeans and sneakers, and the faded shirt. "I had the pleasure of being there."

"It sounds like you had a grand night. Now it's back to the old grind," said Metty.

"It's not a grind with Alexei here," Jessica said, looking at him.

"Thanks for the flattery, Jessica," he said.

"We're going to lunch at ETA House," said Jessica. "Join us. We're planning a Superbowl party. Madison would like to hear how Marco is doing without her."

"Tell her he's doing great," said Alexei. "Metty and I have plans for the afternoon, so I'll skip your lunch. Thanks for thinking of me. Hasta luego." He stood up and led Metty away. They didn't look back at Jessica, who scowled at them.

"Let's get a private study room," he said. "We can talk and no one can hear us." He winked. "Or join us." Alexei shut the door of the study room behind them. They sat at the table. He took her hands. "Tell me what happened."

She was almost in tears as she filled him in on most of the details of Bryan's elopement, her mother's depression, and the need for her to move back to West Summerville.

"I'm going to have to keep my job at PizzaFeast till school is out. Darius said he could give me an extra shift each week. It'll help."

"Your family will get through this. You say your mother needs a job?"

Metty stared at him miserably. "She doesn't want to work, but her pension won't cover expenses. The other matter is my Grandmother Griffin's will. The house is to be sold, and the money divided between Mom, Cathy, Ben and me when I graduate. Ben wants to buy the house and live there with his family. That should be a good deal for him and Mom."

"That may work out well."

"Yeah, well, he and his wife have an apartment now. Their second child is due in June. They want to move in as soon as possible. Her mother will live with them to take care of the kids when they're working. Mom's gotta leave."

"Will it work out for your mother to leave so soon?"

Metty shook her head. "She doesn't want to move. As long as I can stay there, I'd pay rent. Not much, but it'll help. Thing is, Grandma really can't live alone, either."

Alexei looked down at the table, thinking. He took her hand.

"My plans are to stay in Charleston till August, when I will move to London."

I'll miss you with all my heart, Metty thought, surprised at the depth of her feelings.

"I told you I must work at manual labor during the summer to get part of my inheritance, and I have arranged to work as a pedicab operator in the Market."

The thought of Alexei peddling a cab with tourists, who wouldn't know they were being peddled by a member of a royal family, amused her. His strong legs in shorts, his tan from being in the sun made her catch her breath.

"You smile," he smiled, rubbing her hands. "I'm glad to see you smile again. I will have several months to see you smile."

Metty relaxed. She was glad he hadn't offered her money. That would have embarrassed her. He must have understood that.

"What will your mother do when she sells the house?"

"Move in with Grandma. I suppose I will, too, for a while. Till I save enough for grad school in Boston."

"Your family will get through this. Many families had to deal with loss after Hurricane Paul."

She rubbed his hands. She thought she could fall in love with him as easily as a flower turning to the sun, if she gave in to the way he made her feel. Then her heart would break when he left for London.

"I'm starving," she said. "Let's get lunch."

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