Chapter 69

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Alexei walked into the library. He pushed his hair back, damp from the shower, and shut the door. "You wanted to see me?

"Sí, mijo." Sebastian sat behind the desk, hands clasped. He looked pale and older than his 79 years.

"Are you well? Shall I call Mamma or your valet?"

"No, no, it's not my health." Sebastian raised his head and Alexei saw the tears caught in his eyes.


"Siéntate. Por favor." He pointed to the chair by the desk. Alexei sat and reached for his grandfather's hand. The worn hands, with swollen joints, trembled in his. A tear dripped from Sebastian's eye and slid down the wrinkles in his cheek. Alexei pulled a tissue from the box on the desk and handed it to him. Sebastian wiped his eyes. Alexei waited.

"Popi," Alexei said tenderly. The tears flowed. "Díme."

"Marco was to be here to see President Biden off. He wasn't. He doesn't answer his phone. He insisted on staying at the Belair during this visit, and we allowed it, as it was crowded here, and he has...behaved himself since he returned to Almurias. We thought."

Sebastian took a deep breath.

"Do you know where he is?" Alexei asked.

Sebastian shrugged. "At the Belair. His car is there. His phone locator shows up there. He is not in his room. His bodyguards don't know where he is. He slipped out last night. I think he is with Madison. He left here last night without a bodyguard." Sebastian wiped his eyes again.

Alexei straightened up. "I have Madison's number."

Sebastian looked at him hopefully.

"Do you want me to call? Or trace the location so you can check if Marco is there?"

"Momentito." He picked up the phone and dialed Security.

"Herberto will direct the search. If he's not with that woman, we don't want a scandal. Another scandal."

At a knock on the door, Sebastian said, "Vení." Herberto entered with another agent. They bowed.

Sebastian updated them on Alexei's information. Herberto returned after he and the agent traced it. At their unhappy faces, Sebastian slumped.

"Kyrie, the phone number is at Belair. Perhaps a floor or two below Don Marco's," said Herberto.

"Please go to the Belair. If he is there, bring him here. If he objects, call me. If not, we must look further."

"Sí, Señor." The men bowed, and left.


Two hours later there was a discreet knock on the library door. "Vení," said Sebastian, and Marco entered. He was unshaven and sloppily dressed. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Popi?" Marco stood by the door, wary.

"Gracias, Alejito. I will talk to Marco alone."

Alexei nodded and stood up. He walked over to Marco. Marco stared at him, trying for arrogance, but worry triumphed.

"He loves you, hermano. Perhaps more than anyone else. Remember that. If you love him, if you love Almurias, keep that love in your soul."

Marco lips quivered. His face fell. He walked over to the desk as Alexei walked out. "Popi, Popi," Marco sobbed. Alexei watched as Marco and Sebastian hugged. He shut the door quietly.


The rest of the family was eating lunch in the dining room when Sebastian and Marco walked in. Everyone looked up at the two men. Alma looked around at the others. Sebastian and Marco helped themselves from the buffet and sat down. Marco began to eat.

Sebastian said, "You are all anxious to know what decision we reached about Marco and his new lady. It is not what either of us want, but it passes for now. I will tell you, but, please, do not discuss the matter with outsiders."

Sebastian took a swallow of wine, then another. He put his wineglass down.

"Marco will see Ms. Portnoy as his duties allow, but she will not come to Almurias or to any family events. In time, we will see what will come of it." He stabbed his fork in his pork chop and cut it. He ate a bite. He chewed but seemed not to taste the excellent meat. His eyes were sad.

Marco ate with good appetite, getting seconds and thirds. He talked quietly to the others, ignoring the cheerless vibe.

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