Chapter 76

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She was sitting in the living room, doing nothing, no dinner cooked, when Alexei walked in just before 6:30.

"Hello, Metty. I'm home! Where are you? I don't smell pork chops cooking?" Tears dripped down her cheeks.

He found her in the living room.

"Metty, what's the matter?" He sat beside her.

"Why are you dating me?" she asked.

"I love you."

She pointed to the screen. He looked at the article. He scowled and reached to shut the page, but she caught his hand.

"Don't believe that stuff. I told you, paparazzi will make any connection they can to sell stories. We have to live our lives, not gossip lives.

"You dated all those women, though, didn't you?" She pointed to the screen.

He looked them over. "Yes," he said quietly, turning to look at her. "But only Heidi and Lucía were serious. The others were not serious. Some were just social. You know, company for something.

"What about Jessica?"

"She went out with me a few times. 'Friend-zoned' me, do you call it?"

Metty shrugged.

"I had a crush on her for years, but it was unrequited. She was always after Marco. He wouldn't have her. He knew how much I liked her, and she wasn't his type. He knew what she really was from the beginning. Fortunately, I learned about her in time."

"Would you have left the Dutch girl and the model for Jessica?

Alexei's mouth worked. "At the time, yes. I wouldn't leave you for Jessica."

"I'm not your type," Metty said, scrolling through the pictures.

"No, not like Jessica, gracias a Díos . When I came here, her glamour cracked and I saw the real Jessica. She was, and is, one of the most beautiful women I've ever met, but she's arrogant. Manipulative. Venal. Marco saw that before I did. It was easy to like her less and less. Getting over her was like dropping a weight from my shoulders. Then I met you." He smiled hopefully and hugged her. She twisted slightly away.

"Maybe I'm just the girl you need to get over her. A shoulder to cry on."

He turned her to face him. "Maybe. Maybe not. I fell in love with you. Not at first sight, OK, but the more I knew you the more I liked you. One day, it surprised me this liking was love. A happy surprise. Loving you was right."

He waited for her response.

"I do love you. You're everything I never knew I wanted. Kind, thoughtful, smart, hard-working. A friend. A lover. I can't compete with your other girlfriends—"

He touched his finger to her lips. "They can't compete with you. Loving you is the right thing for today, tonight, tomorrow. Maybe all our tomorrows. Don't give up on us, cara, we are for real."

She turned off the computer and wiped her eyes.

"We'll try. I didn't make pork chops for dinner."

"We'll have sandwiches." He stood up and offered his hand to help her up. "Let's eat on the patio."

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